01 Viewpoint

The large -scale struggle movement derived from the amendment of the Rugao Regulations has been going on for nearly six months.This time in Hong Kong's struggle, the demonstrations of waves from all over the world have risen, from Chilean St. Diego in the southern hemisphere to London, Britain in the northern hemisphere, from Jakaga, Indonesia to Sudan in Africa. The global demonstration movement is like a butterfly.The effect affects each other. The demonstrators of the Independence Movement of Catonia, Spain, and the demonstration of their demonstrations. Its demonstration model inspires from Hong Kong. The French yellow vest held the banner of traveling with Hong Kong to show support.The resistance of Hong Kong also has its own scriptures. Among them, the Ukrainian revolution in 2014, and its documentary in winter: Ukraine has become the heavenly book of the victims for freedom.Many citizens hold screenings in the community to play this set of movies.

The winter fire may have to inspire people's hearts to the Hong Kong demonstrators. The documentary eventually ended Russia's Ukrainian President VIKTOR YANUKOVYCH.However, after the story in the documentary ended, the development of Ukraine continued to deteriorate.Moscow made a referendum for Crimea to return to Russia.The Russian militia organization was supported by the Russian army, and in the eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the eastern Ukraine, and announced that they were separated from Ukraine independently.Ukraine is still in a state of split civil war, and Russia's annexation of Crimea seems to have become an established fact.

In fact, the experience of Ukraine is not a new matter. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, a number of original Soviet forces were placed on the geopolitical wrestling of Russia and Western countries.In 2008, Georgia and the South Ossetia, which have been fighting independent in the country, broke out.Georgia's 20 % of the country.

Georgian President Fu Keyo Rivals

Georgia, which has a population of 3 million, is located in the Caucasus Mountains bordering in Eurasia. It is in the west and Russia in the north, and borders Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey in the south.Local celebrities are the former Soviet Union's highest leader Shi Tailin.Georgia has been a Soviet -Russian territory for many years. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, it has been independent of the country. Since then, it has been over and over in the intersection of the West and Russia.Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze, who had already in power during the CPSU, lost his heart because of his long -term corruption problems and poor governance. In 2003, the Rose Revolution that broke out in the election of the parliament in 2003.Denze government.Since then, Georgia has adopted a comprehensive pro -European route, including advocating the addition of NATO, which has greatly damaged Ge's Russian relations. The pro -Russian southern Oussean separation parts have even more intensified, which eventually led to the 2008 Ge Russia War.

At this time, Georgia's richest man in Moscow, Bidzina Ivanishvili, abandoned business in politics, announced the establishment of the Georgian Dream Party, and competing for the 2012 Congress elections.Forbes said that Ivanshvili's family wealth was US $ 4.9 billion, accounting for almost three copies of Georgia's national production value. Its rich and enemy home wealth can be imagined.With its financial resources and claiming to strive for the balance of European and Russia at the same time, the Georgia Dream Party has won the majority of Congress in the election, and Ivanshvili himself became the prime minister, and the party also defeated in the presidential election of the following year.The Georgian Dream Party has been in control of the president and Congress to comprehensively govern in the Georgian Dream Party in the Rose Revolution Movement.

However, the government, which has the real power, has been in office for a long time, and has also begun to have corruption charges.Ivannshvili appointed its former private security guards as the Minister of the Interior, his private lawyer as the Minister of Justice, and the Minister of Health of the Private Hospital, which all caused any people.The Georgia government has begun to narrow the space of speech and suppress the freedom of citizens, trying to influence the presidential election next year.After the Supreme Court had previously ruled that the television stations that the most people across the country watched the country were taken over to the pro -government businessmen, many reporters who had criticized the government were fired. Many experts resigned because of protest protests.Before the election, Ivanhvili also allocated approximately $ 500 million by his charity institution to donate 600,000 citizens to pay off debts, close to 17%of the domestic population, and was questioned that it was suspected of buying tickets.

