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The European and American epidemics are severe. WHO announced the global popularity (Pandemic). At least 38 states in the United States have an epidemic, and the 8 states have entered an emergency.The performance of the White House resistance is more and more questioned, and the virus testing has not been in place. President Trump has repeatedly diluted the epidemic, compared the COVID-19 virus to general influenza, and compares it with the mobilization of the multi-country leader war.Trump is good at populist struggle, and a fake news has become a weapon to cope with political criticism. However, the virus will only spread silently and will not lie, and it will not be able to defeat. If the U.S. epidemic deteriorates, it may take over Trump's election.Under the American capitalist system, the social security network is limited and the medical expenses are high. Singapore Foreign Minister described that the epidemic test testing the medical system and government governance quality of each country this time.If the US immigration is lost, it will not only exacerbate global diseases, but even damage the credibility of democratic politics.

White House Dilute the epidemic

Affects people's epidemic prevention

The American epidemic spreads, and the latest confirmed cases have broken a thousand, and at least 31 are dead. The National Health Director calls on Americans to prepare for psychological preparations, and the virus will explode in a large scale in China.At present, Washington, California, and New York State have entered an emergency. Governor Ge Mo, New York, has set up a immune area in Sn Roshel City, the hardest hit area. Schools and large public places are closed.People who transport food and do not need to quarantine, they can still enter and exit freely.China and Italian political systems are very different. In order to immigrate to the launch of mandatory urban measures, in contrast, New York State pursues self -discipline isolation, and the governor emphasizes that isolation facilities instead of isolation.Americans's freedom of freedom is deeply rooted, and the ones generally believe that forced isolation is not possible in the United States. However, whether American self -discipline isolation can effectively resist the disease, it is unknown, and the effect needs to be verified.

The United States has first -class medical technology and top health and epidemic prevention experts. However, the immigration work of Washington has failed to give people confidence. The general public's awareness of epidemic prevention is also very relaxed. Some people even believe that influenza is more threatened.Trump has repeatedly stated that the United States has prepared to cope with any situation, the risk of Americans is very low, but reality seems to be another matter.

Anthony FAUCI, an American disease control expert, has been a consultant to the Washington Epidemic Prevention since Daenen, which has been similar to China.This week, he urged Americans to start seriously on the threat of epidemic, and to understand that he could not live like a few months ago.The US Minister of Health also said that COVID-19 is a major health threat, and no one tries to dilute this.What is closed, there are only hundreds of confirmed cases now, please think about it.Trump is most concerned about the two sets of numbers, one is the support rate of polls, and the other is the US stock index.Trump has repeatedly sang against health officials and experts, causing questions about the choice of the TCS stocks. If this is indeed his idea, the development of the American epidemic is really worrying.

Trump's resistance policy is mainly inseparable from three moves. The first trick is to stop flying, and the remaining two tricks are tax reduction and tax reduction.Lingdan, the medical crisis of medical care, can only be resolved by medical treatment. As for the stopping of the air, many studies have already shown that if they do not cooperate with other community epidemic prevention deployment, these practices can only be delayed.The confirmed cases in the United States are lower than many countries. Because of the serious lag of virus testing, it is still limited to those who have detected in China and other places at the end of last month.Only to take measures to increase the testing ability. Vice President Pence claimed last week that any American can accept testing, but reality is that many people still cannot be tested so far.The U.S. Centers for Centers for Centers will no longer publicize the number of public tests on the website last Tuesday, which has caused concealment.

American capitalism is tested

Democratic Credit Credit Cerhauts of the War of Resistance

From this month, the White House unified epidemic information has been released. All government officials and experts will be approved by the Vice President's Office in advance to talk about the epidemic on television, and even the palace experts will be no exception.Although Fudi emphasized that no one wants him to speak, he also admits that you will not want to fight against the president, and you need to be careful to find a balance to ensure that you can continue to tell the truth.When authoritative experts tell the truth, they must consider political pressure, how can the situation be ideal.John Barry, a historian who specializes in the history of plague, pointed out that in 1918, at that time, the US government strictly controlled the epidemic information. Officials claimed that the virus was only a normal influenza, which caused the epidemic to deteriorate.The lessons of concealing the epidemic may cause trouble.

The virus does not have a mouth gun, and the ability to tell the truth.It is the doctor of Singapore Foreign Minister, Victoria, described that this epidemic is a severe test of the medical system, governance quality and social capital of each country.There are many problems with medical services in the United States, but there are many problems with medical services.Under American capitalism, there is no large public medical system in the United States, and the social security network is also very weak. Many poor people do not have medical insurance, and it is difficult to pay thousands of dollars of virus testing and treatment costs.Poison; Trump's strong attitude towards expelning illegal immigrants may also make many illegal immigrants dare not seek medical treatment to prevent law enforcement from arrest.Nearly a quarter of the US migrant workers did not have paid sick leave. In order to stop stopping, they had no choice but to do sick work, and they could infect colleagues and customers.All these have exacerbated the risk of the spread of American epidemic.Trump's major cutting medical expenditure in his tenure is even more worried that once the epidemic explosion is explosive, it may overwhelm the US medical system.

Western public opinion often emphasizes that the information of democratic countries is free to open and will not conceal the epidemic, and has an institutional advantage in preventing and controlling the epidemic.Washington's immune manifestation is good or bad, not only about life, but also about the credibility of democratic politics.If the U.S. epidemic explodes, the world will be seriously affected. No one wants the U.S. epidemic to get out of control. Washington is a person, and it must strengthen the response of resistance and not to dilute the epidemic.