Tan Haojun

On the afternoon of the 18th, the Ministry of Commerce of China held a special conference to use foreign -funded topics. Zong Changqing, the director of the Ministry of Commerce, said at the meeting that although there are a few foreign -invested enterprises with low -value, exchanges, and lower added value,The phenomenon of links, but we believe that this is a normal business operation caused by the role of the market mechanism.

He said that in general, there was no large -scale foreign capital evacuation in China.Judging from the relevant investigation reports of some foreign business associations, most foreign -invested companies target the Chinese domestic market as the goal, and they are still very optimistic about investment prospects in China and have strong investment confidence.

The statement about the large -scale evacuation of foreign capital has appeared as long as the global financial crisis broke out.However, more than 10 years have passed, and foreign investment in China has not changed significantly in investment and construction, production and operation in China.On the contrary, new foreign capital has continued to enter, and it presents a good pattern of structural optimization, industrial transformation, technology improvement, and enhanced product competitiveness.

It is impossible to deny that in the developed regions of the eastern coastal economy, some foreign -funded enterprises have indeed emerged as the phenomenon of relocation or adjustment of operating strategies, and some foreign -funded enterprises have transformed into other Asian countries such as Vietnam and India.However, from the actual situation of foreign capital transfer, it is mainly some low -end manufacturing, low -end products, and low -end technologies. They are because their own competitiveness is not strong, and companies and projects that maintain survival must be maintained through transformation.

In fact, in the past 30 years, China's attractiveness has been concentrated in the aspects of cheap labor, land consumption and environmental excessive utilization, and rely on low value -added and low input output.With the continuous enhancement of China's economic strength, especially the continuous improvement of labor costs and the continuous improvement of the requirements for resource utilization and environmental protection.It cannot meet the needs of China's economic transformation and upgrading, cannot achieve the high -quality development of the Chinese economy, and it is difficult to make Chinese companies have international competitiveness.Therefore, it is necessary to make positive adjustments and changes. Among them, the introduction of foreign capital has also put forward new requirements and clarified new goals.

This also means that foreign -funded enterprises that could have survived relying on cheap labor, and could not survive, either transform and upgrade, improve the technology content and added value, or transfer to low labor price, relatively easy resource consumption and relatively easy environmental carrying capacityStrong country.Otherwise, companies cannot survive.

At the same time, those foreign investment with strong competitiveness, high -tech levels, and good products fully use the good opportunities of China's economic transformation and upgrading to enter the Chinese market and seek new development.Such as the Zhanjiang Project of Basph in Germany, the Anhui Hefei Project in the United States, the U.S. Hefei Project, the Swiss Ichic Ningbo Project, and the Tesla Shanghai Super Factory, are all top international enterprises and all have the top international technology.

There is no doubt that the entry of these foreign -funded enterprises has marked that China has indeed improved to a new level and overtaken a new level in the use of foreign capital instead of the large -scale evacuation of foreign investment in some public opinion.

Even if there are some transfer, in addition to the low -end manufacturing, it is largely industrial replacement and structural adjustment. Some are internal structural adjustment and product replacement of the enterprise.The products remain in China and continue to develop new products and technology.Some are replacement between enterprises and enterprises. Low -end enterprises and products are transferred to other countries and regions. High -end enterprises and products have gradually entered the Chinese and Chinese markets to form a cage and bird -changing pattern.

Obviously, the so -called foreign capital withdrawn from China, but some people, some institutions are somewhat ordered, only seeing away, and not seeing them.Ask for truth.

The development of the external economy in China has reached the stage of need to change the cage and change the bird, and it is also the time when the low -end manufacturing must be transferred and exited.This is not only the case, but the same is true of domestic capital.If these low -end manufacturing and low -end technology and low -end products still occupy the front end of China's industry and become the main force of Chinese manufacturing, then the transformation and upgrading of the Chinese economy is a empty term, and it is far away to achieve high -quality development.

Because of this, in the face of some institutions and personnel's so -called large -scale evacuation of foreign investment in China, it can be ignored.The development of China is not what others say, just good, bad, or not, but it is developed by itself, supported by strong consumption power and consumer market.It is also because of strong consumption capacity and consumer market that we can continue to attract foreign investors to invest in China.At the same time, Chinese companies have also begun to go out to form a benign interaction.

According to the 2019 China Business Environment Survey report released by the American Chamber of Commerce in China, 69%of member companies achieved profit in 2018, and the profitability of 21%is the same as last year.Three destinations.

In other words, the so -called foreign -funded evacuation of China is to take it for granted.If you look at it on both sides, China's foreign investment is still very stable.With the introduction of relevant policies and the improvement of the business environment, China's foreign investment will only get better and better, and will only make new breakthroughs on high -quality and high platforms.

The author is Chinese Financial Reviewer