Author: Huang Zhijin

The Republicans of the United States, especially the Federal Senate Republicans, have recently launched the House of Representatives's impeachment of US President Donald Trump, so as not to trigger disputes and unnecessary trouble in the party.However, the Republican Party had to stand more about the disputes over the Trump's withdrawal from Syria, an impeachment investigation process, and Trump's plan to hold the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) summit at the private club.

The Republican Party began to realize that many recent words and deeds of Trump are playing fire at all, and they are also facing the choice or choice between the loyalty and values of the party's loyalty and values and personal political future.

Before thinking that the impeachment of Trump's unsuitable Pennsyal Republican senator Pat TOOMEY, the attitude seemed to be rare, and he mentioned that he was still thinking about this problem.In the 2016 election of Republican Presidential Candidates, Trump opponent John Kasich, for the first time, he expressed his statement to support Trump's impeachment.Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell also admitted for the first time on October 16 that the House of Representatives passed the impeachment case and the Senate's opening of the trial will inevitably be inevitable.

However, McConal has been holding a negative attitude towards Thanksgiving or Christmas, and has not yet communicated with the Democratic Party of the House of Representatives.

The latest polls of the U.S. polls Pew Research Institutions show that 54%of the US adults support the impeachment case of Trump.Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution with 354 overwhelming advantages on 60 votes to oppose Trump's order to withdraw troops from northeastern Syria.This voting result was unexpected, because many Republican Party, which had previously belonged to the Trump camp, appeared. This is different from the voting results when Tong Russia.This also foreshadows the dissatisfaction of the two parties of the House of Representatives to the Trump administration's foreign policy.

This also prompted more Republicans to come up to criticize Trump's Syrian policy.Republican senator Lindsey Graham believes that this is the worst White House decision he encountered since he entered the parliament.Mitt Romney, a former Republican presidential candidate, criticized Trump's decision to withdraw the most violently, saying that this shame will be written into the history of the United States.McConal also criticized Trump's policy from Syria, but all his statements did not mention President Trump.

Although the Syrian withdrawal plan has nothing to do with Trump's ordinary Wumen or the House of Representatives, many people in China will use this to judge the judgment of Trump within the Republican Party.At present, on Democrats' impeachment investigations on Trump, most Republicans have remained silent, but other members of other members have begun to change.

The most obvious attitude change is the Chairman of the Senate Judicial Committee Graham.This person has been with the late senior senator John McCain, the best partner to criticize and check the Balance Trump within the party.However, after McCain's death, Graham's attitude towards Trump changed, especially in the field of tax reform, immigration and trade warfare, basically consistent with Trump.After the Democrats of the House of Representatives launched an impeachment investigation, Graham was also the first person to stand up and express doubts.The US media even referred to Graham as Trump's political allies in Congress.

Graham initially believed that there was no problem with Trump's call from Ukraine President Volodymyr Zlensky, and Senate could not use this as a basis for promoting the impeachment of Trump.However, on October 18, Graham mentioned in an exclusive interview with the Axios On HBO TV program that if Trump's crime is found, such as Trump does have a transaction with President Ukrado's call, it will be very excitingI am uneasy, I will also support the impeachment of Trump.

However, Graham also repeated the previous position, that is, the current call records released by the White House are not enough to prove that there is a transaction, which is not enough to support the impeachment of Trump.Graham thought it was stupid about Trump's request to investigate Biden.Graham believes that this is just Trump expressed his unhappiness, and it is stupid to ask China to investigate Biden.

The TV show also announced an exclusive interview with Senator Mitt Romney.In an exclusive interview, Romney believes that Trump asked China to investigate Biden's father and son illegal, and he looked forward to seeing more behind -the -scenes information.

In addition, the White House agent Mick Mulvaney's remarks also led the direction of public opinion.On October 17, he acknowledged to reporters that Trump asked Ukraine to investigate U.S. Democrats with military assistance as a exchange condition. When the reporter asked if this plot could be regarded as a certain transaction of both parties to the United States and Ukraine,At that time, he replied that at the diplomatic level, the United States has been doing so.In addition, Rudy Giuliani, a private lawyer in charge of Ukrainian affairs, was in the vortex of investigation.His two assistants, Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas, have been detained.

At present, from a technical level, Republicans are not worried about the impeachment investigation by Democrats.Theoretically, if Congress wants to pass the impeachment case, at least 69 senators will be required to determine Trump's guilty, and then Trump will be lifted his presidential position.However, according to the absolute advantage of the current Republican Party in the Senate, the impeachment terms are difficult to pass through.Assuming that all the Democratic Federal Senators support the impeachment voting, at least 20 Republican Senators are required to support it before they can be passed.

Republicans are even more worried about the abnormal remarks and decisions of Trump during the impeachment investigation, affecting their personal political interests.

According to the Washington Post, although many Republicans did not speak publicly, their dissatisfaction with Trump is increasing privately.Some Republican Party believes that they have helped Trump's efforts to survive the impeachment and win the re -election.If the Republican Party's dissatisfaction with Trump is open, even if the impeachment clause has not been approved in the Senate, it will not be able to withstand the US public's public opinion on Trump.This kind of public opinion changes not only involve who fell in the White House in 2020, but also related to the prospects of the seat renovation of some senators.