Wei Jianguo, deputy director of the China International Economic Exchange Center and former deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce of China, talked about the issue of the Chinese market admission that China will speed up the pace of market openness at a speed that people expect in the next five to 10 years.(Photo by Chen Yuanzhuang)

Wei Jianguo, deputy director of the China International Economic Exchange Center and former Deputy Minister of Commerce in China, believes that China will not withdraw the positioning of developing countries in developing countries, but it will speed up the market opening up at a speed that people expect in the next five to 10 years.The pace, and China and the United States will not fall into the trap of Xunxione.

The positioning of developing countries still conforms to the status quo of China

Wei Jianguo pointed out in an exclusive interview with Lianhe Morning Post the day before yesterday that China's volume and population base cannot be compared with South Korea, which has recently withdrawn from the World Trade Organization Development countries.Although China has achieved the goal of a well -off society, from the perspective of many issues faced by the per capita, overall development, regional gap, and the next steps of reform and opening up, the task is still very difficult.Wei Jianguo said: This is not easier than the journey from reform and opening up to the present.Therefore, the positioning of developing countries still meets China's reality.

Wei Jianguo also believes that the World Trade Organization established in 1995 does need to be improved in some institutions, but it is not to say that it is fundamentally overturned. If it is required to trade in the same standard, developing countries and developed countries are not fair.He emphasized that China not only is a developing country, but also represents the interests of other developing countries to speak for them.

Asked about foreign companies, especially US companies, in terms of doubts about the Chinese market access and intellectual property protection, Wei Jianguo said it was understandable, but he was exaggerated.According to his understanding, some Chinese companies do require US companies to transfer technology, but most companies do not, but market exchange technology.He said that this was based on the mutual benefit of both sides.

Opening the market at once is not in line with China's national conditions

Speaking of market access, Wei Jianguo said that if the market is opened at once in accordance with the US requirements, it is not realistic to eliminate the negative list.The biggest success of China's reform and opening up is LSQUO; Touching the stones to cross the river rsquo; China will not use shock therapy like Russia, or seeking one step like a Latin American country, which is not in line with China's national conditions.The requirements of American companies are too high and too fast. Although they can be understood, it is also necessary to ensure that China's own economy cannot be turned open, and the degree of acceptance of Chinese people and the market also requires a certain process.

Wei Jianguo concluded that everything must be based on a stable basis, but it has changed and accelerates stability.This is a process of cultivating the market. He believes that it is good for both parties, and American companies can understand this.

Wei Jianguo also said that China ’s accelerated reform and opening up is not passive, but from its own needs. Therefore, China will speed up the pace of reform and opening up at a speed that foreign entrepreneurs and scholars cannot imagine in the next five to 10 years.To achieve a full range of high -speed reforms, the doubts and concerns of foreign companies in China will be swept away.

The core interests of the United States are global dominance status

Regarding the reality of Sino -US relations for a long time, Wei Jianguo is optimistic that it will still solve the problem in the future, and China and the United States will eventually not fall into the trap of Xunxione.He said that China's attitude is not misjudgment, not conflicting without confrontation, and respects their core interests.

Wei Jianguo said that China's core interests are the security of territorial integrity, national development, and security in energy, food, and networks.He believes that the core interests of the United States are global hegemon. China respects the status of the world's global hegemon and has no intention of challenging. China has many problems to solve, such as poverty alleviation, employment, climate change, etc.

Wei Jianguo added that US Vice President Pence's speech tone on Sino -US relations last week has not changed, and he has not returned to the peaceful and stable main tone reached by the leaders of the two countries in Osaka.This is because the trade war has not been deeply tingling to the United States, but at least through this year, the United States has begun to realize that various conflicts including trade war, financial warfare, and talent wars are not good for them.