Ming Pao News Agency

The Sino -US trade war stopped, and the tariff disputes in the goods have just had a stop -to -war.The United States wants to curb every scope of threatening its interests. No one can resist today. The terrible thing is that the Cold War thinking has been greatly permeated, spreading infinitely to the fields of economic and trade exchanges and the normal cultural exchanges of the people.It is not good for the establishment of openness, tolerance, and coexistence of civilization.

Douyin was launched in China in 2016. It is a short video social platform based on music, entertainment and other content. Because this product is an innovative type in the Chinese market, it will immediately gain huge downloads and uses, which is particularly welcomed by young people.The following year, it acquired a company that had opened the situation in the US market and entered the US market with the TIKTOK brand.In the past year, Tiktok applications have downloaded more than 750 million times, while Facebook's downloads were 715 million times in the same period, Instagram was 450 million times, and YouTube was 300 million times.Although the latest announced growth rate has slowed for the first time, the total downloads have exceeded 1.3 billion times, of which the United States has downloaded 120 million times, which has established a foothold in the US market.

Douyin's business model is to attract users for free, and then use big data technology to recommend advertising profitability of related products according to the user's click content preferences.Tiktok has occupied half of the country's social platform in India, and last year, it made a profit of 360 million yuan.

Douyin is also controversial whether it is domestic or overseas. The relevant mainland departments have repeatedly ordered Douyin to clean up bad content such as fraud and such as fraud, which permanently closed tens of thousands of accounts. Indonesia banned Douyin's business in the country.Yue had accused Tiktok's illegal obtaining information under the age of 13 and fined more than $ 5 million.

Suspicious personal information is used for spy war

Beauty reasonable suspicion of true evidence

Some members of the United States constantly called for investigation of Tiktok. The US Foreign Investment Commission (CFIUS) finally shot and announced that it will review from the perspective of national security.Exit the US market.In the past, the Foreign Investment Commission had rejected Chinese companies to acquire German chip companies and also rejected Ant Financial to acquire US financial companies.

Members of Congress accused Tiktok to obtain a large number of personal information of American citizens, but it cannot prove that Tiktok's parent company registered in China will not refuse the Chinese government's instructions and use these personal data to engage in spy activities.CFIUS rejected the acquisition of a American homosexual appointment platform in 2016 for the same reason for the same reason last year.Do spies for the Chinese government.

Relevant allegations are all based on speculation and there is no true evidence. Some American theories believe that this is an unfair allegations, but public opinion believes that even if no illegal acts are found now, it will not occur in the future.I believe that Douyin had such concerns when deciding to invest in the US market, so the server is placed in the United States to prove that the Chinese government has no control over the US account information.Below, I believe it will be difficult to escape CFIUS to ask for a ban from the market.

Out of protecting the interests of domestic merchants and restricting the development of Chinese cutting -edge technology in the world, all passers -by of Sima Zhao knows.However, the United States has always followed the principle of freedom and equality competition. Facebook was accused of leaking 50 million account personal information to British Cambridge Analysis Company to write an analysis on the US presidential election, and Tiktok was speculated that the account information may be revealed without evidence.It may be out of the field, and there is a principle of violation of fair competition.

Civilization coexist the world

Cold War Thinking obstacles

This difficulty that will not happen in the future is a downright Cold War thinking.After World War II, the capitalist camps led by the United States and the communist camp led by the Soviet Union, in order to compete for the world's hegemony, start a comprehensive competition, and finally formed the situation of the United States in the world with the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Theoretically, the Cold War has ended for many years.Today, when the United States see China's economic rise, the Chinese government is also trying to prove that its political system is most suitable for China's national conditions. It makes the United States believe that China will compete with the United States.First of all, starting with ZTE, then Huawei, and then DJI drone development and manufacturers.

As the first Chinese entertainment social platform, TIKTOK succeeded in the United States. The United States has cracked down on national security as an excuse and is purely because of the Cold War.The root cause of the Cold War thinking is to assume that the ultimate purpose of the enemy is to eliminate the country. Therefore, China's Belt and Road Initiative, Regional Free Trade Agreement (RCEP) and even space exploration plans are dedicated to the United States by Washington.This is the result of the lack of understanding of Chinese history and culture. When the Ming Dynasty Zheng He seven western oceans did not occupy a colony, when the economic aggregate of the Qing Dynasty accounted for 30 % of the global GDP, there was no expansion.

While the United States commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Berlin wall, it is under construction to block another wall.American society has widely accepted this kind of cold war thinking, and the outside world has no beak.However, China's development will not stop because of this. In the future, it is likely to have two split worlds that use and not use Chinese 5G technology, use American social media, and use Chinese social media.The situation is likely to become a fact and maintain it for a long time.