

U.S. President Trump announced two weeks ago that he would withdraw troops from Syria, abandoning the Kurdish allies, and was deeply condemned at home and abroad.In order to justify himself, he gave LSQUO; the Kurds did not help us in RSQUO; in the Normandy Campaign, it was ridiculous.This is not the first time Trump has made a joke because he does not understand history. Some middle school teachers even publicly wrote that he complained that he was ignorant and misunderstood his children.

The cunning rabbit died, and the dog cooked.

The Kurdish people who live in Syria and the Turkish border, as the backbone of the Islamic State of the terrorist organization, defend their homeland with blood and life, and become the most important force of the American anti -terrorism industry, but the power of the Islamic State is basically wiped out. The United States wants the United States.The consolidation of the relationship with Turkey has become an abandonment of the United States.

Trump two weeks ago (October 6) announced that withdrawal from Syria, mainly due to domestic election considerations, to fulfill the promise of withdrawal from abroad, and to transfer the people's attention to the impeachment crisis of the Tongwu case.

However, Trump's abandonment of the Kurds all ally was deeply condemned at home and abroad, and even the Republicans and the military of the parliament also expressed dissatisfaction and caused Trump to be troubled.Last Wednesday (October 9), he finally said panickedly that the Kurds had not helped us in the Battle of Normandy, and the opponent did not contribute to the battle in Normandy.

The strange theory of Tianma made the listener feel incredible. How could he understand why Trump jumped from the Syrian situation and jumped to Norman?On June 6, 1944, the coalition forces landed in Normandy, France.

Trump's dedication has attracted another round of comments. Some of the Kurdish clan, as well as the absurdity of the historical perspective of condemning Trump.

The sympathy of the Kurds pointed out that the Kurds are a nation without a formal country. They are scattered in Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq. They have no orthodox army, and World War II was the war between the country and the country. They did not have room for participation.

He did not assist us in the Normandy Battle.We spent a lot of money to help the Kurds help; hellip; you said they had fought side by side with the United States, which was right, but they also fought for their land.

Trump's article is a column of the U.S. Conservative Website City Hall. The column supports Trump to withdraw troops and let Turkey take military operations.The Wenli also mentioned the other two famous Battle of the U.S. forces Incheon (Korean War) and Xishan (Vietnam War), as well as the US military's terrorist operation in Kandaha, Afghanistan.But Trump only mentioned that he was familiar with Normandy and left a comprehensive impression.

Trump read this comment in the morning. He did not digest and integrate well. He took it out as a shield at the press conference in the afternoon.

In any case, it is another typical example of Trump's history of the absurdity of the Kurtle's absence of a distant battle with them.

Some people call it Trump's Normandy Doctrine, and some call it Normandy Rule.The famous historian Michael Rubin also wrote a ironic essay for this to remind Taiwan, South Korea, Israel, and Estonia.The United States Jiefang West India Islands Green Nada, the British British and the Mexican besieged the United States in 1812 when the British burn the White House and Mexican.

Some people say that Germany and Japan are the deadly opponents of the United States in World War II, but how they became friends in the United States after the war.

Special commentator of the United States CNN, Ali, asked Trump, Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea, Israel, Turkey, the Philippines, Egypt, and Hungary did not fight side by side with the U.S. military, but Trump appreciated them very muchThe leader, why only pick the Kurds to operate?

International relations and historical cognition are poor

Everyone knows that Trump is not studying, he is more like a TV fan and Twitter enthusiasts.His awareness of international relations and history, especially the history of the Middle East is poor.

In early August, when the United States and Iran were upgraded, he provoked Iran on Twitter and laughed at it that he had never won a war.The Iranian Foreign Minister Zarve simply took a history of a teacher as a teacher, counting the glorious history of Iran who defeated countless invaders for thousands of years.Iran has repeatedly defeated foreign enemies, relying on the spirit of iron blood that is out of the iron, and it is precisely because of such a long history that Iranian unique national self -esteem has been cultivated.

Trump did not understand Iran's history, and he had to be with Iran. No wonder he touched the wall everywhere.

