Hong Kong 01 Weekly

Author: Ye Dehao

U.S. President Trump, who has been singing a new crown pneumonia, finally delivered a nationwide speech on the Chinese people in the solemn White House oval office last Wednesday (March 11).Blame foreign countries, forbid the EU's Treaty of 26 countries to enter the country for 30 days.However, this move failed to settle the hearts of everyone. The Standard 500 Index fell 9.5%the next day, forcing Trump to announce the emergency state of emergency order last Friday (13th).Leading epidemic rescue bill.

As of last Saturday (March 14), the number of diagnosis in the United States exceeded 2,900, and the number of deaths was close to 60. The epidemic spread in 49 states across the country.It is especially serious.[By Monday (16th) in the United States, the number of diagnosis has exceeded 4,660, and the number of deaths is 85.] Duozhou has announced the suspension of schools and canceled public activities. Enterprises have allowed employees to work at home. Various elections and debates will no longer allow the public to participate on the spot. Even the NBA has decided to terminate all the remaining events this season.

At the same time, personal hygiene concepts such as Social Distancing, as well as professional epidemic prevention words such as Flattening the Curve, have also become a popular word for the 24 -hour news media. It can be seen that the epidemic has become a major issue that no one can avoid.EssenceEven Trump, who had been in contact with a number of confirmed people, was forced to receive the virus test due to external pressure. Fortunately, the results were negative.

Hundreds of anti -epidemic errors

According to Trump's response plan, all medical insurance will include the test of new coronary pneumonia within the scope of protection and exempt the relevant fixed fees; the regulation of antiviral therapy will be reduced to allow the drug to be available as soon as possible.In addition, the emergency state order will be opened for $ 50 billion for the use of states, and the medical department will be authorized to relax various legal regulations, so that patients can be easier to accept remote diagnosis.Essence

Trump also persuaded sales points such as Walmart and Chain Pharmacy CVS Health to set up a retailer all over the country.1.4 million available testing to respond to the serious backwardness of US testing.

At the economic level, the White House will ask Congress to provide $ 50 billion in funding, giving small enterprises and regional emergencies affected by the epidemic;fluidity.In addition, after the promise of providing the market with a liquidity of up to $ 1.5 trillion on Thursday (12th), the market is generally expected that the Fed will reduce interest rates by three centimeters on Wednesday (18th).[US time last Sunday (15th), the Federal Reserve has not waited for interest rates, and suddenly reduced interest rates to close to zero interest levels, and injecting up to 700 billion US dollars into the market;The S & P 500 index fell 12%on Monday (16th), the largest decline since the Black Monday in 1987.]

The reason why Trump was shocked by the new crown epidemic, and the new scams of the Democratic Party, on the one hand, many Republican allies and the first daughter Ivanka Trump have begun to separate or stayed in home.Trump has been in contact with people in person. For Trump with cleanliness, the epidemic has become a personal threat; on the other hand, the epidemic has also been transmitted to the US stock market, threatening Trump's economic achievements, and at any timeThe failure of the re -election war ended MDASH; the S & P 500 Index fell nearly 20%higher than the high level on February 19, and twice started the fuse mechanism for 15 minutes to stop the transaction due to the decline of more than 7%.

Trump, who was still compared with the new crown epidemic at the beginning of the week, was previously accused of creating a trivial atmosphere in the White House.The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has also been criticized for adhering to its own development of virus tests and rejection of local self -test prevention and control for several weeks.

In the situation of dishonesty in the people, Trump's two solemn speeches were leaked by mistake.After speaking last Wednesday, Trump was forced to immediately amend his statement that he would not only implement the entry restrictions on EU countries in the speech, and clarify that the goods will not be limited.Successful.In addition, in his speech, he said that medical insurance will be a handling fee for the treatment of new crown pneumonia. Later, it was correct that it only included testing and not treatment. For patients, the two were very different.

When it was announced on Friday to announce the emergency status, Trump specially named Google, saying that the latter had nearly 1,700 engineers in the latter being established to help the public decide whether to undergo virus testing and arrange nearby locations across the country for detection.Website.Later, Google splashed cold water, referring to the system only at the beginning, and was planning to test it in San Francisco Bay Area, which is obviously inconsistent with Trump's princes.

Although Trump's personal support has not been significantly hit by the epidemic, I still remember the fact that Trump had faded the speech of the epidemic in the past to see the fact that the stock market plummeted, the diagnosis of the local diagnosis, and the economic downturn.It is inevitable that Trump, who is full of omissions, is shaken.

