Author: Zhao Jianmin (Dean of the Academy of Social Sciences, Taiwan Cultural University)

Whether candidates are re -elected in democratic elections usually depend on political achievements, but if Cai Yingwen wins the election next year, it may be due to the failure of governing!Xiaoying's incompetence, but successfully transformed Taiwan's failure into fear of the future.

Xiaoying's operation is the most obvious in the national security issue.

Since Cai took office, the cross -strait situation has undergone tremendous changes: First, the intimidation of the land on Taiwan has increased day by day, began to dominate cross -strait issues, and proposed 31 Taiwan -based measures and Taiwan residents' permits.Second, ... January 2nd proposed a national and two -system Taiwan plan, which will be uniformly put on the agenda; 3. When the Taiwan Strait's risk is high, this time when the chairman of the US association Mo Jian visited South Korea, it specifically mentioned that the Taiwan Strait has become a global conflict risk.One of the largest areas, but Taiwan is not prepared.According to the joint newspaper polls, the people believe that the index of the hostile of the cross -strait governments has risen from the average five of the first six years to 6.7 of the past four years, and it has exceeded seven in the past two years.

The next president may have to be on both sides of the strait and war, but the Cai government will only continue to spicy, and move out of the country's five laws to scare the people, and then propose slogan -like masters and sovereignty.

After more than three years of administration, President Tsai had gone to the enemy camp in a large number of diplomatic relations, and even civil organizations were deceived. Forty -four international airlines renamed Taiwan's Taiwan, coupled with economic failure, democracy corrupted, and the sense of death in the society was not surprising.Surprisingly, President Tsai, who produced dried mango, actually failed to scare the people in Taiwan!

If the slogan can save the country, officials may wish to gather Kai Dao every day, and the slogan is addicted!

What kind of defense does Taiwan need?First of all, we must figure out what is defended and how to defend.

Under the concept of global international villages, the strength and defense have undergone essential changes.In the past, the two sides of the Cold War did not communicate with each other, and the weapons were relatively simple. As long as the Taiwan army was strong, the PLA did not dare to cross the thunder pool. In this case, the strength and the enemy's goals were clear.

However, under the context of globalization, there are frequent exchanges between countries and diversified concepts of Guoan.For example, the United States, China, and high -tech are different, the global dual ecosystem has risen, and each has its own industrial chain, while Taiwan is one of the two industrial chains, and a few can play one of the key characters at the same time.One of the blind spots of the Cai government's anti -Zhongbao Taiwan is TSMC's paradox: Although TSMC's sales in the United States were still the largest last year, sales of the mainland market have been slightly equivalent to the total sales of Europe, Japan, Africa, the Middle East, and Taiwan.How to cut the knife of anti -China Baotai?How deep?

Second, how to win.

Mango Cai provokes the people's ultimate fear and successfully suppress the economic cards.

The two armies played against each other, and the Shang strategy seduced the other party to go deep into our side to be familiar with the battlefield and avoid opponents. The current situation is exactly the opposite.If Taiwan wants to play a political advantage, it must obtain a moral height.In other words, if the governor continues to de -scholarship, the cross -strait nationalism is confronted with a terrible confrontation; if we set the heights of the ethnic culture and become the guardian of Chinese culture, the combat power will be more than thousands of horses?

Third, the most fundamental problem is whether the essence of cross -strait relations is the essence of reconciliation or confrontation?Or is it against China?

The Tsai government mistakenly recognized that the US -China war was launched, and it was planted into the arms of the United States with one end.Recently, Trump wants to sign a trade agreement with mainland China on the one hand, praise ... I believe that the Hong Kong demonstration will end, but on the other hand, Congress has passed three resolutions that support Hong Kong's democratization.

Facts show that although the United States has changed its strategy to China, it must not be simplified into anti -China. It is the same as that of the current economic and trade of the two countries. It seems that the DPP is the only person in the world to pursue the anti -mid -line route.

Xiaoying can succeed, but Taiwan cannot fail!