Source: United Daily

The Cai government handled Chen Tongjia's case, and the performance was not handled from the backbone to Hong Kong. The most important crux of our hairpin was bending.In the case of decision -making bias, the legal department, which should play the main role, has been forced to say, leading to the flood of the atmosphere of Hong Kong and China, but the core judicial justice in this case is compressed.In this way, the Tsai government's decision -making on this case is certainly difficult to look forward to the public.

Observing the government's handling Chen Tongjia's case, each of which made people disappointed from the MAC.At first, Chen Tongjia was going to come to Taiwan to invest. The MAC announced the first time that the Hong Kong government asked Chen Tongjia to stay in Hong Kong.Since then, including the Pavilion Su Zhenchang, the Minister of the Interior Xu Guoyong, and the Minister of Legal Affairs Cai Qingxiang, etc.After the Tsai government was wrong and decided to turn around, the MAC issued a statement, saying that we decided to send prosecutors to Hong Kong to escort Chen Tongjia.Unexpectedly, this touched the sensitive nerves of cross -border law enforcement, which made it difficult to accept the Hong Kong side.

It stands to reason that in response to such a watched cross -border distribution incident, the ministries should be treated and benefited by various ministries to jointly negotiate countermeasures.However, the Tsai government's approach is overly leaning on the opinions of the MAC and the national security staff, put political interests first, and skimmed the claims of the legal department. As a result, the unbalanced and silly treatment of the people all the way to make the public feel angry.The biggest regret was that the Shilin Procuratorate had investigated the case for ten months and issued a wanted to Chen Tongjia; however, the opinions of the prosecutor were absent from the beginning to the end.Because of this, Su Yan will say that Hong Kong people kill Hong Kong people and Xu Guoyong's falsehood of the fallacy of humanism. They are excessively indulge in political confrontation thinking, and they are unaware of the loss of judicial sovereignty.

Before the policy turning, the Minister of Legal Affairs Cai Qingxiang had held a joint press conference with Qiu Caozheng, deputy chairman of the MAC.Cai Qingxiang said that if Hong Kong has no jurisdiction over the case, we are willing to discuss follow -up matters with the Hong Kong side without rejection;Come to Taiwan.The goodwill that the Ministry of Justice intentionally expressed was instantly destroyed by the sound of the MAC.This press conference also caused dissatisfaction with the procuratorial system. Some prosecutors criticized administrative intervention judicial justice, and some prosecutors stated that they had not heard that a state refused to accept wanted prisoners.Moreover, the prosecutors asked that the evidence of Chen Tongjia's guilty of killing was in Taiwan. What evidence should my country be handed over in Hong Kong?Even scholars who specialize in the lawsuit of the Specialty Criminal Law have called on the Tsai government to suspend their damage as soon as possible. At this point, government policies have corrected it.

In addition to administrative intervention judicial justice, in fact, the government's political situation in Chen Tongjia's case is also very serious.Xu Guoyong's Da Dai was on the grounds of humanism, and Chen Tongjia rejected Chen Tongjia abroad, but only one of them.Including President Tsai emphasized several times, Chen Tongjia came to Taiwan for only arrests and did not surrender, and he was also using political authority to handle the case.After taking office, Tsai Ing -wen has always hung judicial reform and judicial justice on her mouth, but this time she refused to accept Chen Tongjia, abandoned her judicial sovereignty first, and asked the MAC to deal with the case.Isn't it an independent trial of justice?

This situation of the entire government's collective loss of reason and the stuck incident that has been boiled last year, in fact, there are similar contexts.In the card management incident, the Cai government was dedicated to removing the position of the president of the National Taiwan University of Taiwan. After determining this goal, he took any means such as planting stolen, weaving, and solving the decree.At that time, those officials who were anxious to show President Tsai only searched for all kinds of cards to push down. Who really cares about the legitimacy and adaptability of government governance?

Looking at the handling of Chen Tongjia's case in the Cai government, the role of the MAC played by the MAC is definitely a wrong choice.It is precisely because of the overwhelming thinking of Hong Kong and China, ignoring the nature of the judicial nature of the case, and the footsteps of the government departments are in the direction of chaos.Investigation, the opinions of the MAC or the Guoan staff are caught in a blind spot if they follow or take the personal intention of President Cai, then the failure of decision -making will inevitably be more unpredictable.The Tsai government's decision -making is too concentrated, which is another serious warning.