Li Yixian, chairman of the Chinese Chairman, pointed out in an exclusive interview with Lianhe Morning Post that at the moment of protectionism, Singapore should also play the advantage of being a regional market connection point, attract more Chinese companies to settle in the local area, and then move towards Ya'an.Trade China hopes to be the integrator and catalyst of this process.

Chen Jing report

[email protected]

Not only to bring Chinese companies into Singapore, but also to help them go out of the local area and open up the vast Asian market.

Li Yixian, Chairman of the Chinese Communications China, pointed out in an exclusive interview with Lianhe Morning Post this week that at the moment of protectionism, Singapore should play the advantage of being a regional market connection point, attract more Chinese companies to settle in the local area, and then move towards Ya'an.Trade China hopes to be the integrator and catalyst of this process.

Li Yixian said that Asia is the main growth engine of the global economy in the future.As a regional economic hub, Singapore should not only provide only information exchange services, but also appreciate information appreciation to help Chinese enterprises solve the pain points encountered in regional expansion.

Now more and more Chinese companies are looking at the Asian market.Although the Singapore market is small, if we can play multi -language and cultural advantages, we can attract Chinese enterprises to set up regional headquarters in the local area and bring more business opportunities to the local market.

He also observed that in recent years, it has entered the local Chinese -funded enterprises. It not only comes from traditional fields such as the financial industry, manufacturing and infrastructure, but also many Internet and technology starting companies.We can organize these companies in accordance with the industry and development direction to help them LSquo; come in and go out to rsquo;.

Stock -Commercial China was founded in 2007 by Li Guangyao, the late founding of my country, and aims to build a platform with Chinese language and Chinese as the mainstay, creating a bilingual mainstay of bilingual dual culture to build a bridge connecting the culture and economy of China and the world around the world.This non -profit organization currently has a total of 338 individual members and 106 corporate members, holding more than 400 events, covering 250,000 audiences.

In addition to entrepreneurs and high -net -worth individuals, Stock Exchange China will also launch more activities for students in schools and young people who have just entered the workplace, strengthen the communication and interaction between young people in the new and China, and cultivate more new Zhongzhong Tongs that are well -known bilingual dual culture.Talent.Taking the youth internship exchange plan launched next year as an example, the new and China can send 500 colleges and universities to the enterprise in the other country for up to six months each year.

Li Yixian said: Local youths can go to different industries and cities in China to experience the local workplace and society in depth.It is hoped that after internships, they can continue to participate in opportunities for development in China and strengthen our lsquo; Xinzhong RSQUO; Talent Press.We also look forward to being able to attract jade and promote other companies to provide similar communication opportunities.

Chen Peiling: Understanding bilingual bilateral culture must be familiar with the field of political and economic fields in China

Chen Peiling, president of the Chinese Communications China, revealed that in conjunction with the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and China next year, the agency will hold more activities, such as senior leadership training classes, summer curriculum scholarships, and perspective Chinese student bilingual forums, etc., to promote bilateral personnel, especially especiallyCommunication of the younger generation.

Chen Peiling believes that now to become Xinzhong, knowing that bilingual and dual culture are only basic conditions, they are also familiar with the latest progress in China's economy, politics and social fields, and can look at these issues through the perspective of Singapore to provide more value -added.

Premier Li Xianlong pointed out two months ago that my country's bilingual advantage is relatively weakened. Will local new Zhongtong talents be reduced?Chen Peiling expressed his optimism.She said that more and more people have realized the importance of the Chinese market and therefore strengthen Chinese Chinese learning.In the past, some English school students were proud of not understanding Chinese, and no one would think so now.

Chen Peiling went to China many times since he took over the Chinese president of China in May. He also participated in the organizing large -scale events such as the Huayan China Global Forum and the China Trade China Award.She admits that compared with the president, she has no experience in working and living in China for a long time, and was under great pressure when she first took office.Fortunately, my colleagues are very lsquo; awesome rsquo; help me grow rapidly in the short term.

Chen Peiling, who claims to be afraid of losing her mother, also integrates bilingual dual cultural education into daily life.She smiled and said: When I taught my son to recognize Dongxi, he would tell him: lsquo; This is called a bicycle in Singapore, and calls bicycles in China RSQUO; although I don’t know how much children can absorb, I hope to plant the seeds of double culture in his heart from a young age.Essence

Page 26 of the New Year Directors of Commerce China