Author: Hu Yong

The general manager of the NBA Rockets Mo Lei pushed Twitter to support the Hong Kong demonstrator, the mainland Basketball Association suspended communication and cooperation with the Rockets, the NBA president Xi Fo defended the name of Mo Lei, and the NBA preseason was blocked by CCTVShang also cut with the NBA.

In the past few days, the NBA, which has been working hard in the mainland market for 30 years, has suffered an unprecedented crisis. It is not only detained by mainland public opinion, but also suffered heavy economic losses. It can be called a high -tuition MBA class.However, in anger, resisting the NBA is also suspected of being overkill.After all, the two sides must solve the problem pragmatically after all.

Both sides have their own freedom

The Global Times first responded for the banner of freedom of speech.In the self -entitled Rockets and Chinese fans, the newspaper pointed out that Mo Lei did praise the freedom of Hong Kong demonstrators, but Chinese fans also had the freedom of abandoning the Rockets.Mo Lei must choose between the Rockets' business interests in China by protecting the freedom of speech and the feelings of Chinese fans.The biggest lesson of this matter is to tell people that the institutions that value business interests must manage the mouth of their main members.Chinese consumers do not have sensitivity beyond the average world standards. No matter where they are, the political horse honeycomb has extremely high risks.

Because Mo Lei himself refused to apologize, the NBA senior and even a group of American politicians were freedom of speech, and the firepower of mainland official media also upgraded.Xinhuanet published a titled not to take lsquo; free speech rsquo; when the comments of the shield, emphasized that in a country with a civilized rule of law, no pass permit to challenge national sovereignty and social stability.Some people clearly say something wrong and do the wrong things, but they also have to be free to use their speech as a shield, a pair of confused factions, fully exposing its arrogance and hypocrisy.The bottom line cannot be touched, and the public opinion cannot be confused. In front of it, the Chinese people can't hold sand.

CCTV News Public Account also published a commentator article to warn the NBA executives that protect Mo Lei's NBA. On the issue of national sovereignty, the Chinese people will never have the slightest vagueness, let alone any resignation.Today, China will never eat the three -sided set of you!If the NBA executives are still awake, they should be obsessed with their minds, recover their wrong statements offending China and sincerely apologize to Chinese fans.However, if they insist on going all the way and punish themselves with errors, go with them!

Too radical overkill

However, when the officials of the mainland were righteous to defend national sovereignty, the emotional emotional emotions were also fermented, which caused the resentment of some mainlanders.Some netizens recorded some strange phenomena in the media, including some people joking in the circle of friends to support the Rockets in the anime Pokémon. As a result, they were reported and forced to apologize.There are even some people who have cooperated with the NBA, but at this time, the brand and star list that did not speak at this time was ready to report.The netizen said with emotion, this kind of behavior of looking at the compatriots with a magnifying glass, and this kind of emotion that forced compatriots to make his compatriots states more than Xi Fo said more scared.

The Global Times who took the lead in criticizing the NBA seemed to aware of the risk of public opinion or even out of control.The editor -in -chief of the newspaper, Hu Xijin, called on Weibo to call on the people to not learn the United States. As soon as the two countries had a friction, they took out the correct politics ruler to measure each sentence and every behavior.He said that some important platforms have suspended the broadcast of the NBA quarterly preseason, and it is right.But stop cooperating with the NBA without becoming a trend.

In Hu's opinion, the NBA needs to pay the necessary price, which is also paying for the so -called political correctness of the United States on the Chinese issue.At the same time, it is always healthy to ensure that this process is always healthy.

At this sensitive moment, Zhang Yujun, vice president of the NBA China Media Broadcasting Department, spoke on Weibo to oppose Mo Lei's Hong Kong -related remarks.The highest management can definitely give a satisfactory answer.I hope that the NBA has no tuition fees, and it is no longer disappointing.

(The author is a free writer in mainland China, professor of university)