China Focus

Does China have a mistake in responding to the epidemic of coronary virus disease in 2019?At present, there is a common slogan in China, that is, external prevention inputs, and internal defense spread.However, the so -called external defense input actually leads to preventing people from foreign countries, and it is almost regarded as an epidemic area outside the local area.If it is too late, this kind of measure is obviously overwhelming, resulting in separation from each other.

In the case of generally entered semi -closed or even closed state, the economy has also been seriously affected.Until recently, the sum of the new cases of new cases from all provinces and cities outside Hubei, it is already a digital number (or slightly), but all places (especially Beijing) are still guarding those from other places, even if they are not from the epidemic area.

Here we must explore the issues determined by the epidemic area (or key areas of the epidemic). The Chinese central government has not yet given clear standards; and in the near future, this necessity has also been reduced as the epidemic has weakened.

It is indeed inappropriate to use the whole province of Hubei as an epidemic area. The scope is too large. It is determined that the most prefecture -level administrative district (municipal administrative district) is determined that the epidemic area should not be based on the provincial administrative region.For example, the Shennongjia in Hubei has only 11 confirmed cases so far, and it is obviously not deserved as an epidemic area.

Like Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, there are more than 500 confirmed cases so far, but it has not been officially determined as an epidemic area.However, some local governments regard Wenzhou as an epidemic area. For example, Around February 20, Shenzhen stipulates that the return of Hubei and Wenzhou returning personnel must be isolated and observed for the 14th.

On February 7, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province issued a notice, and all persuaded people returning to seven provinces from Hubei, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Henan, Hunan, Anhui, and Jiangxi; the next day, Yangzhou also issued a similar notice.This is the scope of the local government's own identification of the epidemic area (or key areas of the epidemic).Earlier, the central government should clarify the list of cities in the epidemic area and prohibit all places from treating non -epidemic areas like epidemic areas.Wuxi and Yangzhou regarded seven provinces as the epidemic areas, and the scope was indeed too large, reflecting that local governments intensified the panic of the local government when they faced the return of the city and the return of epidemic prevention.

In the case of determining the epidemic area and strictly implementing the city, the majority of non -epidemic areas should have been as normal as possible to maintain social life and economic activities.Even in late January, due to inadequate mastery of the diffusion of the epidemic, pressing a suspension key to the entire society should be used as soon as possible to make the economic and society of non -epidemic areas gradually recover normal.Full flow.

However, to mid -February, in many cities in non -epidemic areas, residents' living communities are implemented with closed management. Residents enter and exit vouchers, and some even stipulate that each person is allowed to go out only every two days. Foreign vehicles and personnel are prohibited from entering.In this case, it is inconvenient to pick up express, and online shopping is also affected to a certain extent.

On the street, a large number of shops are closed, there are fewer vehicles and pedestrians, and a depression scene.The situation has improved in early March, and the number of stores has gradually increased, but a considerable part of the business is still not open.Even if a bus company reduces the frequency of departure, there are still fewer passengers on the car.Many residential communities still have restrictions, although they have been relaxed.

In the early days of the comprehensive prevention and control of China in the end of January, China referred to the experience of the prevention and control of Sans in 2003 and intensified, trying to completely eliminate the epidemic in a short period of time. This idea is problematic.Due to overall measures to take overall prevention and control, it actually exacerbates the degree of panic of society and has led to economic and society in a state of sudden braking.

It is necessary to point out that the death rate of crown disease is low, which is an important difference from Shas.Outside Hubei, the mortality rate of crown diseases in each province is mostly less than 2%.In addition, on February 21, Wang Fusheng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that crown disease is a self -limited disease. Even without treatment, clinical symptoms will disappear and will not cause permanent damage to the body.For this disease that is not difficult or even healing, it is obviously excessive with the method of entering semi -closed or even closed in various parts of the country, and it is too expensive to deal with the whole society.

The lesson brought to China this time is extremely profound: not only involved Hubei to start a major public emergencies, the first -level response is too late (even if the second response is sufficient), which is related to bureaucracy, including 1On the 23rd, Zhejiang launched the first -level response to major public emergencies.

Zhejiang can be described as the initials, and then the provinces and regions have followed up, including Tibet, which has only one confirmed case to date. As a result, the entire society seemed to press the pause keys at that time. Its negative impact has been appeared, and it is difficult to completely eliminate it for a period of time.

The author is a scholar, a doctor of history