Create the opportunity to fight against Trump

In this regard, Democrats certainly want to seize the opportunity to show their leadership ability in resistance.After listening to Trump's national speeches last night, Trump will immediately announce the emergency plan for the Democratic Party late at night to remove Trump's salary tax reduction and exemption measures.A number of guarantees such as household or medical holidays, comprehensive free virus tests, grass -roots food funding, and increased unemployment relief.

Peros personally negotiated with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and talked 13 times with the latter on Friday on Friday.Although Trump still said that he was unwilling to accept the Democratic Party on the same day, he finally made a concession in the early morning of Saturday, so that the House of Representatives passed the bill with the support of the two parties, and became another wave of another wave of medical funds in the earlier of US $ 8.3 billion.Anti -epidemic measures.Pelosi showed that the Democratic Party had begun to prepare for the next wave of resistance, and it was clear that it would be to seize the headlines of anti -epidemic with Trump.[Senate Democratic Party leader Chuck Schume stated on Monday that he would propose a expenditure bill worth at least 750 billion yuan to fight the impact of the epidemic, including funding medical expenditures, temporarily slowing federal debt repayment, suspension of redemption houses, supporting small enterprises, etc.project.]

On the other side, on Tuesday (10th), the Democratic Party and former vice president of the Democratic Party and former vice president of Bernie Sanders, the preliminary selection of the Six State on Tuesday (10th).In addition to the risk of infection that may be caused by its campaign, it followed Trump's speech last Thursday, and personally published a conversation about counter -epidemic in front of the US flag, criticizing Trump to blame other countries, and listed in detail about comprehensive resistance.The plan, such as being elected as president, sang with the Democratic Party of Congress, pinching Trump left and right.

As the epidemic is endless, the Democratic Party has always been the main medical political platform.Medical insurance is no longer a policy discussion at this moment, but a problem that many Americans feel.Some people went to the hospital for a test of new coronal virus, obtained a receipt of 10,000 US dollars, but eventually disqualified from the inspection; some people did not dare to take the initiative to test MDASH because they did not have medical insurance; similar news stories have become commonplace.

According to a survey in December last year, 25%of the interviewed Americans or their families were treated with severe illness due to medical expenses; the number of people without any medical insurance also increased from 25.6 million in 2016 to todayMore than 27.5 million people.Under these circumstances, whether Sanders advocates directly cancel the private doctorThe medical insurance for the treatment of insurance, or the practice of entered market competition with public medical insurance, will expand the scope of guarantee and the popularity of medical insurance.The achievement is better than.

In addition, Americans' perception of Obama's medical insurance reversed after Trump came to power in 2017. The public opinion supported higher and higher. From 48%in 2017, it supported 42%.55%against 37%.When medical issues continue to pay attention to the public, and even the cases of infected diseases that have not been insured, the Democratic Party's medical cards will be a case of campaign to Trump and Republicans.

The economic card returns to the Democratic Party

The U.S. economy entered the downlink trajectory in the election year, and it was the ultimate bad news of Trump.In the case of good economy, Democrats had only cards that were re -assigned by wealth, and there was no capital to talk about economic policies.However, the economic situation reversed, and the Democratic Party had the opportunity to play economic cards.

When the people gradually compared the current economic situation with the 2008 financial tsunami, the Democratic Party's chips became more and more.Now Biden has begun to promote his dead party Obama and how he saved the American automotive industry after Detroit's car workers in Detroit.If the economy will go downhill in the future, Obama will bring the history of the US economy back to the rising trajectory, and it will also be promoted by Biden as its own achievements.

In contrast, Trump ’s undulating and bows on all sides, the economic policy that lacks good at tax cuts except for tax cuts, will definitely become a campaign burden; and his protectionist tendency will make the people remembered to recall it again.The painful history of economic depression in the 1930s.Trump, who has just led the United States into the dilemma of resistance and the economy, from prosperity to decline. Facing Bayeng's trace of saving the economy, there will be no achievements to compare.

Even though the Democratic Party eventually selected Sanders as a presidential candidate, the environmental investment and employment of the new green policy of the New Deal of New Deal could at least given the United States a new economic way to the United States.And Trump has always stimulated the economy of only three axes such as tax cuts, removing regulation, and indirect compression of the Federal Reserve to relax Yinen. These ax are likely to be proven by economic conditions before election.

In his national speech, it is not a financial crisis to the people in his national speech. This is just a short moment when we can cross the country as a country and a world.This is of course his ardent expectations from the heart.However, it is expected that it is precisely because it may fail.