Chen Kang

Who do you rely on the state and manage public affairs?Of course it is the government.Many people think that this is a matter of nature.However, as the governance problems faced in modern society are more complicated, benefits and demand are more diverse, since the 1990s, public management theory emphasizes the importance of mobilizing the power of the government outside the government., Enterprise and Social Organizations are composed of the three.The three governance subjects cooperate with each other and each director, as lacking as a three -leg of a stool.This new concept of governance has been supported again in the practice of Wuhan epidemic prevention in China recently.

Faced with the aggressive 2019 coronary virus epidemic, Wuhan began to block virus infection channels with measures to seal the city on January 23, 2020.After the implementation of closed management, enterprises and social organizations have stopped operating, and it is difficult for social organizations across regions to directly contact the help of Wuhan.This measure objectively created a unique environment, allowing us to observe that under the conditions of basic absence of enterprises and social organizations, the government shall bear the responsibility of public governance alone.

It is true that the strong ability of China's centralized government to control and mobilize resources is beyond doubt.In a short period of time after Fengcheng, the government mobilized tens of thousands of medical personnel from all over the country and a large number of medical supplies that were short of shortage of medical supplies to support Wuhan.It took only two weeks, and the Vulgar Mountain Hospital and Lei Shenshan Hospital with thousands of patients were completed and put into use.Immediately afterwards, Wuhan built 16 prescription hospitals for tens of thousands of mild crown diseases.After a month of hard work, Wuhan Hospital can finally accept the crown patients, and the epidemic has been effectively controlled.

The highly centralized national system has the advantage of efficiently achieving a single policy goal.However, the experience of Wuhan Fengcheng tells us that although the government has strived to be meticulous, but because of different starting points and asymmetric information, there is inevitable omissions during the implementation process and cannot be caught in everything.The role of enterprises and social organizations in public governance is indispensable and irreplaceable.

The role of an enterprise is indispensable

The epidemic of Wuhan quickly broke out and medical supplies were lacking.A difficult one, P Plus support.When assisting supplies were transported from all directions to Wuhan, the logistics volume increased rapidly.At this time, the delivery of large goods needs to be sent to the donor and the hospital to find a way to rely on volunteers to help handle it.On the other hand, because the government's request to donate supplies is uniformly handled by the Wuhan Red Cross Association, and the Red Club is not enough and lacks experience, resulting in the accumulation of donations of donations, paralysis of logistics, no scheduling, and the supplies accumulated in the warehouse cannot be assigned to it in time to be assigned to it to the warehouse to be assigned to it in time.Urgent first -line medical staff.

The government later counted the problem of the donation materials that had a headache for Wuhan's red meeting and gave it to a private pharmaceutical logistics company for processing.Professional things are done to professional people, and the effect is very different.The company was able to complete the process of emergency pharmaceutical supplies from goods to distribution within two hours, and immediately relieved the logistics bottleneck.

The above example reflects the importance of enterprises to participate in public affairs.Later, when Chongqing, Shandong and other foreign governments organized a donation of nearly 1,000 tons of vegetables to Wuhan, this model came in handy.Because vegetables are prone to rot and unfavorable storage, no one handle it in the warehouse quickly.The Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Commerce decided to handle vegetables to the three major commercial supermarkets for sale. The income was paid to the market finance as an epidemic prevention fund. It not only avoided complex distribution solutions, but also reduced unnecessary waste and transaction costs. It was a smart way of handling.Although the free vegetables were sold for free, some people were questioned, and everyone could understand once explained.

Another problem brought by Wuhan Fengcheng is that local medical staff do not have public transportation at get off work, and the resolution of this problem is inseparable from the support of the company.A online car ride -hailing company organized online car drivers to participate in the volunteer team and take the delivery of doctors and nurses to get off work; there are also some companies that provide shared bicycles and electric vehicles to use the medical staff who are closer to the hospital.

The above example illustrates the importance of cooperation between public and private sectors.Such cases are becoming more and more common, and many enterprises have specially set up corporate social responsibility departments to deal with issues related to public affairs.

The role of social organizations is irreplaceable

Social organizations have the advantages of being close to the masses, discovering problems in time, and flexibility of action, and play an irreplaceable role in public governance.During the Wuhan resistance, most of the participation of social forces was initiated and organized by volunteers.

Medical staff in Wuhan's support for Wuhan was arranged in hotels.However, the hotel does not provide meals after Fengcheng, and the meal problems of this part of the medical staff cannot be solved.Wang Yong is a SF courier and a driver of a network car.Not only did he launch a online car driver to participate in the volunteer team to pick up the doctor and nurses to get off work, but also discovered the meal problem of the hotel medical staff in time.Wang Yong organized volunteers to provide instant noodles and hot water, and also found restaurants, restaurants, and convenience stores to provide free lunch boxes to solve the problem of eating for 7,800 medical staff.Another volunteer is Liu Xian, a post -90s generation from Sichuan.She rushed to Wuhan with her colleagues and gave 500 boxes of lunch to the medical staff of the designated hospital every day. It has been persisted for a month.

