
Author: Wang Pei, Beidan Ning

Since the popularity of the coronary epidemic, masks have become one of the most important medical supplies in various countries and regions.On the diplomatic stage, a small mask also triggered a lot of good things.

Iran, Israel, Pakistan, Russia, South Korea, Japan, and European countries all donated medical supplies such as masks, protective clothing, and protective clothing in the first time when the crisis broke out.With the popularity of the epidemic, these countries themselves also need protective supplies such as masks, but they still provide assistance to China selflessly.

At a critical moment of the global spread of epidemic, China also provided support and help to countries with severe epidemic.According to the People's Daily, Li Xingqian, director of the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce, said that despite the current shortage of Chinese masks and drug supply, the Chinese government attaches great importance to and actively support the export of medical supplies.With actual actions, it has contributed to global epidemic prevention.

Although the zero -harmony game has become a common term in diplomatic review articles in recent years, China's diplomatic wisdom always aims to pursue a win -win situation.

Win -win also has two forms.One of us calls weak and mutual benefit, which means that both sides can obtain the interests of their own country.It is understandable that any country will first consider foreign policy from the perspective of their own interests. As long as the two sides think they are beneficial to the people of the country, any diplomatic behavior has achieved a win -win situation.

However, when considering the problem from unilateral interests, weak reciprocity looks particularly fragile.As long as the situation changes, this weak and mutual benefit is no longer effective for one party, then this win -win situation will soon dissipate.

The gentleman is metaphorized by the righteousness, and the friend is harmonious.Another strong benefit is considered from the perspective of this destiny community.From a practical point of view, not only considering the interests of the country, but also the interests of the other party.The win -win situation brought by this strong benefit is much more stable, because the two sides have concluded the relationship between rest and goodness and goodness of each other.

In this epidemic, we see that no matter whether China or willingness to assist China, it reflects this kind of willingness to benefit from each other: when the country urgently needs a mask, we do not give up donations and support for countries with serious epidemics.

Small masks express the determination of kind people to face the determination of raging viruses, as well as the expectations of the future of health and peace.

We saw the people's good wishes for China on the outside packaging of the mask: 岂 我们 我们 我们 我们, with the same robes and brothers, we have made great efforts.Watch the help, and the time is difficult.

The leaves on the tree, the flowers in the same garden.

The aid provided by China to overseas is not just medical supplies.As of now, China has shared multiple technical documents such as epidemic prevention and control and diagnosis and treatment plans with more than one hundred countries and more than one hundred international and regional organizations in the world, and sent a team of experts to Iran, Iraq and Italy.Chinese ambassador to Italian Li Junhua said at a press conference:

We have never forgotten that Italy used to help us before and now, and we hope to invest in peach.

Twelve years ago, on the sixth day after the Wenchuan earthquake, two special planes in Italy came from the wild tent, and some medical experts voluntarily applied for the rescue team voluntarily.After the assistance period, they gave the mobile hospital and a full set of equipment to the people of Sichuan.

I voted for Mu Tao and reported to Qiong Yao.Recently, Italy has become the most serious country except China's foreign epidemic, and EU countries have not responded to the call of the Council to support Italy.China became the first country to renewed to Italy. The first foreign rescue team ushered in the Italian people was the doctors in Sichuan, China.

Italian Foreign Minister Louisi Middot; Dima Yong praised: This is the spirit of unity, hello; hellip; other European countries should support Italy instead of setting up more obstacles.Real friends will appear at the crisis, and the essence of strong benefits lies in this.

Today, the differences in cultural differences in different countries and regions are prominent, and the separation of separationism has appeared in various continents.However, it is precisely today. At this critical moment of the epidemic, we deeply felt the harmony of the connotation in multiculturalism, and more humans were united in the face of disaster and challenges.

The real diplomacy lies not only in communication and communication, but also a win -win situation, and the construction of the community of destiny.The crisis of new crown pneumonia has caused countless tragedies and brought opportunities. The circulation of small masks among countries has made us see.More understanding, help and cooperation between them.

Aoyama is the same as the same wind and rain.As China has always revealed the diplomatic wisdom, the win -win relationship of strong benefits will bring us a better future.