The global situation in the past 10 years is turbulent.The Spring Spring of Arabia, which overthrows the dictatorship, has become a loss, and many countries continue to fall into the unstable situation; extreme organizations of Islamic State (ISIS) rose while chaotic, launching terrorist attacks or even the country in many places.The influx of refugees into the crisis made the original European Union tearing, and the right and populist forces rose up; the British referendum chose Brexit, and the roundabouts were finally passed through the Brexit agreement, but the prospect was still unknown.At the end of the 2010s, a large -scale demonstration from all over the world has risen and falls, and it has settled for 10 years.It has to be mentioned that Trump has changed from a wealthy businessman and TV celebrities. Blasting Da Leng became the 45th president of the United States, and was regarded as a symbol of populism sweeping the world and reversed international politics.The US presidential election in the next year will continue to become the focus of the world.

Arab Spring Hope to lose

The Spring of Arabia, which began at the end of 2010, originally symbolized hope, but many countries that realized the change of regime fell into the iron fist.At that time, the Jasmine Revolution broke out in Tunisia, and the dictatorship was exiled early the following year. The incident triggered a large wave of demonstrations in the Middle East and North Africa regions, but not every country ended happily.Although Egypt successfully took away the dictator Mubarak, it was in exchange for another military strong man Cecilia rule; Syria's 2011 anti -government demonstration encountered bloody suppression and evolved into a civil war that continued to this day. More than 370,000 people have been killed in 8 years.Millions of people are displaced.

Extreme organization ISIS took advantage of the large -scale territory of Syria and Iraq. Leaders Baghdadi announced the establishment of Harry to develop the country in 2014 to encourage followers to carry out their terrorist activities, rather than the elaborate operations such as 911 attacks, triggering a new wave of violence waves.EssenceIn November 2015, suicide bomb attacks and shootings occurred in multiple parties in Paris, and the incident killed 130 people.In the past 10 years, European countries such as France, Belgium, Denmark, and Britain have been terrorist attacks, and the attack has also swept Africa and Asia.The European Union and the Militia of the United States and Kurdish tribe formed an alliance against ISIS, and announced in March this year to defeat all its strongholds.Trump later confirmed that Baghdadi had been killed by the US military in October and described him like a dog.

Refugee policy tore the EU

With the turbulence of the Arab world, especially the Syrian civil war and ISIS, a large number of people in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia went to EU countries to seek asylum.In 2015, there was a refugee ship sinking, causing thousands of refugees to die. This refugee crisis eventually attracted international attention.The German Chancellor Merkel adopted an open immigration policy and eventually accommodated more than one million refugees, but the population continued to influx into a great pressure of the country, which caused some national criticism.EssenceRefugee issues have caused the European Union to tear within the EU, such as Hungary, Poland, and Czech Republic, which shows that refusal to receive refugees according to the EU quota.

In 2016, the referendum decided to pay Brexit in 2016 because of dissatisfaction with immigration policies and huge amounts of membership fees to the EU each year, coupled with hopes to seize the dominance of trade.Camechan, who resigned after the referendum, became the Prime Minister and led Britain to negotiate with the European Union. However, his agreement was rejected by Congress three times and finally announced his resignation in June this year.The main referendum, Johnson succeeded in July, and won the election of this month, which made its Brexit agreement eventually approved. Next, they needed to reach a trade agreement with the European Union within the 11 -month transition period.The three and a half years of sawing the British political and regional disagreement has exacerbated, which has also triggered the call of Scotland's independent referendum.

Populism sweeps the world

Trump defeated Democratic opponent Hillary in the 2016 election with the US priority policy, and many experts were surprised, which also made American politics surging.After he entered the White House, he combined illegal immigrants with tough means, and tried to allocate billions of dollars to build US -Mexico border fences. In terms of trade, protectiveism was adopted to set off a Sino -US trade war that shakes the global economy.As for foreign countries, he ignored the international criticism with the withdrawal of the Iranian nuclear agreement and the Paris Agreement, and did not avoid suspicion of fighting a good relationship with the totalitarian governments such as North Korea.His rise is regarded as a sign of global populist and extremely rightist waves. From the Hungarian Prime Minister of Eastern Europe, the Olban President Bosonaro in Latin America has successively came to power.In 2019, Trump was trapped in the Ukraine door scandal and was accused of pressureing Ukraine to investigate the potential opponents, former Vice President Biden and his son, and became the third president in the American history.

Go to Datahua Youth Cross -generation movement

In the 2010s, the turbulence was not yet stopped.In the past year, large demonstrations have been triggered by small fuses around the world. For example, the Chilean subway price increase, Iran and French fuel increase, and Lebanon's so -called WhatsApp tax, etc.; Hong Kong, Algeria and India are striving for greater political freedom.UN Secretary -General Gutres believes that this reflects the lack of trust between the people and the political class, and the social contract is threatened.Demonstrations in many places have rejected the large platform, and replaced by the horizontal structure promoted by social media, reflecting the public's confidence in the top -down democratic system.European sociological professor Geoffrey Pleyrs pointed out that demonstrations are often taken by young people, and then evolved into the cross -generation movement. The horizontal structure makes it difficult for the authorities to find the representatives or arrest them to curb the demonstration.