Ming Pao News Agency

Hong Kong ushered in the cold winter of the economy, and the exchange control released its performance. The preview of the fourth quarter should make a major allocation of the industrial and commercial financial business of Hong Kong, reflecting that the economic situation is not optimistic, and the worse situation is still behind.Anti -repair storms are long -lasting, and the retail and tourism industry is the first. So far, the three -wheeled rescue measures launched by the Hong Kong government are just hanging salt water.In order to have a long -term recovery.Hong Kong's economic cliff -like decline, which is likely to have negative growth throughout the year, and the employment of economic insurance requires the right medicine. It is not a wise move to dispatch money in disguise in cash vouchers and other ways.

Exchange control performance trailer preparation

Highlight the severe situation in Hong Kong

Affected by the global economy and Hong Kong factors, the outside world has already seen the latest performance of Danhui Control. Unexpectedly, the actual situation is worse than expected. In the third quarter, the profit of the border tax was 18%before the tax -based tax tax, which was less than the expected 12%.The expected credit loss and impairment of exchange control may increase significantly. The income environment for the remaining time this year is more severe than the first half of the year.The income environment continues to deteriorate, and there may be major allocation in the fourth quarter of this year.

The exchange control business is all over the world. However, Hong Kong is still a major driving force for the growth of company's profit growth. The results of the exchange control over this time are inevitable that Hong Kong's economic prospects are inevitable.According to Hui Control, the market environment in Hong Kong is severe, and it needs to increase the increase in Hong Kong's industrial and commercial financial loan business. In addition to the trade war factors, it is also due to the continuous social movement.Earlier, the United States announced a phased trade agreement with China. The trade war saw at least the dawn of the suspension.Want to fight hexagram.

The Hong Kong economy was hit in a full range of blood, and the blood loss of small and medium -sized companies was seriously affected from exports, tourism to retail industry.Hong Kong exports have recorded the largest single -quarter decline in the past 10 years. The main reason is that the Sino -US trade war is mainly, but the retail and tourism performance is severe, but it is obviously related to violence.In the past few months, the number of visitors to Hong Kong has been able to pick up. In the first half of October, the decline in the first half of the month has expanded to nearly 50 %. The average cliff in hotel rooms has fallen sharply. The industry described the disaster since the SARS period in 2003.The retail industry is also terrible.The sales volume of retail industry declined from 13.1%in July to 25.3%in August. It was the largest single month since the record. In the past two months, the situation is afraid of worse.The words such as renting and glorious graduation are visible from time to time.In terms of the catering industry, since June, the overall decline in the industry's business has exceeded 30 %, and about 300 restaurants have closed, and thousands of employees have unemployment.

A large number of mainland passengers come to Hong Kong, which constitutes a heavy pressure on some communities. Recently, tourists visiting Hong Kong have decreased sharply. Some people may feel that the community is rare and peaceful. However, the tourism industry has shrunk rapidly, which also means that a large number of employees from the grassroots level have no income.Retail, catering and tourism hire a large number of grass -roots citizens, accounting for a large proportion of the overall labor force. Once there is a wave of closure, the unemployment will worsen significantly.The most terrible thing is that the decline in the economic insertion of Hong Kong's economy may be only at the beginning, and no one knows how deep the bottom of the valley is.

In the past few months, the government has launched three rounds of bailout measures, such as taking the lead in rents and launching 90 % of the credit guarantee plan to support small and medium -sized enterprises, providing subsidies for transportation and travel agencies, etc., which cost more than 20 billion yuan.These measures are largely just to hang saline for compressed small and medium -sized enterprises, so as to avoid the overall outbreak of closure and unemployment tide.As the peak consumption season is approaching at the end of the year, some restaurants and small merchants still want to work hard and hope that the business will improve. However, if the turbulent chaos has not subsided, I am afraid that a large number of merchants will choose to surrender and the tide of disaster closure will occur.

A economic disaster is behind. The society must draw the line with violence. The government also has the responsibility to respond to demands and timely resolve the dilemma.The current retail, catering and tourism crisis is deep. The key is that the violence is more than that. Only when the society returns to the calmness, can we truly draw salary to save the city.Before the situation was not seen, the authorities at best helped the industry to reduce operating costs and support it for a while. Even if a large number of preferential measures and even sent money are now launched, they cannot revitalize consumer desire, or attract a large number of passengers to Hong Kong.

The district council election is approaching. Recently, there is a voice in politics that it advocates sending cash vouchers to the citizens to stimulate local retail markets. Yunyun is actually disguised in disguise.After the SARS epidemic in 2003, Hong Kong's retail industry conspired to urge the valley business. In order to attract customers, the subway company launched a subway cash coupon plan. Many citizens lined up in line and the scene was lively.However, the cash voucher is a gimmick as an individual company. It is a two -yard of cash vouchers with the whole people. At present, Hong Kong society is seriously opposed.Very different.

Limited role of cash coupons

Taiwan Experience Qianqian Cars can monitor

The Hong Kong economic crisis is deep and not under the SARS period. Even if the government has money, it should not be voted in the pills. It is a decline in whether it is sent to cash vouchers or money.In 2009, the Taipei government also issued consumer special coupons to the entire people in response to the tight consumption caused by the financial tsunami, each NT $ 3,600 per person.After carrying more than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars debt, the people in Taiwan have unknown economic prospects. Even if they have collected consumer coupons, they do not have bold consumption. They would rather leave more cash.Former cars in Taiwan can monitor, how can Hong Kong repeat the same mistakes.