Author: Ouyang Wu

Recently, the author has noticed that some global ranking reports have been released one after another, and Hong Kong's ranking is quite beautiful.If the World Bank released the 2020 business environment report last week, Hong Kong ranked third; the Global Financial Center Index reported in Hong Kong in September 3 and so on.These global external image scores are undoubtedly an important affirmation of Hong Kong's competitiveness and value.But I believe that most of them are complicated to watch these rankings.

Image stop loss has become an urgent problem

As of May 2019, the data inspected by the World Bank Report has not been included in the investigation for nearly 5 months.Another global urban security index announced by another economics think tank, Hong Kong, China ranked 20th this year, fell 11 from the previous one.Although it has been reflected in the current situation, it still ranks third in the scope of personal safety, and has not reflected the terrorist reality that has recently made private manufacturing.The author is more concerned about the global education ranking of Hong Kong. This is the foundation of various rankings in Hong Kong and the guarantee of competitiveness in the future.The global universities ranked before, except for the Hong Kong University, the other rankings were significantly falling.

Some people use the disaster comparable to the social effects brought by the current violent chaos, not alarmist.In the past month, the number of restaurants in the month has exceeded that year, and there are more and more sounds of rented rental rents, which will inevitably affect the real estate market. The follow -up chain effect is still inestimable. The hardships of all walks of life have been universal psychological expectations for the future.

For Hong Kong, the external perception has always been an important indicator of Hong Kong's survival competition.Oriental Pearl Shopping Paradise World Food Paradise Global the world's safest city International Financial Center China and Western Cultural Integration Center Hellip; Hellip; these reputation and labels are the foundation of Hong Kong in the world.However, with the social turmoil in the past 5 months, the neon lamps of this Hong Kong signboard were turned off in turn, and the future of Hong Kong was lost.Therefore, it is necessary to realize that image stop loss has become an urgent issue in Hong Kong.

Whoever succeed in the province first will take the next round of globalization

What I am worried about is not whether the ranking of Hong Kong in the world will take the roller coaster in the next global report, but I am afraid that Hong Kong will be reflected until the next report will be impacted by the ranking of the ranking. I am afraid that it will be too late.

Good birds still cherish feathers.In the context of globalization, the image of the country and region is often fatal.The light of Hong Kong is dim, and even affects the entire Southeast Asian region. The possibility of this dark prospects is far away from Singapore, but Hong Kong itself is unbearable.This also reflects a realistic issue of street politics and narrow vision in Hong Kong, which is known for its global vision, in recent years.

As the tide of the previous round of globalization, while Hong Kong has harvested the status and prosperity of the international metropolis, it has also accumulated a lot of problems. Among them, there is a common problem brought by the previous round of globalization, but also intertwined the development dilemma of Hong Kong itself.And psychological confusion.The world is now in a period of great change. Many developed countries and regions have pain and turbulence. It is important to treat this change and the pain and embarrassment in the middle.Whoever can successfully province first and take a proactive attitude will take advantage of the next round of globalization.It should be noted that Hong Kong is by no means alone. It should no longer be delayed in reality, and it should not be relieved.

Hong Kong needs the courage to live together

In the past few months, many people have shown the impulse to die with Hong Kong, but in fact, Hong Kong needs the courage of the same life.

First of all, the courage to say no violence and anti -civilized behavior.While restoring the order and security of Hong Kong, it will no longer give people to Hong Kong to protect the image of Hong Kong in the global change game.Recently, the outside world is doing the topic of the export of Hong Kong. In fact, the external forces behind Hong Kong's violence chaos have been obvious. Now it is purely discredited with the similar violence status of other countries.The author learned through some channels that the central government's discredit of external public opinion to discredit the image of Hong Kong is very sober and vigilant.If it is true that the United States will sanction Hong Kong by the Hong Kong human rights and democratic bills, it will be sighing when the value of Hong Kong will be extinguished to extinguish Hong Kong.

Hong Kong now still needs to be unprecedented with the courage of opposition and tearing.There is an unsuccessful violent incident on the street, which has become a rare product.In this regard, the author does not want to say that tens of thousands of truths that should be united, maybe the effects of these truths are not as good as a real hug.In the past 5 months, the entire Hong Kong is exhausted and has no way to comfort.In fact, no matter what the political opinion is, as long as the citizens who really love Hong Kong's anti -violence, they can hold hands and hold them, saying hard to say each other.Perhaps such a small movement will cause unexpected social chemical reactions.

Finally, the courage to rebirth.From the various ranking and research reports around the world, it is gratifying that many of the value foundations in Hong Kong are still there, and multiple reports have affirmed Hong Kong's financial advantages and the huge prospects of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area strategy.Although the current situation is still difficult, the basic market of Hong Kong's breakthrough in Hong Kong is still bright, and the prospects are light. As long as Hong Kong is in time, it will be provinced in a timely manner.

At this time, I miss the classic TVB drama line that can extinguish all the anger, you are hungry, I cook the noodles for you, and then the beautiful life belonging to the Hong Kong people will start again.

The author is current affairs commentator