Douyin, which has been captured by young users around the world, has been in trouble.At the beginning of the year, after being illegally collected, the name, email address and address were severely punished by US government courses for $ 5.7 million, Douyin has provoked officials in the past two weeks.

Ms. Hong (Misty Hong), a college student in Palo Alto, California, issued a collective lawsuit on overseas version of Douyin TIKTOK last Wednesday.Ms. Hong claimed that she downloaded Tiktok's application in March and April. A few months later, I found that Tiktok founded her account without permission and collected her private information, including the biological characteristics of her unpreposed videos.Information and transfer this information to two servers in China.

The lawsuit document did not provide evidence to support these allegations. Douyin's overseas version did not respond to the above lawsuits, but it has always emphasized that all American users' information is stored in the United States and backups in Singapore.

This week, the Beijing -byte beating lawsuit against Douyin's parent company also followed. The byte beating has been accused of unpaid permission to collect children's user information under 13 years of age and sold to third -party advertisers.Power and law.

In the United States, people consider business lawsuits for their common food.Corporations to be sued by users are not equal to the establishment of crime, not to mention that for Beijing bytes with a market value of about 75 billion US dollars, even if it is fined millions of dollars, it is only Ji Niu.However, lawsuits have continued, which shows that Douyin's pressure in the United States has gradually increased.

Douyin has become another Chinese company in the Sino -US trade war and scientific and technological warfare.According to Reuters, the U.S. Foreign Investment Council (CFIUS) has launched a national security review on the acquisition of American social media applications two years ago.At the hearing held in early November, members of the Douyin storage user data and whether Douyin had a strong question of the Chinese government's content review for the Chinese government.

Republican Senator Josh Hawley's statement was full of fear of respect. He warned the parents of the United States: If your child uses TIKTOK, the Communist Party of China may know where they are, what they look like, and recognize their voice.Do you know what they are watching.Holy also questioned that some Douyin users are soldiers, government officials, and society. Let China know what their social life means?

In the Western media, the questioning of Douyin is more concentrated on its content restrictions. Douyin was accused of outputting Chinese -style censorship to the world.In September this year, the British Guardian claimed to obtain the internal guidance of Douyin's overseas version, clearly restricting criticism or attacking any country's policies, restricting demonization or distorting the history of other countries, including controversial historical events in Indonesia, Cambodia, and China.Twenty controversial figures such as Kim Jong -un, Putin, and Trump are also limited.

Recently, Douyin International Version has been discovered to restrict the video released by the disability, homosexual and overweight people, and the repeated pressure of Douyin showed a cooperative posture at a time, expressed his willingness to enter the countryside and adjust the content management.

Interestingly, the founder of Facebook Zuckerberg stood at the forefront of anti -Douyin.Zuckerberg has carried the banner of maintaining freedom of speech, but Western media did not forget the scandal of Facebook. In the report, they pointed out that Zuckerberg still did not promise to restrict the political advertisement containing lies on Facebook and criticized ZacBerg just used the Douyin to transfer the focus to hide the problem of the facebook.

In fact, the dispute between Facebook and Douyin reflects the disagreement between freedom of speech and inhibitory disputes to maintain the status quo and harmony, reflecting the different values of remarks in the West and China.From the vibrato growing from China, it is advertised to talk about entertainment and not politics. By stimulating creativity and entertainment experience profit, to any society to avoid political topics and obey the system in exchange for its own safe operation space.Facebook does not avoid using political arguments to condense popularity, let alone reject the income brought by political advertisements; as far as the freedom of speech, it is also a business scripture.

Judging from the principles of freedom and responsibility, the values of Chinese and Western treating freedom of speech have their own reasons.However, no matter whether it is Douyin or Facebook and other American social media giants, I am afraid that no one will disclose the whole truth of their business model, and it is also the company's own interests of MDASH; mdash; the political security or commercial interests of the country are placed in the country's political security or commercial interests.Above the interests of users, it is not the blessing of global users.The difference between Douyin and Facebook actually provides vivid materials for the responsibility and boundaries of freedom of speech on the society. Unfortunately, the dispute between the national interests of China and the United States and the popularity of the United States in the United States do not support calmness in this area.discuss.Of course, China has no driving force for the United States, and the United States has no driving force.Next, the international version of Douyin TIKTOK needs to prove that it can operate independently of the Chinese parent company, otherwise the operation in the United States will become more and more difficult.It is possible for China and the United States to be decoupled from technology, and how about a vibrato?