01 Viewpoint

The new type of coronary virus is raging around the world, and the European and American epidemic is particularly severe.American cases have broken 10,000 classes on Thursday (19th), with more than 200 deaths.The global popularity of epidemics has triggered global stocks, and U.S. stocks have fallen to stop several times, and the economic recession has almost been set into a bureau.This black swan originally made President Trump's re -election. The reaction was slow at the beginning of the epidemic.However, in the past few days, he changed his attitude and actively led anti -epidemic operations. He also took his own self -herself with the president of the war. Since the Korean War in 1950, it launched the National Defense Production Law for the first time, requiring American companies to expand medical materials production.He also promulgated a trillion US dollar stimulus economic measures, including a check for US $ 1,000 to each American adult, which caused heated discussions in the country.

However, the plan for the whole people's money appeared in Congress.The planned obstructive non -conservatives in the Republican Party advocated the death of the large government's large market, but the Democratic House President Pelosi.Perlis said that the plan for the whole people will only benefit the rich, advocate the introduction of asset review, and advocate that the poor can get more funding, and the rich people refuse to get money.However, this proposition was approved as out of the ground.It is necessary to know that the current major cities in the United States are in a semi -sealed city, economic production has fallen into a pause, and most of the nationals have lost their way, but they still have to deal with the burden of rent, loans, and mixed life.The purpose of Trump's all -round money is to send emergency money to each household within two weeks. Instead, the asset review of Pelosi's bedding house will make the procedures complicated and it is difficult to solve the urgency of Americans.Anti -heavier administrative costs.

Democratic Party is referred to the shelf bed stack house

Earlier, Pelosi reached a cross -party consensus with Treasury Secretary Mnuchin to launch a plan to ensure that Chinese people can perform virus testing for free, provide food for grass -roots families, and provide salary leave for small and medium -sized employees affected by epidemic diseases.In order to repairs and make up, it is not helpful to the remaining 80 % of the US migrant workers, nor can it promise to assist in the medical expenses of the infected nationals.Peroci's gentle swallowing plan was the result of compromise with the Republicans of the House of Representatives and Mnuchin. However, Trump announced that he announced a lot of money, which naturally made Pelosi not taste.When the economy was so high and the grass -roots families were ascended, Perosi proposed asset censorship, hissing and exhaustion repeatedly repeating the ideology of no money to give rich people, and it did show that he was behind the situation in the Great Age.

U.S. stock markets and economic pauses, the United States almost affirmed the decline of the financial tsunami in 2008 and even the Great Depression in 1929. At this time, it is necessary for the great innovation of Da Da.However, Pelosi was still intoxicated by the consensus politics of the old age. It turned the tide with a mild plan for small repairs and small supplements, and it was naturally difficult for the society to suffer.Like the mainstream of the Democratic Party, when Obama and Bayeng came to power during the financial tsunami, they used $ 350 billion to enter the market to rescue the financial industry.However, when 1.3 million people in the country went bankrupt, 8.7 million people were unemployed, and 10 million people lost their residences, which caused the global economic collapse of Wall Street, but even in peace, and even the duties of the Kabama government, the wealth did not increase and increased year by year.EssenceAt that time, Obama, who focused on changing slogans, promised to eliminate the corruption of Wall Street and strengthen the supervision of the financial industry.

Twelve years later, the Democratic Party intends to respond in the same method in the Cross Road, the United States coming to the economic crisis.Biden met with Wall Street in the early stages of the primary election, and has promised that everything will not have changed during his tenure.As soon as the epidemic broke out, Biden launched a stimulating economic plan, but it was almost the same as the Perosi plan.Sanders proposed the national medical insurance, exemption of college tuition fees, cancellation of academic debt, and green new policy. Bayendon was fully denied, instead of defending the city's rescue of 100 million yuan in the debate.If the financial industry collapses again within his tenure, whether Biden will use the taxpayer's hard -earned money to save Wall Street's Sands, the answer can be imagined.On the contrary, Trump claims that once the aviation industry and Boeing are facing bankruptcy requirements, they will clearly prohibit these companies from buying back their treasury stocks to fertilize, and they will cleverly uniformly uniformly have a caliber with progressive processes in the Democratic Party.

Republican population economy?

In fact, the Republican Party under the leadership of Trump, which is a big economic populism and protectionism, has gradually put aside the ideological shackles of the small market in the past.Before Trump announced that each US adult citizen had a $ 1,000 plan, Republicans had already proposed the idea of sending money for the whole people, and this person was actually Romney, an elite class from the Wall Street, showing the rapid change of the Republican Party.Of course, Trump ’s one -time money helpless the changes in the structure of the American and economic structure, and he has also repeatedly wanted to abolish Obama Medical Insurance, Social Welfare Guarantee, reduce government expenses, and reduce taxes for billionaires. HoweverTurning, even more left than the Democratic Party, shows the flexibility of Trump in ideology.For the re -election of the voting of civilian, Trump may also not hesitate to imitate Johnson in the UK, increase government spending, and go left to the left.

On the other side, many Americans still remember Obama's entry into Wall Street, but they still remember that the people's austerity policies have remembered the poverty.Change and even reject any reform plan.At this time in 1918, the largest plague since Spain's influenza and the most difficult economic conditions since 1929, the Democratic Party only criticized Trump's Chinese virus words.Trump obviously deliberately criticized China to transfer social dissatisfaction, but the Democratic Party could not cover his own disability, and he could not keep up with the challenges of the times.When Trump vigorously played the war president to resist invisible foreign enemies and launch a national economic assistance measures, the Democratic Party has always been regarded as the role of Roosevelt, a great president, or was robbed by Trump?