01 Viewpoint

The United States CNN (CNN) published a comment last Friday (13th) stating that if the United States imitates epidemic prevention measures in Hong Kong or Singapore in the early morning, the epidemic is believed to be better.The new crown epidemic was out of the United States and Europe. Many Western countries were at a loss, so they produced a series of proposals such as learning China, studying South Korea, or learning in Hong Kong.Even though the national conditions between the country are different, the anti -epidemic plan is often not able to move the words, but these learning theories are also worthy of the international community's reflection of MDash; MDASH; the government's active and timely intervention measures are necessary.

After experiencing World War II and the Nazi regime in modern western society, the government is generally uncomfortable with the government.However, the government has also controlled the heavy responsibility of re -distribution, especially after the World War II, and many countries in Europe pursue Keynesianism to provide the citizens with ideal living security.

Small government since 1980s

However, in the 1980s, the new liberalism of the United States rose and became popular in Europe.British Prime Minister Mrs. Dewer and the European Union are regarded as the worshipers of neo -liberalism.New Liberalism advocates the privatization of enterprises. The government is just the last gatekeeper of the economy and try not to intervene and participate in economic behavior.The prevalence of neo -liberalism has further weakened the economic function of the Western government, and the small government and large markets are even regarded as a sanctuary. Many people are superstitious that most things can be handed over to the market mechanism.

The concept of the small government may be suitable for a moment, but its weaknesses were exposed in the 2008 financial crisis.New Liberalism overly trusts the ability of the people to solve itself, while over -denying the rationality of government intervention, which makes the government's habit of inaction.After the incident moved, the West unanimously put water in the financial crisis to resolve the crisis with a wide amount of water. At the same time, it seemed that the sores had forgotten the pain and continued to be on the ideological form of the small government.After twelve years, the new crown pneumonia is undoubtedly another wave of impact on the small government.

In response to the epidemic, Western countries generally obtain a stronger and stronger policy response.This is not even the top -down cognition, but the reflection of the people from the bottom up.Earlier, the British government proposed the masses' immunity to have negative anti -epidemic measures, and they were immediately rebounded by public opinion, and even some people even asked to imitate the Italian city.During the anti -epidemic period, the methods that attached great importance to the lower levels in the past are no longer useful. The society must have higher levels of integration and overall planning, so that various resources such as manpower and medical supplies can be used faster and better.In fact, specific anti -epidemic methods such as border flow control, material distribution, and urban measures are not available in individuals or places.Earlier, Andrew Cuomo, the Governor of New York, USA, said that although the state government has tried its best, it is difficult to effectively resist the immunity unless the federal level has greater investment, which reflects the importance of the government.

American state and federal government

CNN's comment states that the government's active and timely intervention measures are the key to defeating the virus.But in fact, this is not limited to the current epidemic.The economic structure and deep -level contradictions must actually have intervention and positive impact on the government.The Hong Kong government's thinking in the past also hugged the small government, so that a series of social problems in Hong Kong could not ease.However, some people advocate self -rescue because the government fails, and hopes to solve the problem through citizen autonomy.Whether it is the government or the citizen, you should re -understand the importance of the government.