Zhu Zhiqun

The Chinese Kuomintang held a re -election of the party chairman on March 7. Jiang Qichen, a 48 -year -old party legislator, won the vice chairman Hao Longbin with a vote rate of 68.8%.After being elected, Jiang Qichen immediately spoke, thanked the party members who did not vote for him, and vowed to work hard in the next two months, carrying the burden of reform, and recovering the pride as the Kuomintang.

He said that in the shortest time, the three major Kuomintang Redesign (redesigned the Kuomintang) solution proposed during the campaign, the party line, and the talent policy of the talent policy.He also mentioned that he will always keep in mind the founding of the party's three civilian creators, so that the Kuomintang will become a political party that implements democracy, grounding, defending the Republic of China, and revitalizing the Chinese nation.He did not mention cross -strait relations in his conversation.

Obviously, Jiang Qichen focuses on the internal reform of the Kuomintang, hoping to reorganize a political party that has taken the lead in realizing democratic politics in the Chinese world and regaining governance.It is regrettable that this time the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China did not send a congratulatory message in a timely manner in time. Instead, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council stated that the current cross -strait relations situation is complicated and severe.There are both political foundations, including the 1992 consensus, opposing Taiwan independence, to play the role of cross -strait communication bridge, and work hard to maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Sea and the benefit of the compatriots.

On the second day after the election, Jiang Qichen said that the part of the congratulations, he respected the land side, but did not affect the reform of the blue camp.He said that with the CIMC, the United States and the United States, and the friendly, the Kuomintang consistently cross -strait and international policies. After taking over as the party chairman, he will actively rebuild Taiwan with major international partners and harmonious relationships with the other side.Jiang Qichen's statement seemed to lift the doubts of the land on his cross -strait policies.

Jiang Qichen was born in Fengyuan, Taichung in 1972. After graduating from the Foreign Affairs Department of the Political University of Taiwan, he was awarded the future leader of the Kuomintang.In 2002, he returned to Taiwan after obtaining a doctorate degree from the University of South Carolina University of South Carolina. He served as an assistant professor and associate professor at the Department of Political Science at Soochow University and served as the director of the International Affairs Office of the Taiwan Institute of Economics.

In 2010, Jiang Qichen was prolonged by the Ma Ying -jeou government at the age of 38 to serve as the director of the Executive Yuan of the Executive Yuan.In 2012, 2016, and 2020, the Kuomintang was put into the Eighth Election of the Legislative Council member Taichung City, and all won the election.He is also the highest voting among the 2020 KMT legislators.There is no doubt that Jiang Qichen is currently the most suitable candidate for the Kuomintang Party.

In the case of increasing worsening cross -strait relations, the Kuomintang selected a new and young and pragmatic new chairman, bringing a new hope to cross -strait relations.Maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait is the common wish of cross -strait, so the mainland has great expectations for the Kuomintang, which has always supported the peace of the two sides.The Kuomintang personnel adjustment involves the future of the two parties and cross -strait relations. It is inevitable that the mainland attaches great importance to it.

The Cross -Strait policy of the Kuomintang is still being adjusted, and the outside world cannot be prejudiced and cannot put too much pressure on Jiang Qichen.The Chinese Communist Party should cooperate with the Kuomintang to actively support Jiang Qichen's reform efforts.If the Kuomintang cannot reorganize, it will further be marginalized and lose the support of the people of Taiwan, especially the support of young people.A Kuomintang with public opinion support and powerful will be more confident to deal with cross -strait relations and bring new hope to cross -strait relations.

Taiwan society, including the Kuomintang alternate, gains the support of young people is the key to the rebirth of the Kuomintang.At present, the elections in Taiwan, voters under the age of 40 rarely voted to the Kuomintang, which makes people question whether the Kuomintang is old. Can it be selected?According to a sampling survey by Taiwanese scholars, 72%of voters under 40 years old were voted to Tsai Ing -wen during the presidential election in January this year.Taiwan's main body is strong. Young people basically do not think they are Chinese. They are unclear what the 1992 consensus is. Several major political parties in Taiwan are also taboo to be labeled with pro -China.

Judging from the past speeches, Jiang Qichen was more pragmatic and cautious on the cross -strait issue.For example, after the nine -in -one election in 2018, Jiang Qichen said that Kaohsiung, which was unable to talk about the 1992 consensus in the past, won 150,000 votes, which means that it is a fake issue.The Democratic Progressive Party talked about the status quo or advocating Taiwan independence. When it was in power, he did not dare to promote it. The Kuomintang talked about the 1992 consensus, and he did not promote unification after governing.The two parties are lsquo; LSquo; lsquo; independent rsquo; The topic is based on the topic. In practical implementation, frankly is the same.

He believes that most Taiwanese people are eager for cross -strait relations to be peaceful and safe, and allow them to live a good life. The issue of sovereignty is not unimportant, but there may be no final solutions in a limited life.Rather than trying it, it is better to put it temporarily.

In recent years, the DPP government has distorted the 1992 consensus to equate it with the two systems of one country, so that the 1992 consensus was not accepted by most people in Taiwan.Jiang Qichen pointed out at a press conference of the party chairman's campaign in February this year that the consensus in 1992 was a bit old. In addition to the Hong Kong anti -repair campaign and 2019 coronary virus disease, the people of Taiwan became increasingly unbelved in the mainland and affected the consensus on the 1992 consensus.And Kuomintang's support.

Although there are still party members supporting the 1992 consensus within the Kuomintang, most party members, especially young party members believe that they should review cross -strait relations discussions and rethink the foundation of cross -strait cooperation.These all reflect the current situation of Taiwan.When Jiang Qichen saw these phenomena, the courage to face it also reflected his pragmatic side.

It must be pointed out that because the Kuomintang is currently on the opposition party, the party chairman's replacement actually has a limited impact on cross -strait relations in the near future.Mainland China can take this as an opportunity to adjust the policy of Taiwan to make it more grounded. At the same time, cheer for the Kuomintang reform and youthful shouting, so that the Kuomintang has the opportunity to turn over.Of course, the Democratic Progressive Party is currently the ruling party of Taiwan. If mainland China wants to break through in the short term of cross -strait relations, it is necessary to flexibly communicate with the Democratic Progressive Party on the basis of not giving up the principle, accumulate goodwill, and obtain both parties through negotiation and negotiations.Acceptable new consensus.

As for cross -strait relations, the mainland should look at the future.At the appropriate time, the CCP should actively invite Jiang Qichen to visit the mainland, meet with the CCP leaders to establish a good foundation and connection channel.How to make internal things well is still more attractive to make the mainland more attractive.

The author is the University of Buckle

Professor of Political Science and International Relations

If the Kuomintang cannot reorganize, it will further be marginalized and lose the support of the people of Taiwan, especially the support of young people.A Kuomintang with public opinion support and powerful will be more confident to deal with cross -strait relations and bring new hope to cross -strait relations.