Gu Qingyang, associate professor of the School of Public Policy of the National University of Public Policy: The third -party cooperation model under the Belt and Road framework is a major progress of the initiative.Border advantage.(Photo by Ye Zhenzhong)

Singapore companies should grow up with Chinese enterprises and work together to develop third -party markets mainly based on the Asian Demo region.Such cooperation can mobilize the unique resources and advantages of the three parties and achieve a win -win situation.

Gu Qingyang, an associate professor of the School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore, put forward the above views at the New China Business Forum yesterday morning.He pointed out that the third -party cooperation model under the Belt and Road framework is a major progress of the initiative. It can combine the advantages of the three sides of China's infrastructure and production capacity, technology and software in developed countries, and the resources and demand of developing countries.The complementary complementarity between the two countries, and local enterprises can also play the role of Unicom and bridge.

The third -party cooperation model decentralized equity is easy to be accepted internationally

Professor Gu believes that the practices of Chinese state -owned enterprises to invest in countries along the Belt and Road have long faced challenges in the long run.For example, the project is often accused of being dominated by the Chinese government. The United States has always criticized the equity of the Belt and Road projects by China, and the international acceptance is challenged.

In the third -party cooperation model, enterprises of various countries can directly work with Chinese enterprises to enter the third -party market.After this model matures, the equity will be scattered, making it easier for developing countries to accept.

In an interview with Lianhe Morning Post on the forum, Professor Gu also pointed out that Sino -US trade frictions have continued to upgrade, promoting the development of third -party markets, forcing everyone to move towards third parties. Trade activities in China and other countries have also increased in recent years.

He said that related cooperation is mainly business behaviors between enterprises, such as equity cooperation, joint investment, etc., so it can avoid many geographical political issues.

However, such cooperation is also facing great risks.Professor Gu warned at the forum that obstruction from the United States, and the periodic fluctuations of the third -party market due to the replacement of the regime, are all non -traditional risks that may occur.

The New China Business Forum is an annual event held by the China Central Chamber of Commerce in Singapore since 2012.This year's new middle school joins hands: the theme of expanding the third -party market, exploring how new Chinese companies deepen cooperation, and expand their business to third -party markets. About 240 guests participated.

In his speech, Huang Shanzhong, president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, revealed that according to the investigation of the business community's business community this year, six of the 10 overseas markets that Singaporean companies are most interested in are Southeast Asian countries; and 49%of companies intend to enter China.Southeast Asia can be a new base for cooperation between the two countries.

Liu Yanling, the second leader of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Affairs, described that, as a financial hub that closely linked with the Asianan countries, Singapore can catalyze in project financing and planning, help promote the development of China's capital market, and support Chinese enterprises to grow in the region in this region.Essence

She believes that Singapore can benefit from it as a professional financial service and mediation mechanism, and Chinese and regional enterprises can also benefit from it.

According to the Chinese Economic and Commercial Minister of the Embassy of the Chinese Embassy in Singapore, Zhong Manying introduced that China and Singapore signed two memorandums of understanding of two third -party market cooperation last year and April this year. At present, both parties are gradually beginning with India, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia and other countries.cooperate.

There is a gap between the rhythm of the three -party business

Representatives from different enterprises from New China also shared the company's experience in the new China market in the new China market.

Chen Shuihai, chairman of Singapore Bubo Human Resources Service Co., Ltd., proposed that when the two parties entered the third -party market, they often encountered a problem of fast and slow rhythm.Chinese enterprises often want to quickly deploy and occupy market share as soon as possible; but Singaporean companies are more cautious and require a longer time to make decisions.

Chen Shunli, director of the development and strategic interconnection project of Ye Shuifu Group, agrees with this view.For example, last year, the company cooperated with a Chongqing cross -border transportation enterprise to develop the Vietnamese market. The company wanted to quickly deploy the transportation network and rush to hold a press conference.Large -scale events are held.

If we discuss with us at the time, we will put forward concerns about this.Avoid this situation.

Yu Juan, the senior product director of Alibaba Cloud, also shared that after entering the Southeast Asian market, the company did feel a speed difference.She analyzed that the differences in laws and regulations in various places are the main causes.For example, the legal restrictions of personal data protection have a great impact on the speed of development and cooperation.

However, Zhou Zhaochu, chief strategic officer of Haidilao, believes that different enterprises should find the speed that suits them, which is also related to the corresponding considerations in different fields and decision -making processes.

Corporate representatives agree that Singapore has its advantages as partners entering the third market. In addition to the leading investment in scientific and technological talents, customers and employees with multiple cultural backgrounds are also conducive to the international layout.Third market.