Standardized institutional reform

The most serious charges for the Georgian Dream Party are the pro -Russian routes.Although the Ivannshvili government has always adopted a balanced policy at the same time, it has been accused of weak positions against Russia, and the pro -Russian armed organizations of the South Ossets have gradually approached Georgia's hinterland.In June of this year, the Russian Parliament member of the Russian Parliament, who had voted for Abuhaz's independence, visited Georgian Parliament. He was invited to sit on the chairman to speak in Russian, causing dissatisfaction of the citizens.Demonstration, the police dispersed with tear bullets and rubber bullets, causing a large number of demonstrators to be injured.In the end, the government accepted the demand of the opposition unified National Movement Party, promised to reform the election system of the parliament, and changed the current half -proportion representative system and half of the single -seat and single -ticket system to become a comprehensive proportion representative system similar to Germany.

Single -seat single -ticket system is considered to be the Dream Party of Georgia, a unified national movement party that is weak and weaker and in the wild.In fact, from the recent district council election in Hong Kong, it can be seen that although the votes in this election of the democracy are 57%and the formulation faction is 42%, the results of the election have won an overwhelming victory of 80%of the seats. It can be seen that it can be seen that it can be seen thatThe worry of Georgia's opposition is not targeted.Although the single -seat and single ticket system in the Congress elections of traditional democratic powers such as the United States and Britain has been running for a long time. Some theoreticals believe that the two -party system and political stability are stable.It has always been controversial.The opposition's request to distribute the seats proportionally is understandable.

In any case, although the Georgia Dream Party promised to make a demonstration of the demonstration reform, on November 13, the reform plan was rejected and the situation was heated again.The demonstrators surrounded the Congress again, while the government dispatched the riot police and used the water cannon for the first time, causing several demonstrators to be seriously injured.Originally, the government has narrowed the space for speech in recent years, and the corruption scandal broke out one after another. It has made the people resentment. In addition, the demonstrators were originally requested to be resigned as the Minister of the Interior, which was responsible for the strong clearance of the police in June.He went to the next level and was appointed as the Prime Minister.Today, the government's opposite has made the society completely bankruptcy of its trust, and it is bound to further deteriorate, and it may even repeat the Rose Revolution in 2003 or the Ukraine Revolution in 2014.

Many opponents believe that under the control of the Ivanshville of the rich country, various behaviors that have undergone a destruction system have occurred. It is dangerous to get rid of the difficulty of democratic system after being separated from Soviet independence.Pa from European and Russian crossroads.

In fact, Georgia, Ukraine, and other former Soviet Union joined the Republic of the Soviet Union could not get rid of the political turmoil and division crisis.Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, which are rich in the Western camp, have been more stable in the Western camps, and the five countries of Kazakh, Turkman, Uzbek, Gilgis, and Tajik are still pursuing authoritarian rule and have a good relationship with Russia.Belarus, who is in power by Alexander Lukashenko for more than four centuries, is almost pro -Russian with the West and other countries that are almost pro -Russia.Avoid becoming a place for great power, coupled with unstable democratic foundation inside, serious corruption and monopoly, general poverty, and political situations have been turbulent for many years.

Looking back at today's Hong Kong, it is not independent in political reality, but because of the special historical journey, it is deeply affected by Western values, so that the friction between one country and the two systems has caused the current social dilemma.The terrorist emotions caused by the amendment of the Fastence Regulations are similar to the anti -government movement derived from Georgia by the anti -Russian demonstration.Although between China and Hong KongAfter all, the contradictions are not compared with the country and the country, but in the internal problems between the central and local governments under the sovereignty of China, but it is undeniable that Hong Kong is in the front of China and Western corner.High -profile intervention, even promoting Hong Kong's human rights and democratic laws, and further dragging Hong Kong, which originally had internal problems, was further dragged into the game of a great country.However, Georgia broke out in 2003 and was regarded as the victory of democracy. However, after more than ten years, the people still have to go to the streets to fight against the government.Even international political factors.When Hong Kong people strive to implement the demands of Pu voters, can they also learn some lessons from Georgia?