Ming Pao News Agency

US President Trump officially signed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Act (hereinafter referred to as the bill). What kind of countermeasures China has to observe it. It can be certain that Washington has a significant adjustment of the Hong Kong policy.At the new level, it will inevitably appear on the battlefield in Hong Kong.The problem is not whether the bill has no tigers, but Beijing's judgment on the US strategic intention. No matter how the White House tries to dilute the incident to avoid affecting trade negotiations. In the eyes of Beijing, the bill is a serious violation of China's national sovereignty. There is no compromise.In space, the United States is full of hostility, and China must be accompanied to the end.If China and the United States will be a century -old contest, as one of the battlefields in Hong Kong, the bill may only be a prelude. This time, China and the United States have broken their faces.

China emphasizes resolute countermeasures

Trade negotiations may add variables

The United States Democratic Republican parties fight you to die, but it is becoming more and more consistent in terms of policies for China. It is to block China's rise to challenge the US position and become the consensus between the two parties.Last week, the two houses of the United States passed the final version of the bill with almost no one objected. As soon as the president signed, it could be officially taken into effect.Beijing has repeatedly submitted to the United States for negotiations and protests. In addition to calling the United States Ambassador to China, Yang Jiechi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee in charge of foreign affairs, also publicly warned that the bill seriously harmed the interests of the Chinese side and urged the United States to stop the bill from becoming law.

Since Trump took office, he has not been very interested in human rights and democracy. He is most concerned about Sino -US trade negotiations. The well -known American Chinese GeneralPrame will describe it.So as not to hinder trade negotiations.Regarding whether to sign a bill, Trump's attitude has been a bit ambiguous in the past few days. While saying that he was standing with the Hong Kong demonstrators, and said with the Chinese President ... Trump has finally signed it on Wednesday.Formally take effect.

How to deal with the bill, Trump has multiple choices in theory.In addition to signing, he can choose whatever you do, and let the bill take effect automatically after 10 days after the Congress passed; he can also veto the bill and kick the ball to Congress again; he can lobby Congress not to veto the president's decision, or you can be quietAfter two -thirds of the two hospitals, the presidential decision was overturned.For Trump, the political information behind each choice is different.The meaning of allowing the automatic effect is to acquiesce; the veto bill belongs to a good gesture to the Chinese side. Even if the two houses exercise the ultimate veto in the later two houses and make the bill take effect, Trump can also tell the Chinese side that this is not his decision to reduce the incident to reduce the incidentImpact on the trade negotiations between the two countries.However, Trump's last choice was still ignored the Chinese opposition and signed the bill in person.

Foreign Electric's decision is related to the victory of democratic victory in the district council. It is Yefei Yeroya who is unable to affirm. However, American public opinion obviously has a certain pressure on Trump.The polls show that nearly 70 % of the Americans support the statement to support the Hong Kong demonstrators. In addition, the two houses have nearly passed the bill. If Trump's veto bill may be questioned, it may be questioned to be weak in China and become a handle of political opponents, which is not good for re -election.However, Trump's signing of the bill is inevitable that Sino -US relations have changed sharply. Even if the White House issued a relatively gentle statement afterwards, emphasizing respect for Hong Kong people and respect ... I hope that Beijing and Hong Kong can solve different differences and treat China and the United States for China and the United States.The tension is obviously helpless.

Regardless of trade negotiations or other diplomatic issues, Beijing emphasizes that everything must be based on mutual respect and equality. From the perspective of Beijing, trade negotiations have not involved the core interests of the country's development, and everything will always be discussed. HoweverPrinciples.The Hong Kong policy law passed by the United States before returning is mainly to deal with the economic and trade matters of Hong Kong and the United States. In contrast, the bill is the first time that the United States has laws that can intervene in Hong Kong political issues. It is a major adjustment to the Hong Kong policy.The serious violations of national sovereignty, the current problem is not whether the bill is toothless tiger, or whether Trump will guarantee that the bill sanctions measures are only prepared and not used, but the billing basis is seriously damaged to equal respect and respect for cooperation.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was dissatisfied with the signing of the Act in the law, attacking the United States and the essence of hegemony, reflecting that the Chinese side raised the situation to the height of the US strategic intention.The United States does not hesitate to tear up his face through the bill. China is difficult to stop. Even if the first phase of trade agreement is reached as soon as possible, it is difficult to protect the trade negotiation of trade.What specific countermeasures China is in China is difficult to predict. Looking at the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, how strong the countermeasures are, it will depend on whether the United States will manifest sanctions alone.

Centennial struggle between China and the United States

Hong Kong situation is dangerous

The bill was signed into a law, marking that Hong Kong has become the battlefield of China and the United States. Although it seems to be calm and quiet, it is difficult to get egg under the battlefield. China and the United States are fighting in Hong Kong. Each punch may set off in Hong Kong.Once any tool exists, someone will always be eager to try, hoping to see its power and effectiveness.The bill takes effect to provide one more policy tools to China to deal with China.In Hong Kong, some people want to fight for the United States; in Washington, some people regard China as a major threat. In the future, how they will use the bill to observe; what can people who do not agree to fight for the United States can do it, how can the central and the SAR governments deal with it.Another problem.In the middle of this year, Martin Wolf, deputy editor -in -chief of the Financial Times, described that China and the United States are in a century -old struggle. If the situation does develop along this trajectory, Hong Kong will have psychological preparations and have long become a battlefield between China and the United States.