Ming Pao News Agency

For us, the stupid war is over. With the Under the White House ordered the withdrawal from the Kurdish region in northern Syria, and the Twitter post from US President Trump, Turkish President Erdogan immediately launched to Syrianbei immediately.Action of the Peace Spring, attacked the Ku armed forces abandoned by the U.S. military.The situation in the Middle East has set off a new crisis. Trump's decision not only triggers uproar in the world, but also has been widely questioned in China.Russia has taken advantage of it, appearing as a mediation person, filling the power of the power, and becoming the new leader of the Middle East game.Although Vice President Pence went to Ankara to mediate urgently to fight for Turkey's suspension of attacks, Trump could still use a mistake, and he could still use a mistake and described it.

Trump wrote in Twitter's post that the United States has spent $ 8 trillion for combat and maintenance in the Middle East. We have thousands of great soldiers injured or died in hellip; hellip; involved in the Middle East War is the United States in the United StatesThe worst decision ever!This is also the real reason why his Middle East's strategic contraction.

The success or failure of the Ku people is due to the United States

U.S. Russia Russia dominates the Middle East

This time is the third large -scale cross -border attack on the Kuandan armed forces in recent years. For the Kurds, the United States and the United States are also declining.The Ku people live in the junction of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. The independent founding of the country is its long -term dream.At that time, in order to subvert the Saddam regime, the United States supported the Kuroko armed forces in Iraq, and gave the III Kuandi district a semi -independent status after the war. During the Syrian civil war, the art of the United States was re -applied and supported the Syrian Armed forces to weaken the Bashar government, Also cracking down on ISIS terrorist organizations.However, Yisu's two national Ku clan sitting big, stimulating the tendency of the Turkish Kuandan, making Ankara stabbing his back.

After Erdogan was elected as president in 2014, his performance was lacking. The domestic economy was out of view. He joined the European Union to be frustrated. The ruling party was defeated in the local election.

The United States originally wanted to overthrow the Bashar regime, but under the support of Russia, Iran, and China, the Syrian battlefield situation reversed.Trump was unwilling to pay banknotes in the Middle East and was eager to withdraw troops. After defeating the ISIS, the Kuanda armed forces had become a chicken rib. Then he reached a tacit understanding with Erdogan.After the Russian air defense missile system, it further moved closer to Moscow.

Unexpectedly, Turkey's attacks not only set off a great uproar internationally, but also noisy in the United States. Trump was sold out of the ally soldiers.So Trump shouted that Erdogan stopped, even threatening economic sanctions, and even destroying the Turkish economy.This fully reflects the personality of Trump's outlet, and eventually leads to double betrayal. It not only betrayed the former allies Kuri armed forces, but also betrayed the NATO allies Turkey.

The error policy in the United States blows the spring water of the Middle East.The ceasefire of Syrian North is extremely fragile. The occupation of Turkey may have long -term, which has made the Syrian government forces in the north to have a legitimate reason, and Damascus announced that it would not bother to the ceasefire agreement between the United States and the country.When the U.S. military evacuated Manbij, the Russian army entered the local US military base to separate the two troops of the Turkish Syria, and played a peacekeeping police.Russian President Putin visited the United States' important allies in the Middle East Saudi Arabia last week to sign about 20 agreements and contracts, involving many areas from space technology to cooperation to stabilize international oil prices.International public opinion believes that with the retreat of the United States, Russia has more proactively participating in Middle East affairs and will greatly change the geopolitical region in the region.

Allies disrupted Trump's strategy

China is also a strategic beneficiary

On the other hand, when the global eyes were focused on the Battlefield of the North, Iran's largest oil tanker was attacked in Saudi Arabia a week ago.Iranian public opinion stated that Israel was a murderer behind the scenes, and no longer warned at least three Iranian tankers; and said similar attacks would occur when Iranian relations with the Gulf country eased.This time the oil tanker coincided with the Pakistani Prime Minister Emran Khan shuttled through Iran and Saudi Arabia, and the central mediation was mediation, Iran's reconciliation with Saudi Arabia was obviously unhappy with Israel.If it is really done by Israel this time, it is not only Issa reconciled, but also destroys Trump's Middle East diplomatic plan.

The Trump team has been committed to the U.S. military withdrawn from the Middle East. It is hoped that at least before the US presidential election next year, the Middle East will not have a war, and the U.S. military should not be involved.However, recently, the Saudi refinery was attacked by Yemenhom Militarian missiles and drones; followed by Turkey to send troops to Syria to fight Kurdish forces; now it is suspected that Israel directly attacks Iranian tankers, which has provoked the campaign with Tehran.Trump's Ruyi abacus was made by all allies. No wonder the White House said the most worried thing happened.

The chaos in the Middle East not only enhances Russia's influence in the local area, but also one of China.Beijing not only maintains the Bashar government in the United Nations in Russia, but also has friendship with all parties such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, and even Israel, Turkey, and other parties.Last month, the Iraqi Prime Minister visited China and signed an agreement on oil exchange infrastructure, that is, Chinese -funded companies invested in the post -war reconstruction of Iraq, exchanging 100,000 barrels of oil to China daily.Last year, China has replaced India as the largest trading partner in Iraq, with bilateral trade volume of more than US $ 30 billion, and Iraq is also China's second largest oil supply country.This is probably the ending that President Bush, who launched the Iraq war at that time, was unexpected. It would also make Trump can't help but lament that the United States lost his wife and folded his soldiers in the Middle East, but it turned out to be a wedding dress for others.