The epidemic of the 2019 Coronary Virus disease on Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China not only spread to the whole country, but its confirmed cases and deaths have severely exceeded the 2003 Shas of Shats. At the same time, it has impacted China's economic growth, foreign investment, and domestic consumption.

The crown disease epidemic rays from burning to gradually controlling. Whether the Chinese government's handling of the public health crisis is appropriate, causing a very different point of view.Critics believe that the spread of the epidemic is from concealing the epidemic, delayed notification, and the coordination of central and local policy.This is the problem of lack of improvement and modernization of the national governance system under the centralized system, leading to the lack of local governance and lack of policy autonomy and response;The epidemic situation fully shows the national governance capabilities.

The Chinese government's crisis of this wave of epidemic involves its governing capacity display and the basic maintenance of the legitimacy of the regime; and the initial failure of the epidemic prevention and control reflects the lack of transparency, concealment, slow reports, lies, and extension of the outbreak.Reflects the over -emphasis of the party -state system's over -emphasis, centralized leadership and national governance system, and local governance capabilities.

First of all, the crown disease epidemic has no room for improvement in the national governance system.This root causes that the authority of authoritarian dictatorship has caused citizens to be unable to supervise the government. Officials' hidden epidemics leads to delaying the timing of gold and making errors.

The Chinese government strengthened accountability responsibilities, and immediately pulled off the officials to abandon the car Baoshuai to make the public protest and blame.On February 13th, the Communist Party of China announced that the mayor of Shanghai Ying Yong was replaced by the former Hubei Provincial Party Secretary Jiang Chaoliang and the secretary of the Jinan Municipal Party Committee Wang Zhonglin.

In order to effectively achieve the control of the crisis of the public epidemic, the Central Committee of the Central Committee held on February 14th on February 14 proposed to build 15 systems, nine mechanisms and four systems to strengthen the country's ability to prevent and control the epidemic prevention and control with emergency response to the public.Crisis incidents, thereby improving the foundation of government credibility and legality.

Secondly, the party -state system is based on stable thinking and limits the independent reporting of the news media.This wave coronal virus spread rapidly in January, and the most critical factor comes from the rigid national governance system of excessive concentration of power.This governance system lacks the space for transparency and freedom of news and speech, which has led to concealment and reports of the epidemic, delaying the time of preventing and controlling the epidemic.The social management system that maintains stability first makes the information cannot be disclosed and the affection cannot be reached. Officials at all levels are deceived and concealed.The virus has no perception and no protection measures, resulting in the continuous spread of the epidemic.

It is worth noting that during the raging crown disease, the Chinese social elite also showed the desire to pursue the transparentness of the epidemic and the space for freedom of speech, but was suppressed.For example, Dr. Li Wenliang and other eight people and other eight people were detained by the police for exposing the epidemic, and Hubei Province reporter Zhang Ou'an asked the leaders of Hubei Province and Wuhan City to step down.The apology, and Professor Xu Zhangrun from Tsinghua University, who criticized the outbreak of the epidemic, was derived from the totalitarian system. It was more disaster than the natural disasters. Citizen reporters Chen Qiushi and Fang Bin who deeply penetrated the Wuhan epidemic scene were also rumored to be disappeared.It seems that the voice of freedom for a while, but in the end, it did not arouse the large -scale citizen's rights protection movement.

Furthermore, the expansion of the outbreak of the epidemic and controlling the control of the centralized party and the governance system.The modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities pursued by China appears to be more disorderly and chaotic in the management of major public health events in the coronary virus. Even some people criticize China's governance system and ability is undoubtedly the fundamental reason for this big catastrophe.

The prevention and control of this wave of epidemic may challenge the modernization process of China's national governance system and governance capabilities, and even delay the achievement of comprehensively building a well -off society and the great national rejuvenation goals.However, paradoxication is that it is this centralized system that can fully play the ability to mobilize and conduct comprehensive crisis treatment.The prevention and control of coronary virus is highlighted to highlight the modern gap between the party state system and the governance system, forming a conflict between centralized centralization / decentralization, and governance of a single core / diversified center.

Finally, it damages China as an international image of socialist modernization.As the world's second largest economy and the third largest military power, China claims that the Chinese model with Chinese characteristics has the four major self -confidence of roads, theories, systems and culture.The party -state system has always been called Almighty, collectiveism or tough authoritarianism, and postponed authoritarianism. It emphasizes high concentration of power, opposition to the separation of three powers, division of power, checks and balance of power, and political and political party politics of Western parliament.

Several international media criticize the control of the epidemic, which is exposing the disadvantages and vulnerabilities of the right to collect right. The system is full of corruption, low efficiency, lack of transparency and accountability.This may not be a complete and objective comment, ignoring effective governance measures taken by the Chinese government in the process of epidemic prevention.In this regard, in the face of the post -coronal virus era, the Chinese government is needed to strengthen the shape of improvement of international image.

The prevention and control of the Coronatte disease epidemic is not enough to modernize the complete national governance system and governance capabilities; at the same time, it highlights the control of the freedom of the country's news media and the control of social autonomy; it also harms the image of Chinese socialist power and great power.

The author is an assistant professor at the Department of Public Affairs of Taiwan Foguang University