The COVID-19 (COVID-19) situation is dangerous, and the World Health Organization has described the current European epidemic on March 14.At this time, Britain's recent statement around Herd Immunity, as well as related rhetoric of French and German government officials, then attracted widespread attention and controversy.

After recruiting criticism from all walks of life.British Health Minister Matt Hancock said on March 15 that Britain had developed a anti -epidemic plan based on professional knowledge. Group immunity was not part of it. This was just a scientific concept, not goals or strategies.Johnson also said on the 10th on March 16 that strict measures need to be implemented on the 10th, and announced that from now on, the British should try at home and voluntarily eliminate (VolunTarily Refrain from) unnecessary.Travel and social contact.

Xia Guoxian and Johnson were considered to be the British government to renovate group immunity.However, it is not.To be precise, the so -called group immunity has always been not anti -epidemic policies, plans or measures, but the idea of resistance, or awareness of the prospects of the epidemic.

Not to mention that the British government is now just announced that there are symptoms and the elderly at home, cancel the school's abroad activities, and suggest that the elderly who are sick should not take the cruise ship. The current thinking has not changed.Because of this, even if it is criticized by all parties, the British government's suggestions for the people are still calm, looking forward to the nationals of the people voluntarily preventing epidemic prevention, and even refusing to closely close public places such as schools, restaurants, cinemas, bars, and stadiums.

So, what about the British Strait?As the two most important EU countries, France and Germany have successively implemented more stringent measures than Britain.For example, French President Emmanuel Macron has already described the current situation as a state of war, and requires citizens to register on the designated official website if they want to leave home, otherwise they will face a fine of 38 euros, and it will be 100,000Police officers are responsible for implementation.On the German side, Merkel also gave a TV speech very rare on the evening of March 18th, calling for all citizens to call on the new challenges since the end of Germany's Second World War, which is related to life and death.

From the perspective of response measures, countries in France, Germany and even Europe have already implemented relatively severe social control measures, which is quite different from the British and the United States that still depends on the style of conscious epidemic prevention.However, although the measures are strict, the European government represented by French and Germany seems to have similar judgments to group immunization.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel believes that facing the existence of viruses, and the population does not have immunity or treatment measures, then 60%to 70%of the population will be infected.The propagation of the medical and health system is too heavy.The top priority is to strive for time.The French government said that the French epidemic prevention strategy was not to prevent the epidemic from the beginning, but to delay the spread of the epidemic. We estimate that the French population of 50%to 70%will be infected with the new crown virus, which will form lsquo; most of the immune RSquo; (DimmmuniteaCuteMajoritaire), causing the virus to disappear by itself.

In other words, although the anti-epidemic prevention policies and measures adopted by countries such as Britain, France, and Germany are different, they all believe that the virus cannot disappear. Humans will eventually coexist with the new crown virus (SARS-COV-2).The formation of group immunity is formed. Therefore, what the government needs to do is to implement different social control measures on the one hand to avoid a large population infection in a short period of time. At the same time, priority to ensure that intensive patients are healed and the medical system is paralyzed.

This is essentially different from the elimination of virus ideas advocated by the World Health Organization.Taking the most representative China situation as an example, the Chinese government's approach aims to maximize the detection of population and comprehensively eradicate cases from the society. Finally, the new crown virus is the same as the SARS virus of that year.Not together with it.If all countries around the world are consistent and follow the suggestions of the World Health Organization, and refer to China to implement strict zero tolerance measures, human beings can completely eliminate the new crown virus.

However, most countries do not have such political execution and social mobilization capabilities. The political system of the election has also limited the decision makers. Therefore, many scientists and decision makers will think that the virus cannot be completely eliminated from the beginning, and this yearAfter that, it will break out in the future.This also answered how the Johnson government can say the words of group immunity.

Johnson was originally a conservative. Compared to the values of life, it was originally a tendency to bid to heaven. From the perspective of its words, it seems that the loss of a certain degree is tolerated.When the election system responds to such incidents that need a large number of social mobilization and resource allocation, there are originally defects, and this objective fact has also become an excuse for Johnson.

However, even if there is such an excuse, it cannot change the fact that its government is irresponsible.

First of all, during January, the Johnson government made a wall view of the epidemic in East Asia, Central Asia, and even southern Europe. It was known that the virus would be introduced to the UK anyway, but did not understand ahead.This is the first point of the Johnson government that is not responsible for MDASH; MDASH; at this point, European and American countries are almost the same. Only the German government is significantly better than other European countries in preparing materials and prevention of epidemics, but there is also insufficient insufficient insufficient insufficient.Essence

Later, the Johnson government put on group immune rhetoric without hard work, and did not know how to meet the difficulties, but the virus would eventually coexist with us, which is tantamount to shirk responsibility.This is the second point of Johnson MDASH; MDASH; at this point, the continental country even includes Japan. Although there are the same group immune cognition, it does not use this as a shield.Prevention and deployment measures.

In the end, after being criticized by public opinion, although the Johnson government withdrew the immunity of the group, there was still no responsibility in the action. Only by calling on the people to consciously publish this method of social exchanges.Seal the city?Worrying about the rebound of public opinion, affecting his prime minister who has been to his prime minister shortly?Is the national safety and their prime minister's position be important?This is the third point of the Johnson government's irresponsible MDASH; MDASH; at this point, the continental national processing measures are far better than Britain. Even if it is overwhelming Italy, its government is at least working hard.The US government on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean was not even as good as the Johnson government. After Trump found out that the epidemic would affect his re -election, Trump began to shirk responsibility and find a scapegoat.

Objectively speaking, it is normal for countries to have different national conditions. In the face of this epidemic, it is normal.Group immunity also has its logic, we don't have to blame anyone for this.However, the most important mission of any country government, even if its social and cultural and system design are different, the most important mission is to protect the people's rights from disaster and injustice.