Industrial and Commercial Times Society

From mid -February to early March of this year, two important events marked the development of western democracy and politics, as well as whether the consciousness and international views of European and American countries had reached a historical inflection point.One is the Munich Security Conference (February 14-16) held after Brexit (February 14-16). In 2019, the European Union planned a warning theme of Westlessness's discussion.The second is that the Democratic Party of the United States Super Tuesday was on March 3. Regardless of the southeast and northwest, the Democratic Party voters rescued Biden. It was very tacitly concentrated.Sanders is qualified for presidential nomination.Is these phenomena meaningful in the current highly globalized Earth Village.

Socialism originated from Europe.Starting from market forces to determine the most efficient way to allocate resources, everyone must compete for limited resources in order to pursue their maximum benefits. As a result, all resources use the most efficient places.However, everyone's natural endowment is different.With competition and stimulating efficiency, in the real world, there must be winners and losers; and in the political world, the class struggle between rich and poor people must be formed.

The Communist Declaration of Marx in 1848 strongly criticized the early socialist and reprimanded the innocent idealist. The scientific socialism he proposed believed that class struggle was the power to promote historical progress.In the 20th century, the Soviet Union and Mainland China had implemented the ideal of communism politically. As a result, the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1990-1991, Eastern European countries invested in the embrace of the European Union, as well as socialism with Chinese characteristics from the mainland.Economically changed his economy for the past year, and the old shop has opened.

In the United States, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, socialism has been a box office poison in the political market. In the past 30 years, no politicians in American politics have dared to claim to be socialist.No., saying that he believes in the political thought of socialism.

In Europe, Sweden, and Britain and Germany, European countries have made European countries go different.The progressive and non -revolutionary socialist route originated from the German Social Democratic Party; after World War II, the social security system of the National Health Services (NHS) and the national annuity was built.EssenceIn addition, the Swedish long -term governing social democratic workers' party, which proposed the vision of the people's homeland from 1932 to 1976 to construct a welfare system from cradle to grave;The system, with the re -distributed income tax system to promote social equality, cooperate with trade unions and strengthen social cohesion, the economic growth pursued, and once established a model of politics in the field of poverty.

After the establishment of the World Trade Organization in 1995, the European and American advanced countries in the first 20 years of this century brought globalization to all earth citizens, and spillover effects have expanded to global governance fields such as politics and culture.The conscious form derived has even formed a globalization of market, justice, and even religion.As globalization has become a veritable world view, in other words, the world must be viewed from the perspective of the entire earth village, instead of looking at the world from the perspective of a single country or region.

When the US Secretary of State Pompeo was in mid -February, at the Munich Security Conference, he shouted loudly: As long as you unite, the Western victory is still carried out now.Or just shouting a political war, it is self -evident.In the face of the sequelae of the rich and poor formed by the development of global economic and trade development in the 21st century, due to the deep factors involved in class, education, poverty, health, generational justice, and even race culture, coupled with the problems of economic transformation and social welfare, it has now evolved into a candidate.Political figures to face major issues.

This is reflected in a series of policy claims by the US Democratic Presidential candidate Sanders from 2016 to this day.The root cause of its root, the reason why poverty exists is because of resources, and uneven distribution; whether these resources can, or not should be distributed fairly, some of which are conscious controversy, but how to allocate more than now is more than now than now.Fairness is a political question that implements social justice and generations of justice.

Since the European and American advanced countries have experienced World War II, the world economy is the most prosperous era of 1960-1980, and European countries have established the world's best social welfare system, and have not taken root in the capitalist country in the United States.However, due to the Western democratic and political system, voters give voters with votes to lesson government power of government. Once the global economic prosperity is no longer, the problem of poverty and the disparity of the rich and the poor has become a normal policy issue, and even if the most typical capitalist in the United States isIn the country, Sanders, who dared to take the banner of socialism, is not surprising.The most important thing is that as long as the U.S. government cannot solve the problem of poverty, he will never be the last politician in the United States to advocate socialism!