When he announced a new round of sanctions on Iran in June, he actually regarded the 30 -year -old Iran's supreme leader, Hermene, as the current leader.

On September 1, the 40 heads of state gathered in Poland to participate in the 80th anniversary event of World War II.Trump canceled his trip because Hurricane came.The reporter met him in the White House lawn and asked him about what he felt about missing the Poland's anniversary. What was surprising was that he sent congratulations as soon as he said: I want to congratulate Poland.This is a great country with great people.

Congratulations to the anniversary full of sorrow and mourning, like foreign leaders issued a congratulatory message to the American commemorative 911 event.No wonder netizens have condemned Trump's shamelessness and unreasonable history.

If the president of the United States is born in a family, he is a prestigious school law department graduated and entered the public service system, which has been theoretical and on -the -job training in economic and political aspects.

Trump is the lowest quality among the president. He lacks the most basic common knowledge of society, economy, military, diplomacy and other aspects, and does not understand the interrelationships and interaction consequences.He doesn't understand these things, and he doesn't want to understand, but he loves performance.

Most people don't know hellip; hellip;

He often thinks that he knows what many others don't know. Therefore, most people don't know hellip; hellip; it has become Trump's opening words when introducing a certain knowledge point.

More than two years ago, he told the audience at the reception of the Republican donation gold. President Lincoln was actually a Republican: he was a great president, but most people did not know that he was the Republican Party at all, right.

In Trump's view, most people do not know the knowledge: the Presidential Air Force Air Force No. 1 is actually more than one.Allies and French President Macron likes to shake hands with me.People don't realize that he likes to hold my hand very much.

It is reported that when the US media demands the White House to explain, it is the president who wants the United States to make the United StatesWhen the public learns new knowledge, it is still when this is the new knowledge he learned and wants to show publicly, the White House did not respond.

Trump attributed many people to the reason why these knowledge did not know: these knowledge was complicated, so he suggested that Washington should simplify the language so that Americans can better understand complex issues. For example, he suggested that Republican lawmakers useTax reduction is not the reform of tax law, because no one knows what the tax law reform means.

Two and a half years ago, Trump almost caused diplomatic storms when he visited China.It is about him revealed to the Wall Street Journal, ... he discussed history with him and told him that the Korean Peninsula was part of China.

Trump said: You know that this is a history of thousands of years, and there are countless wars.In fact, North Korea was part of China.

... exactly what you say, there is no testimony.But Trump's words touched the South Korean government's nerves.South Korea and North Korea Daily published social criticism that he lacked awareness of diplomatic sensitivity, and also showed that he knew nothing about the history of the Korean Peninsula.

At this year's independent day parade, because of the wet reading machine, Trump played on the spot, and many people still remembered to add special effects such as airports and fighters to the history of the American independence war.

In early August, he delivered a lecture again when he gave a speech at Cindunnati, Ohio, saying that Modern Russia was renamed by the Soviet Union.

He asked the audience: Do you remember the Soviet Union?They used to be together until they decided to call themselves Russia.

It is understood that Trump wanted to explain to the supporters what is the CIS (a multilateral cooperation organization consisting of most of the former Soviet Union to join the Republic) in an easy -to -understand way, but he expressed his meaning that Russia was Russia.The Soviet Union was renamed.

The Soviet Union and Russia are two different concepts. They are completely equivalent to the Soviet Union, which undoubtedly exposed Trump's superficial awareness of history and attracted the ridicule of the Russian Communist Youth League.Changes, should Russia inherit the territory of the former Soviet Union now?

It is another example of Trump's simplification of historical kung fu that the Battle of Kurds and Norman and Norman.

In May the year before, Trump issued an amazing historical question in an interview with Washington Observer: Why did the American civil war happen?This issue shows that the president's understanding and necessity of the civil war are not as good as middle school students.

According to reports, Trump greatly admired President Jackson in the interview, saying that if Jackson can be the president a few years later, the United States will not have a civil war.The fact is that Jackson died in 1845, and the American civil war broke out in 1861.

After the television was broadcast on the TV, historians suggested that the presidential nourish the history of the United States.

