Industrial and Commercial Times Society

When the new crown virus (Covid-19) spread to countries around the world, the governance capabilities of various countries showed that they were busy with their hands, unable to be caught, and could not be known.In the era of globalization beyond the country's territory, you have me in the mud. I have a world in the mud to make the virus spread more quickly.war.

In modern society, many policy issues are cross -border and inter -sciences. From improving the production of agricultural and grain, promoting social welfare, protecting the environmental ecology, and even responding to global warming, it is involvedWithin some government system, it has been spoken from the digital to the effective operation of the policy to make the policy more grounded; the truth of the truth is only one technical rational age, and the fact you see. Is it true?Age.

What contemporary medical care policies benefit the entire people is that European countries, especially Britain's national health insurance, and European and containing countries are designed with different social welfare and health care and health care.Since the 20 years of this century, the influenza and its huge casualties in the United States have not stopped, but several spreading viruses have basically exempted the difficult country from European countries.For the government, the importance of public health and medical care policies, European socialist countries in related policy areas, after all, pay more attention to citizenship rights than the United States.

The outbreak of the outbreak of Europe and the United States, the political situation of the European Union's comprehensive navigation of the United States, is sincerely.The Italian government's imitation of the magic method of the city's sealing city/locking country in mainland China is the mainstream of comprehensive policies on the influence of other EU countries and Iran and the Middle East countries.However, the study and transplantation experience of policy is applied under the government system of mainland China and it seems valid. Whether it can be applied to Europe and other countries in the Middle East must be a big question mark.

During this period, British Prime Minister Johnson called on the people to wash their hands frequently and the scientific advisory of the British government that 60 % of the people infected by the people of immune antibodies would naturally develop the Buddhist thinking of immune antibodies, which was strongly attacked by the outside world.As far as the past political and social reality, European countries should have a greater medical care energy than the United States.For Britain, which is a model of the National Health Insurance in 1948, Prime Minister Blair began to attach importance to evidence-based decision-making based on evidence-based, especially the cooperation object of the University of London (University College London). It is located in Oxford andMedical empirical data institutions named after epidemiologist Cochrane, based on relevant medical and health information, have also become a decision -making and policy

In view of the statement of the COCHRANE Library, which has a world -renowned medical database, and the British government's remarks on the major focus of this epidemic control and public hygiene, it has been ridiculed by domestic politics and academic circles.Non -official organizations are advertised: evidence worthy of trust, decision -making, and better health (Trusted Evidence, Informed Decisions, Better Health).

In short, the system of medical systems in various countries is different. For Taiwan, which has been implemented for 25 years, the national health insurance has performed brightly for the lock -in -locking of the target of specific objects.However, it can be known that it can be known that in the era of President Lee Teng -hui and Lien Chan, it was implemented on March 1, 1995.This policy is a major policy of a typical socialist country. The policy of life, illness, and death is rich and good, but it is also piled up by taxpayers by taxpayers.

The clever woman is difficult to cook without rice. If the risk of the whole people is shared together, and the cost is shared together, the premium is paid without the premium; from 223 billion at the time of opening, to last year (2019), it exceeded 700 billion health insurance.The total amount, during this epidemic prevention period, uses the lack of policy enforcement that governments of various countries.Whether it is a series of related measures for the real -name system of the health insurance card, or the local pharmacy bureau can cooperate with the government as the base for the mask, which is equivalent to the results of the 25 years after SARS that has been implemented after SARS 17 years ago.However, the price is that the losses in 2019 are 26.6 billion yuan, and the loss in 2020 is likely to exceed 40 billion yuan.

Faced with the global diffusion virus, traditional attention to the design of policy planning and planning design is important for government governance capabilities. However, for politicians, it is probably more important to respond to the determination of public opinion in real time.From the outbreak of problems, the research and analysis of information, the supporting schemes of the information, the necessary decisions are made at different stages, and finally put it into implementation.This entire process involves human (human nature) and politics, so there is no real standard answer.

With the global diffusion of the virus, governments with completely different systems and national conditions have adopted policies that have the same but may lack execution, and they are prominent to encounter political predicament when the virus encounters politics.While receiving from multiple policy information, who and how to implement the most at the grassroots level have become a standardized epidemic prevention operation process, which is the key to the success or failure of the epidemic prevention; any performance at this stage is all medicine in the entire link.The results of nursing staff and being requisitioned by the government's requisition of material manpower.Faced with Momo's virus information and evidence, the process of the public's decision -making process, any policy suggestions require more communication and communication, and this is the direction that the government should work hard.