Source: Hong Kong 01

When many people first heard vocabulary such as serving the people and governing for the people, it is inevitable that these are the political propaganda of the Communist Party of China, and intentionally or unintentionally ignore the obvious progress of the mainland's past decades in the field of people's livelihood.Nowadays, the CCP has completed the material level of material level, and has further closed at the 19th Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, which promotes the modernization of the national system and governance capabilities, including improving the livelihood protection and social governance system.For Hong Kong, which is a developed society but a livelihood, isn't it worthy of the mainland's obsession with improving people's livelihood?

The Fourth Plenary Session decided to have a lot of ink on social livelihood issues, including promoting employment, improving basic pensions, basic medical care, social assistance, and effective mechanisms for the treatment of people's internal contradictions.Suddenly, these contents seem to be similar to the Hong Kong policy report and fiscal budget, but it is worth noting that in addition to text descriptions, the people's livelihood work is indeed very solid.Take poverty alleviation as an example. According to statistics, the rural poverty in China have been significantly reduced from 98.99 million in 2012 to more than 10 million people. The CCP's goal is to achieve all rural poverty next year.

The CCP can achieve achievements in social livelihood issues. The key is that it does not judge its own responsibility, but instead improves various people's livelihood causes through targeted and continuous reforms.In fact, the founder of Microsoft's founder Gates and the Secretary -General of the United Nations Gutres also called China ’s achievements in the relevant Fangguan.

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Overall, the quality of life of the mainland people is constantly improving. This is due to what the governors have a clear understanding and accurate grasp of what role they should play.The secondary distribution did not have the courage to promote industrial reform, so that Hong Kong continued to air in the deep -seated structure contradictions.The situation in Hong Kong is extremely ridiculous -our per capita GDP is above Germany and Japan, but the vast majority of citizens think about housing, medical care, children's further studies, and retirement.This is not to say that the mainlanders have no same troubles, but the CCP's awareness and solid achievements in reform have made them look forward to the prospects after all.In contrast, Hong Kong people are only helpless and depressed.

For a long time, the Hong Kong Government's thinking along the small government in the Yingzhi era has always been proud of the title of the most liberal economy.Objectively speaking, the free economy does help release the enthusiasm of individuals and help drive economic development. However, if alienation becomes monopoly, society will be abducted by vested interests and loses more capabilities.In view of this, Hong Kong 01 has always called on the Hong Kong government to abandon the logic of the large government's large government market logic and shake the deep -seated structure contradictions with great courage.The interests of the interests release citizens from the pressure of life.

In addition to referring to the concepts of common prosperity and the people -centered, the Fourth Plenary Session also shows that the improvement of the people's livelihood throughout the work of governing the country and governing the country. These concepts are exactly owed by the Hong Kong government and need to be learned urgently.Of course, under the framework of one country, two systems, Hong Kong does not have to move a set of mainland in the Mainland. However, the local governance elite in Hong Kong should learn the CCP's obsession with reform. It must have sufficient sensitivity to what reforms in society needs.If so, Hong Kong can only continue to stab and be able to start again.