Li Yuehua

This year is the century of the May 4th Movement and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The CCP just opened the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee.Essence

The biggest feature of the May 4th Movement is the enlightenment. The main purpose of its event is to introduce modern concepts in China.The process of development of the People's Republic of China since 1949 is the process of modern China's construction. From the subject of governance to governance objects, it has undergone tremendous changes.

The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee is to form a system and fix the mature experience and practices in the 70s of the founding of the People's Republic of China.From the modernization of ideas, to the modernization of the country, to the modernization of governance capabilities, it is an important part of the connotation of modern China.In this sense, the three have an internal connection.

The May 4th Movement brought Mr. De and Mr. Sai into China, that is, the concept of science and democracy, that is, the concept of modern society.The biggest impact of this campaign to the Chinese at that time was the impact of thought. This is also what the May 4th Movement hopes. They hope to update the ideas of the Chinese people from the economic thinking of traditional small farmers to the stage of science and democracy.

At the beginning of the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1949, the national political system and framework affected to this day.Until today's Chinese government reform has been revised and improved in the general pattern of this system and framework.The method of using the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee is the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.However, in the 70 years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, it has been enriching and updating the connotation of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.To this day, a system of Chinese characteristics is formed based on the national conditions of China.

Because of its effectiveness, these systems were promoted and consolidated, these are the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China ... what persistence and consolidation is said.At the same time, the system is related to the level of economic and social development.China's economic and social development is changing with each passing day, and the governance system also needs to keep pace with the times, so as to better exert its effectiveness and highlight the effectiveness of governance. This is what ... what to say and develop.

The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee analyzed the generation and growth of modern China from the perspective of governance.The thirteen persistence proposed in this conference's bulletin, as other scholars analyzed that the first three leadership systems, the party's leadership, the people -centered, socialist rule of law, and the nine insistence and improvement in the latter.Under the leader of the point.

This focuses on the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the performance of institutional efficiency, that is, governance capabilities.These thirteen persistence and improvement are the modernization of China's national governance system and governance capabilities, which is the manifestation of modern China at the level of governance.

With the ideological modern enlightenment, China has a modern China. It is precisely because of the construction of modern China that the birth and formation of China's unique governance system.Of course, in the perspective of China's modernity today, there are still many shortcomings, that is, there are still many jobs.This is also the work requirements put forward in the 13th Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the 19th Central Committee. This is the problem and uncertainty that Chinese people now perceive more or less.The measures are to solve the current and future issues.Moreover, the solution is fast.

Fukuyama became famous in the early 1990s because of writing the end of history.In this article, he believes that the governance system in the world has never been a template for the European and American governance system.Twenty years later, he amended his point of view. In the origin of the origin of political order, he believed that the construction of different politics in the world had something to do with the history, society, and cultural traditions of the country or region.

It is also for this reason that the European and American countries, which are known as Western democracy, have different political operating structures, such as the presidential system of the United States, the German Prime Minister's responsibility system, the French semi -presidential system, the constitutional monarchy of the United Kingdom, and so on.In the book of the country in society, Migdier also pointed out that the country's political and governance structure was profoundly affected by the historical and cultural traditions of the country.

To this day, the political practice of different countries in the world has fully proved this.Singapore also has a clear governance structure of its own style. Its achievements today fully prove that the effectiveness and credibility of its unique governance operation logic.These reality cases have also enhanced steadily on the pursuit of countries around the world on the road of political system suitable for their own and regions.

However, on the other hand, just as Fukuyama reflects on the end of the history of the people, no country can think that its own path is the end.At that time, it did not mean other places, or it could work at any time.At this point, the Chinese Communist Party also soberly realized that ... it was pointed out within the party that there must be some discovery, invention, creation, and moving forward, making socialism with Chinese characteristics always full of vitality.

Many scholars in China are reflecting on China's modernity. Modernity is reflected in the modernization of national governance, and it is reflected in the modernization of the people's thoughts and behaviors.Especially in a country such as China with unique historical and cultural characteristics, the modernization of political governance has a more important impact on the modernization of the people.

Singapore and Taiwan are two obvious cases.The quality of the people in Taiwan is the same as the quality of the people in Singapore. However, because the logic of political operation is different, Singapore's current development should be ahead of Taiwan, including political modernization, and is also recognized by the world.According to the current viewpoint of Fushan's current point of view, Taiwan ’s politics is to launch democracy without the construction of the rule of law, which has led to today’ s democratic chaos.

In this sense, China today explores its own national conditions to explore the construction of its own governance structure. It has its historical rationality, and it is even more necessary for the construction of a never -ending mentality.The modernization of governance structure is an important part of modern China, and it also deeply affects the development of modern China.

The author is an associate researcher at the Department of Philosophy of Nanjing University