Social Theory March 17, 2020

Since the end of last year in Wuhan in China at the end of last year, the 2019 Coronary Virus disease has obviously achieved results in recent recently, but the virus has spread rapidly outside China.It became a popular episode.With the Eurasian continent across the Pacific and Atlast, the epidemic has also spread, and the US government has interrupted flights from Europe and the United States.There are at least 20 countries in Africa, and the situation is worrying, because the medical and health system in Africa is weak, and I am afraid it is difficult to withstand virus raging.

Globalization has contributed to today's trade and personnel high free flow. For example, the European Schengen Agreement allows European citizens and immigration tourists to freely flow in 26 contractors. Visa -free arrangements between countries around the world are also convenient for people. This is the virus cross -border.Open the door to convenient.From Shats in 2003 to the Middle East respiratory syndrome in 2012, to the current crown disease epidemic situation, the reason why the border epidemic control is loose and loose is the main reason;Insufficient preparation is related.

China ’s outbreak in January, other countries in the world should have enough time to understand the virus and preparation for epidemic prevention. However, the epidemic situation of European and American countries has deteriorated rapidly since early March. They obviously have negligible or underestimating the virus's strongness and infectious power.Western leaders and media have repeatedly criticized viruses in China. It was caused by the Chinese system. This may produce a wrong impression that the virus will not easily spread in the West, or too self -confidence to think that the Western system has congenital immune capabilities.Although there were confirmation cases at the end of January at the end of January, the Chinese people were prohibited from entering the country in early February, but until two weeks ago, the airports of many countries had not yet begun to detect the temperature of entry passengers, and did not require contact information. This undoubtedly increased increases. This undoubtedly increased.The risk of virus spread and the difficulty of tracking.

Outside of Europe, some countries cannot effectively detect or isolate observations because of their limited knowledge of the virus in the early stage. For example, some passengers of the Diamond Princess Cruise will occur in cross -infection during the isolation of the ship;The post -testing was negative, but some people became a confirmed case after arriving at the third country.Some countries may be because of lack of medical resources or unwilling to sacrifice their own freedom of freedom. They cannot face the fact that the epidemic may have appeared in community transmission.Infending diseases such as circles and sports stars can only know seriousness.

The epidemic has spread rapidly in Italy, Spain, Germany, France, etc., and many European countries have taken measures to seal the country to lock the country, hoping to block viruses to go.The United Kingdom will take a different approach, hoping that about seven percent of the population will be infected in the next few months, so that most of the population will have immunity to the coronary virus and achieve the effect of group immunity.Group immunity has always been the goal of the national vaccine injection plan. The British government intends to allow most population to infect the coronary virus to achieve group immunity. It is the first and a gambling.Although the British government seems to have changed its scientific public opinion pressure, it intends to let the elderly over 70 years old be isolated for a long time, showing that it does not care about letting population infection under 70 years old.This means that there may be as many as 47 million people in the UK in the end, and nearly one million people may die. This is criticized by some people as typical physical competitions, and suitable for survival.

A statement made by the British government is to flatten the peak curve of the epidemic and allow the medical system to make resources to treat intensive patients.However, it is not effective for the epidemic period to not effectively curb the virus. For countries that have controlled the epidemic or out of the epidemic, the British will be unpopular.They may bring the virus to other regions such as Africa and South America, so that the epidemic is unable to block the epidemic.This is definitely not conducive to the synchronous recovery of the global economy.

my country is currently controlling the peak of the epidemic as much as possible. We are preventing from blocked at the level. We also strive to find out all patients, block the large -scale spread of the virus in the community, and ensure that there is enough at any time to isolate the patient to treat patients.Singapore is a small country. After lessons from Shas, the government's preparation for preventing and controlling plague is relatively sufficient. At this stage, our strategy is very different from the British group immunity.

Virus spread regardless of skin color and political system, and countries cannot be alone.In this very important period, who is similar to the mutual accusation of the origin of the virus; on the contrary, we also hope to see more examples like Japanese aid China, China aid Italy and Iran.In addition to the self -defending self -defending, it is necessary to work together, including sharing knowledge and technology. It also needs to resist the virus at the same time at the same time. Otherwise, the virus is likely to be periodic in different regions.Globalization is a channel for the rapid spread of viruses, and we must also defeat it with global cooperation.