Cao Dewang, the founder and chairman of Fuyao Glass Group, believes that a big problem for Chinese private entrepreneurs is that it is not equipped with virtue.(Internet)

At the third China Enterprise Reform and Development Forum held on the 3rd, Cao Dewang, the founder and chairman of the Fuyao Glass Group, proposed in his speech that a big problem for private entrepreneurs is that virtue is not equipped.

According to Sina Finance, he said that being an enterprise is not what you imagined. Being an entrepreneur must understand Chinese culture and make virtue.

He summarized several conditions for successful entrepreneurship.First, to have cultural self -confidence, entrepreneurs must have faith, and they must be able to use the essence of traditional culture Confucianism and Buddhism into corporate management.Second, we must have the professional experience of the industry. Third, we must have the support of profound knowledge. Fourth, we must have a realm and a vision of the people.Only with these can you start a business successfully.

Cao Dewang pointed out that the problem of funds for private enterprises does exist.Money is on accounts receivable, other receivables, other investment, and fixed asset expansion projects. Cash is not available, and shadow banks, trusts, funds, guarantee companies, etc. When these people force debts, you will force you into the dead alleyGo.

It is not enough experience, not enough virtue.He emphasized that only the morals can only carry the objects.

Cao Dewang suggested that entrepreneurs of private enterprises should improve themselves and review themselves.Most of the problems are greedy, expanded too fast, you can sell assets appropriately, pay the bank with this money, and solve the problem of mobile funding.Selling is better now than later, sell it quickly.

Victory or defeat is a common thing. He believes that the first generation of people sells, and the second generation can still summarize the experience of Dongshan. Otherwise, it will die together. Later, people get up slower.wait.