Ming Pao News Agency

The waiting time for the public housing in Hong Kong is getting longer and longer, and the households have continued to increase. Any measure that helps to relieve the needs of the foundation housing is always better than the development.Houses are always a good thing for waiting for family housing families.The government proposes a significant increase in transitional houses, hoping to provide a total of 10,000 units in 3 years. Of course, officials are happy to see someone to help meet the standards. However, these borrowing or land donations are very limited.To increase land supply in Hong Kong, it is necessary to rely on efficient and systematic land -building mechanisms. The authorities must meet the difficulties and cannot have a mixed mentality.The government said that it will actively quote the recovery of the land regulations to build public houses. Developers should cooperate more. The authorities cannot build more transition houses because the developers helped them, and put them in other aspects.

Borrowing land to build a transition house

Developers help the government to meet the standards

The supply and demand of land and houses is seriously imbalanced. It is one of the in -depth contradictions in Hong Kong's society. When the developers are dissatisfied with the criticisms of the development of the developers, they have heard that the real estate hegemony is spread.In the past, the government did not actively build land, which led to serious insufficient supply of land and houses. Private property prices rose, and public housing supply failed to meet the standards every year.According to the latest figures, the average waiting time for the public housing is nearly 5 and a half years. The authorities will go upstairs to promise for 3 years.

The government's land -building resistance has been fallen, and the supply of public housing supply has fallen. The government's latest long -term housing strategy anniversary report reports has lowered the target of ten years of public housing construction, which has become more and more concerned about the waiting time for public housing.Hong Kong is in the autumn of many affairs, and the treatment of deep -level contradictions will be on the agenda.In the past few months, large developers have announced donations or borrowing land to build social houses or transitional houses.Following the development of New World and Hengba Real Estate, Hui Defeng Real Estate also announced that it borrowed more than 500,000 square feet of land from a symbolic rent with a symbolic rent. The annual period was 8 years.Family benefits.

Thousands of grass -roots families failed to go upstairs and were forced to live in their homes. This year's policy report proposed that within 3 years, 10,000 transitional house units were provided as expedient.Developers are willing to borrow land, and gangshas provide transitional houses. Of course, it is a good thing for families waiting for public housing. At least the living environment is better than that of houses; for the government, some developers will help 10,000.Of course, the goal of individual units is also easier to meet the standards.The borrowed land is actually quite limited.

The four major developers in Hong Kong, Hengdi, New Land, Changshi, and New World, have more than 100 million square feet (more than 1,000 hectares) New Territories Agricultural Land reserves, of which the most Hengdi (about 45%), followed by new land (about 30%(about 30%)To.Earlier, the New World announced that it donated 3 million square feet of agricultural land, which was equivalent to about 17%of its agricultural land reserves, and the contract was 28 hectares of land, which was equivalent to 1.5 vitamins.The rest of the time has not been implemented. The so -called land donation actually does not involve the transfer of rights, but instead renting farmland with symbolic rent for a long time.As for the 430,000 square feet of land borrowed from Hengdi, it is equivalent to about 1%of its new farm land reserves in New Territories.This time, Defeng borrows the scale and arrangements of the land, which is similar to the Evergrande. The borrowing period is only 8 years. For relieving housing problems, it is only better than nothing.

Developers have false fakes, public protection

The government must take the control role

Developers have successively borrowed land to donate land, and whether there are organic calculations behind it. There are many speculations in the outside world. Some people think that the developers are except for the refinement. Now they have borrowed some idle agricultural land that lack of infrastructure to build a transitional house and require the government to provide support for roads. In ten years, for ten years, it is for ten years.After the eight years, the developer can take back the right to use the land, and the building can be developed together with the neighboring land; some people suspect that borrowing land donation involves political considerations, such as in response to the accusation of land hoarding in the Mainland, or proposed to actively quoting land collection with the government with the government.Regulations are related.

The developer is not a charity. He has made every effort to make many criticisms. He hopes that they suddenly have no selfishness. It is self -deception. The key is not what the motivation is, but whether the government has good control for the public's interests.Developers' borrowing land donation arrangements will be false and private, and the government has the responsibility to pay attention to ensure that the information is open and transparent to the outside world to supervise it. If it is found that there is no suspect of Liutian Li, the authorities should take the initiative to propose that they cannot just generous taxpayer’s people ’s generous taxpayer’sIn terms of providing infrastructure supporting facilities, the developer is in disguise.

It is important to solve the problem of land and house problems, which must have an efficient land manufacturing mechanism, which is far more important than developers to build thousands of transition houses.Earlier this year's land group report mentioned that the development of brown land and the New Territories agricultural land is an inevitable choice.The government's land sharing pilot program (that is, the development of agricultural land in public and private cooperation). It is only launched early next year. How to respond to all parties is still unknown. Since the government stated that it will actively quote the land acquisition regulations to build public houses, it should be said that it should be done to do it.Don't be afraid of refuge.Developers are willing to borrow land to donate land. If the government has actual needs, it should be boldly harvested. If the developer really reads the social welfare, it should also cooperate more and should not think about how to make it.If the government has a soft hand and feet on issues such as the development of social houses and transitional houses, it will be upside down and society will not accept it.