01 Viewpoint

The November District Council elections are likely to be held without the anti -repair campaign. There is no doubt that it will add a layer of political struggle for the general election of the regional council.Compared with the district council elections held four months after the political turmoil in July 2003, the situation must be even more.

However, if we think that the district council is engaged in a political revolution or abducted it with radical claims, it is to misunderstand the role of the district council and district councilor, which helplessly promote reform and establish a better Hong Kong society.

In the past week, Huang Zhifeng, who was in the West District of Haiyi, seized the attention of society.In the end, he was DQ on Tuesday (October 29) and failed to run for the current district council election.The decision of the election director is as expected to attract controversy, but it must be pointed out that according to the ruling of the High Court in the Chen Haotian case and the Zhou Ting case, the election director has substantial power to review the qualifications of the candidate, and Huang Zhifeng has also repeatedly described it.Opportunity.However, the election director still believes that he has failed to cut his self -determination with Hong Kong's own determination, and did not decide the independence of Hong Kong independence, so he did not meet the qualifications for running.

If Huang Zhifeng does not accept this, he can submit an election invitation in accordance with the mechanism.If the election director Xinna Huang Zhifeng opposes Hong Kong independence and is qualified, he should be allowed to participate in political elections.As for the outside world, if there is still a discussion about whether Huang Zhifeng accepts the Hong Kong independence, it is not just that the radical proposition of Hong Kong independence seems to be silent in recent years, but it still exists hidden?In particular, this anti -repair campaign has intensified many citizens' resistance to the Beijing government. The demonstrators burned the national flag and the national emblem of the national emblem. It is also easy to mistake that Hong Kong currently needs the violent revolution.In this regard, we should say firmly: No!

What Hong Kong needs is reform

It is true that the slogan of restoring the revolution in Hong Kong and the Times has risen and even the community.If many demonstrations and announcements say, the revolution here is not a traditional armed revolution and overthrowing power, but to completely change Hong Kong's institutional issues and rebuild a beautiful society. Then we can say that Hong Kong does need such a revolutionary revolution.EssenceBut we cannot forget that the society needs to reform because of the revolutionary change.

This anti -repair campaign has exposed various aspects of the political system, economic structure, and even the supervisor mechanism. In terms of promoting social changes, it is not a good thing.However, because the problem is intricate, the emotional reactions and linear thinking have failed to help us face the root cause of the problem; coupled with the no large platform of this movement, the voices of participants and sympathy are full of flowers.Which direction should we solve the problem.

Politicians must rebuild society

The anti -repair examples that lasted more than four months, as described by the wealthy businessman Li Ka -shing, were deafening to the government.What they want is economic fairness, procedure justice, political democracy and freedom.This is not only the Pan -people or pro -yellow silk camps, but even the members of the Jianjianist, Tian Beichen, and Shi Liqian, have also pointed out that citizens need a more fair and righteous system.In this regard, all the politicians mdash; mdash; especially the candidate Mdash; mdash; mdash; must be used as a blueprint for social reforms, so that Hong Kong people can see hope again.

Of course, we cannot rule out some radical voices in the demonstration, and we want to resort to the violent revolution and even want to affect the independence of Hong Kong.However, according to the investigation released by the Hong Kong Institute of Public Opinion on Tuesday, there are no 83%of Hong Kong's independent interviewees. The chairman of the Institute of the Institute, Yan Tingyao, said that he would not have the tendency of Hong Kong independence.Anyone who wants to use the current hot political atmosphere to ride the district council election to bring radicals such as Hong Kong independence into the district council, or to challenge the political red line by using this platform.Improve the opportunity to improve community governance.These people are not truly serving the citizens, but just serving their personal political interests.

The 01 view has been pointed out many times that the government and the society have the responsibility to make the district council smoothly, allowing politics to re -walk back from the street back to the democratic system, condense social consensus in a civilized manner, and find reforms.With the current list of candidates in various districts, candidates and voters should return to rationality. They are divided into high schools and reform concepts to find new district councilors that can promote social welfare, and even future political new stars.