Remember Han Yonghong in the morning

US President Trump officially signed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act.After the bill was passed by almost all the members of the United States, Trump signed it sooner or later, but when the White House announced on Wednesday that the bill had been signed and officially took effect, it still caused a lot of shock.

The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Acts authorize the US government to impose sanctions on people who infringe Hong Kong's human rights and freedom, frozen their assets in the United States and prohibiting entry; and ask the State Council to review the trade status that gives Hong Kong different from mainland China each year.Interfered in Hong Kong's internal affairs.Although the United States also has huge benefits in Hong Kong. If the status of Hong Kong's independent tariff area is canceled, the United States will also suffer deep losses, but if Sino -US relations worsen to decoupling, this possibility cannot be ruled out.In other words, the future of Hong Kong has fallen into great uncertainty.As for the US threatening personnel who violate Hong Kong's human rights and freedom, the symbolic significance is greater than the substantial significance. It is not to be underestimated for Hong Kong officials' psychological pressure in politics and law enforcement.

Huang Zhifeng, Secretary -General of the Hong Kong Zhi Zhi, who has been actively promoting the United States to make this legislation, immediately stated that it will continue to strive for such sanctions mechanisms for international support to Hong Kong officials.He also politely said that the Hong Kong Zhi Zhi will collect opinions and set a list of suggestions for sanctions, police officers, and even election directors. The people of its political parties in Washington will continue to strive for the bill to add spicy.He wants to use the United States to put greater pressure on the Hong Kong government, but the entire Hong Kong will be affected.

Such signs of mdash; mdash; from Hong Kong's social struggle for more than a month, to the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Acts promoted by the United States and Outside, the Hong Kong institutional faction will be defeated in the district council with unprecedented voting rates on Sunday (24th)., An eye -catching question emerged again: Who is really governing Hong Kong?

In the Hong Kong District Council election on November 24, the non -construction school won 393 seats in 452 seats, and the seats rose more than doubled.Some comments avoid the meaning of the results of the selection of this area, or describe some emotions in Hong Kong society.

Indeed, from a legal level, no matter what level of elections in Hong Kong, no matter what the results are elected, it will not change Hong Kong's facts in China, and an attempt for opposition to seize power cannot be successful.However, the development of the situation may also make Beijing think. Is it China in Hong Kong?Not long ago, the comments about Hong Kong's completion of the second return have attracted much attention in Chinese public opinion.know.

The sustainable development of anti -repair cases in Hong Kong is just to reveal a profound fact step by step: the influence of Western forces and consortia. After returning to the return, it always exists in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong people have always agreed with the two systems greater than that the two systems are greater than that they are greater than thatOne country.Of course, the creation faction still retains 40%of the votes in the November 24 of the referendum in disguise, which also proves that a stable patriotic and Hong Kong power has always existed in Hong Kong, although this force is weakening.

The defeat of this district has made many organizers angry, and the saying that the vulgar victory of the Panchen has emerged. Of course, this statement was opposed by democratic people.

However, is violence one of the factors that cause the results of this area?Objectively speaking, violence does play a certain role in condensing social dissatisfaction and stimulating opposition.

Since the middle of 2014, Hong Kong people first broke through the psychological boundary of illegal representatives. In this year's struggle, the society's patience of violence has increased again.The slogan provides a reasonable basis for smashing and destruction.It must be noted that although many Hong Kong people are inconvenient to be damaged due to the damage of traffic infrastructure, they are not blamed on the smasis, but they are blamed on the Hong Kong government and even Beijing.The logic of the Hong Kong people allows them not to cut off with violent resistance when voting, but instead strongly expresses the identity of the concept of fighters.

Therefore, when the invoicing was opened in the early morning of November 25, the establishment of the system was defeated. The colleagues in Hong Kong could not help but sigh: Hong Kong has a short losses.

The lunar monthly struggle with the district selection as the climax, so that the pan -democratic faction, the brave martial arts faction and support, and the non -wronged people have accumulated stronger strength and confidence in confrontation with the central government.The legitimacy in people's hearts is even useful to oppose votes. It can be seen that Hong Kong's violent struggle will continue.

At this time, the Pan -Democratic School is estimated to have planned for the first -year -old king for the first time of 2021.It is impossible for Beijing to accept Hong Kong with the international community, but Hong Kong's problems still cannot see effective solutions.The central government must do a lot, including improving the degree of opening up in inland cities such as Shenzhen and reducing dependence on the financial center of Hong Kong. On the other hand, we must focus on promoting reforms to enhance the impression of the mainland in Hong Kong people.Rectify the existing mechanism and personnel of Hong Kong, but these are not a moment.It is foreseeable that Hong Kong's economy will be pressured and the continuation of the fighting will be staged cyclical, and Hong Kong will be turbulent.