Author: Qiu Liben

If you look at today's Sino -US game ten years later, you have to thank President Trump's willfulness and conspiracy so that China can wake up and accelerate the change in order to survive in this game and strive to win in the end.

The maintenance of the change is to make good use of more new inventions, realize the curve overtaking, and even overtake straight. Under the huge pressure of the outside, forcing China to achieve the reform that is difficult to achieve, and strive for more innovation to promote China's progress.

The plan of the RMB 3.0 is to make great changes under the United States.Because RMB 3.0 is endorsed by the Chinese central government, there are no other virtual currencies that are disadvantaged and lacking credibility.But more importantly, under the current pattern of the Sino -US trade war, the United States is pressing in step by step, and the US dollar hegemony is a financial network that looks omnipotent omnipresent, which has made China a secret loss in international trade.But now China strives to settle on cryptocurrencies first, and has achieved unprecedented advantages on the global power chessboard.

China's advantage is supported by the domestic market of 1.4 billion people, and then expanded to the international stage of Wuyuan Ford, taking advantage of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Dongfeng of the Asian Investment Bank to develop to the world.But in the process, it is bound to encounter suspicion and resistance between the United States and Western countries.Behind the trade war is the financial war, and China ’s first launch of the government -supported Chinese cryptocurrency is equivalent to seizing the strategic high point of the financial war.

Facebook in the United States is the world's largest social media with a user of 2.26 billion.Its ambitious plan is to launch its own electronic currency libra, but because of touching the vested interests of the American consortium, it is likely that it is likely to die.However, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, warned that if China was the first to launch electronic currencies, it would affect the United States.In the face of China's RMB 3.0 plan, the US financial community predicts that it may stimulate the Trump administration to come back quickly and support Libra, which supports Facebook.

However, China always has a natural advantage in the development of virtual currency and blockchain, because China's population is large, and it can be more efficient in the application of big data and more flow.But the most important thing is that blockchain not only has huge commercial use in China, but can promote the government to strengthen administrative efficiency and implement more social justice.

The torture of social justice, including how to assist 60 million left -behind children in the countryside, and how the source allows 250 million migrant workers to have national treatment and allow them to use social security in rural areas instead of allowing farmersWorkers lack public medical care in large cities, and migrant workers have no right to compulsory education.Under the new technologies of the blockchain, the expectations of these boss's difficulties can be solved.

This also implements the goal of good Governance.Francis Fukuyama, a Japanese -American political scholar in the United States, once emphasized that the ideal government does not depend on election politics, but on good governance.For China, Trump ’s willfulness and yang conspiracy are the breakthroughs of changes and good politics.