Source: Taiwan Wangbao News Agency

One year ago, the DPP was severely frustrated. Cai Yingwen chose to fight against China to play in a election campaign.The Guoan Five Laws and Reverse Infiltration Methods created the effects of cross -strait exchanges. The Australian Communist spy Cotor Vol.However, is the mainland really involved in the Taiwan election?

Under the years of greening strategy for many years, many people really believe that the Kuomintang will sell Taiwan.The logic is very simple: the mainland wants to promote unity, fully support the Kuomintang to take the stage, and let Taiwan appear a governing authorities that cooperate with the mainland's strategy to Taiwan.Facing the red and smearing of the Green Camp, the Kuomintang has never been able to make positive discussions. It can only be negatively denied, and gradually stop talking about unification. South Korea ’s Yu more clearly opposes one country, two systems.Today, the Kuomintang is no longer the Kuomintang of the Ma Ying -jeou era, and it is not the Kuomintang of the Kuomintang era.So, will the mainland be hoped to be on the Kuomintang.

For the mainland, the Kuomintang does not engage in Taiwan independence, and will not create crises between the Taiwan Strait and China and the United States. Compared with the DPP, the mainland will definitely be more happy to see the Kuomintang's governance, but it needs to calculate cost benefits.In practice, the high -level mainland and the work circle of Taiwan have long been no longer pinned on the blue camp, and of course, the green camp is not even more unsuccessful.On the one hand, the Kuomintang has lost a unified discussion and vision to avoid cross -strait relations. On the other hand, because ... as early as three years ago, it was determined that the development of cross -strait relations was the mainland development.Confidence and patience to Taiwan and determination.

As the mainland scholar Zhou Zhihuai said at the Taiwan -related seminar, the basic policy framework for the mainland to respond to Taiwan's two parties has basically formed.Combined with the mainland's promulgation of 31 and 26 Wet Taiwan policies in Tsai Ing -wen, the policy pattern of its own in the policy has taken shape.It can be judged that the mainland has now been put down on Taiwan's cyclical elections and can be seen, and it has long surpassed the political logic of which party to help.

Compared with the four -year election of blue and green, the mainland has surpassed the election election and party rotation week cycle of the mainland, and directly attracts the people of Taiwan to vote with their feet.The competition loves Taiwan's competition.

In the long run, the mainland hopes that Taiwanese people will make choices in open VS closed by voting.The mainland's Taiwan -benefit Taiwan policy has spread all over the provinces and cities, but for Taiwan, the most attractive is the most prosperous and most socially vitality in the southeast coastal areas.Imagine that from Shanghai International Financial Center, Hangzhou E -commerce Science and Technology Center, Fujian Cross -Strait Integrated Pilot Zone, Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, and finally to Hainan Free Trade Port.Each area of the southeast coast of the mainland is given a major development strategy. Taiwan's youth and talents can choose to take root according to their expertise, such as financial talents to Shanghai, scientific and technological talents to Hangzhou, agricultural talents to Hainan.Taiwan has been self -proclaimed and restricted the mainland everywhere. Where is the stage of young people's development, it is clear.

Secondly, the people in Taiwan will make choices between development opportunities VS freely and democracy by voting.In addition to the broad market and demographic dividend in the mainland, with the development of technology and the advancement of internationalization, it has the ability to dominate the global industrial value chain and master global technical standards. This is the mainland in the next 10 years or evenThe important cornerstone of maintaining national strength in 30 years.As for Taiwanese society, it has fallen into the bottleneck period of political and economic development, especially the freedom and democracy, which is proud of itself, has transformed into a mixed -born stranger of populism, faction monopoly, and family inheritance.Entering a more difficult and more tearing situation.In the final analysis, people's development goals are the value of self -realization. At this point, as long as young people in Taiwan who have logged in to work and life, they will understand which land will have more development opportunities and can better achieve their own life value.

Looking back at the past 70 years, cross -strait relations have evolved from the dispute between doctrine and institutional disputes to future disputes.In other words, under the peaceful competition on both sides of the strait, the better the mainland has developed, the more opportunities for young people, the more Taiwanese who vote with their feet, and the more time to the mainland is inclined.The fundamental purpose of the mainland's policy of benefiting Taiwan is to let the people in Taiwan live a good life. As the waves of young people in Taiwan log in west, the trend of voting with their feet will quietly gather.The unified potential water is complete, and the mainland does not care about the four -year election, and it is not interested in intervention.

No matter which political party victory in this election campaign, no matter which political parties win, they must deal with the problems of internal governance and economic development, so that young people have hope for the future.Hualien and Taitung: Young people are forced to work away from home, and the elderly live a good mountain, good water, and boring.