Volunteers and social organizations actively solve their problems for medical staff, and they did another thing they did.Liang Yu, who was far away from Wuhan, saw that the medical staff wore a protective clothing, wearing a mirror, and gloves, and the gloves and sleeves from the TV screen. She immediately thought of a female medical staff.EssenceOnce I asked online, it was found that female medical staff had a huge demand for sanitary nostrils, and what she wanted was not ordinary sanitary napkins, but more durable peace pants (trousers sanitary napkins).Liang Yu immediately and Wuxi Lingshan Charity Foundation jointly launched an online fundraising activity for sisters' war -to -disease operations to raise funds for medical staff.On the one hand, she formed a volunteer team to raise donations from the society and manufacturers. On the one hand, she called and published a group in the hospital to count the number, demand, and size of female medical staff.In less than a month from February 7th to March 2nd, the sisters' war and peace of mind had raised and coordinated the donation of 550,000 peace pants and 300,000 in one -time underwear.

Because Anxin pants are not included in the necessary material projects that are uniformly purchased by the government or anti -epidemic headquarters, they cannot enjoy the green channel. Volunteers must also find ways to transport themselves.Fortunately, there is a universal WeChat group. As long as the Liang Yu team wrote in detail the needs of the delivery and sent it into various groups, there will always be a local spontaneous volunteer team to help deliver the goods.The peace of mind is also supported by some enterprises. Manufacturers donate peace pants, and logistics companies are delivered for free.

Anti -disease is a major event. Medical staff who fight on the front line naturally become the focus of society.However, anti -epidemic also forced other patients to give way. The surgery must be delayed, and patients with dialysis need to be dialysis cannot do dialysis.After Wuhan realized closed management, traffic restrictions, outpatient clinics, pharmacies did not open the door, and patients with chronic diseases had become a problem.A young middle school teacher named Wu You discovered the problem of buying medicine difficulties and initiated an organizational obligation to send a drug delivery team. Riding an electric vehicle for more than 600 helpers to buy medicine and medicine.

Fengcheng has also caused huge inconvenience to many foreign people who work in Wuhan.They originally intended to return to their hometowns for the New Year, had retreated to rent, handled their daily necessities, but were abandoned in all corners of the city.They couldn't return home, and they could not solve them.Volunteers in Wuhan sent them food and distributed masks, and sent warmth to foreigners in the cold winter.

Under the raging epidemic, there are thousands of deaths in Wuhan.Those who experienced so many deaths are difficult to avoid psychological trauma.Psychological counselors in Wuhan, Sichuan, Shanghai, Beijing and other places volunteered to open a psychological assistance hotline to serve the help as help.

Fang Fang, a Wuhan writer in the siege city, wrote in his diary: In the early Wuhan, the city was rushed to seal the city, just like a large barrel with a hundred holes and no bottom.The government's full energy was busy putting the bottom first.The hundred holes and thousands of seams by the barrel are unable to take care of it.Thanks to the appearance of countless volunteers, these young people are too amazing.They are blocked when they see the holes, and they are filled when they see the seam.It turns out that the government must take everything and lead the lead.Can't do it.Without the participation of countless volunteers, social organizations and enterprises, Wuhan's anti -epidemic operations cannot persist.

Wuhan's experience also tells us that China has experienced economic development since the reform and opening up. People's citizen consciousness and social participation have improved, but they have no or unable to organize.The participation of social forces was mainly launched by volunteers this time.Volunteers who do not organize are scattered and invalid, coordinated difficulties, and lack of ability to verify information and organize resources.For example, volunteers who want to help foreign stayers sometimes spend a lot of effort to deploy transportation materials. As a result, they found that the acceptance of the help target was no longer there and returned without success.

The lack of social organizations has also affected the government's work efficiency.When decided to comprehensively investigate the case of coronary disease, the government found that community staff was far from sufficient, so tens of thousands of volunteers went to the community to serve.Many volunteers are puzzled: Why spend a long time to other communities every day?Why not do the same job in your own community?Obviously, if there is a collaboration between community social organizations, it can be better and efficient.

Wuhan Fengcheng is still continuing. Enterprises, social organizations and volunteers are still dedicating silently. They are still participating in the management of public affairs, providing scarce public products, and also providing us with a valuable revelation.

The author is the director of China Project Director of the School of Public Policy, the National University of Singapore.

Wuhan Fengcheng's experience tells us that although the government has strived to be meticulous, but because of different starting points and asymmetric information, there is inevitable omissions during the implementation process and cannot be caught.The role of enterprises and social organizations in public governance is indispensable and irreplaceable.