Do not follow common sense and do not follow the conventional cards

After Trump came to power, his ideas were unreasonable. His actions did not follow the conventional cards, which greatly increased the uncertainty of international relations and world situation.

He tried to make the United States and the world history under the great slogan of the United States again.However, to create history, Trump first respects the cause and effect of history, rather than pushing, negating or distorting history.

The correct historical view can make people reform and innovate, and the wrong historical concept often makes people go backwards.

With the correct view of history, Trump can properly treat the United States, allies, and even the world.

Trump wants to be a great president and leads the United States to become a great country, but he is the president who has the least strategic vision.

Hegel said: The only lesson learned from history is that he did not learn any lessons from history.

What Trump does seems to be destined to confirm this fact.

Jennifer Rubin, a conservative column of the Washington Post, simply called Trump as the dumber president in history.

Nightmare of American History Teachers

The Analects of Confucius Middot; Ji Shi recorded: Confucius' son Kong Li saw his father standing alone in the court, and respectfully stepped forward to talk to his father. Confucius first asked: Did you read the Book of Songs?Kong Li replied: No.Confucius said: Don't learn poetry, nothing to say.From today's perspective, it is understood that without certain knowledge and culture, it will not be based on society.What happened in history, passed down from generation to generation, knows nothing about these, like the Kong carp who has not yet read the Book of Songs, so that people who have cultivated people feel unable to talk to them.

Trump proposed that the Kurdish tribe did not work in the Battle of Normandy. Therefore, after the United States had no fallacy against them, a middle school teacher in California, California, was the Middle School teacher of the Marine Corps.Teachers accused Trump's ignorance of history and misunderstandings.

He said: Whenever Trump published a misleading talk with history, those seriously teaching historical teachers will cry, and have a sense of abolition.

Teachers usually seduce themselves, hoping to influence those who are lazy, obtained and over or cynical, must master history and care about current affairs in order to have a foothold in society, competitiveness and head.

However, Trump ’s nonsense about history made teachers spendworthy in vain: from this conversation, it reflects that he can sit at a high level of ignorance of history, which is equivalent to scratching the teachers.

He said that Trump is undoubtedly the most horrible nightmare of middle school history teachers.

Rodriguez said that in the future, when the middle school student of Dang Erlang was asked: Why should I read history?Teachers can no longer tell them seriously: because to play a positive role in society, you need to be a good citizen who is a good news and understand history.

Trump's knowledge is shallow, but he becomes a negative textbook. In the future, teachers can only answer students in the formulas of the discipline: because the state government stipulates that you must take this course to graduate.Therefore, you should work hard and ask less stupid questions.

Rodriguez's article was published after the publication of the publishing, because he not only talked about the teacher's grievances, but also pumped the cocoon to reveal the reason why Trump's Normandy was argued.

Everyone knows that Trump is not learning, and often quotes other people's comments but breaks the context of simplifying the author's original intention.

Slitzd, the author quoted by Trump's column article, is a veteran officer. He mentioned four key battles and battlefields in the article, but Trump only mentioned Normandy.carry.

Rodriguez believes that Trump's historical knowledge is poor. He only knows Norman, and he has no impression of the other three places.

Trump reads this article like swallowing jujube. He is now studying and used. He only picks himself familiar or likes, and tells reporters. As a result, an article that was originally a bull head was cut off.

Trump pays practical results, paying attention to short -term benefits and real cost -effectiveness, so he always lacks strategic vision.In the perspective of critics, he has no strategic credit at all.

The Wall Street Journal does not need an enemy in the United States with friends like the United States. In the eyes of Trump, the help between the allies are only trading, and there will be no principles.

The United States withdrew the army, Turkey took advantage of it, and Kurds had a spiritual spirituality, creating a lot of injustice, and it was indispensable to settle the account.For the escape of Islamic prisoners of war, the terrorist forces may come back.

President Obama's national security adviser, Rice, was interviewed on Wednesday, accusing Trump with KurdsBlood.

Trump is not just a nightmare of historical teachers.One day, the Curdish or Islamic State Terror Revenge occurs in the United States. This account is recorded in Trump's name.