Author: Yu Pinhai

Source: Hong Kong 01

The amendment to the amendment of the fugitive regulations was originally built based on dissatisfaction and hatred to mainland China.Prior to the incident in 2014, Hong Kong's independence remarks were hidden in many social conflicts.Anti -repair has become the main appeal of the fighting movement, and this speculation is estimated to be another failed attempt.When everyone can't find the direction of movement, and conflict lacks the motivation to continue to move forward, this ultimate political appeal is the most likely result.Of course, in different places, the end point of this independent appeal will be different.Yugoslavin split into several countries. The Czechoslovakia is divided into two. The Soviet Union collapsed, but East -West and Germany successfully unified. North and South Korea also pursued unification. Hong Kong and Macau returned.History shows that there are no fixed laws between these different results, but the various political forces leave different trajectories during the game.

Using problem -oriented crisis can you take the right medicine

Whether Hong Kong can be independent and what the cost of dangerous demands depends on the attitude of Hong Kong citizens and the central government, as well as comparison between mainland China and Hong Kong.The independent movement of Xinjiang and Tibet took a long time, and it was obvious whether success is obvious.The central government's opposition to independence is clear and determined. In the process, the only thing worthy of discussing is how it controls the game between it and independent forces.In the past, the central government's policy of handling Xinjiang's independence was inappropriate, and the results were unsatisfactory and the conflict continued. In recent years, policies have been in line with reality, and the effect has begun to present.It is a social and economic reform that is consistent with the reality of the social reality while it is a tough suppression.The key way to deal with the political crisis of the central government is the problem -oriented, that is, the right medicine for the essence of the problem is not misleading by ideology and surface phenomena. The difficulty is how to find the essence of the problem.The central leadership has achieved significant achievements in this regard in recent years, and as a result, violence conflicts have fallen sharply.

It is difficult for many people to imagine that the conflict between Hong Kong is compared with the situation of Xinjiang, but it is impossible to find the essence of the problem and cannot find the correct antidote of the problem.Of course, it is not terrorism that happened in Hong Kong. It is a typical violent politics, and it is the result of the distorted ideology.Even so, everyone should not take it lightly, thinking that terrorism will not occur in Hong Kong in Hong Kong; no one foresees Hong Kong's riots today a few months ago.Sadly, most of the mobs in Hong Kong turned out to be college students and middle school students. This is the difficulty of social response.I never think that students are sinful. They belong to the group that society should give the greatest tolerance, but this is not the same as we do not need to bear education, guidance, or even restraint.In the event of such a large -scale student riots, at least half of the responsibilities must be borne by adults.

Any theoretical basis for Hong Kong independence is meaningless, because it has never been a theoretical issue, but the power is forced, not to mention that there are no authoritative scholars or politicians so far that they can be used to discuss.In the past few days, some people have issued a declaration of the Hong Kong temporary government on the Internet. There are very few people who see it, and the content is even more ridiculous.Of course, Hong Kong is a society of freedom of speech. Although I sneered at Hong Kong's independent remarks, I couldn't agree with the sin, unless it had surpassed the boundaries of freedom of speech.

A negative success of one country, two systems, raising fat Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a unique place because it has a unique history and a unique growth process.In addition, it is a small economy and a political entity that is independent of judicial and exercise highly autonomous administrative power.In the past 22 years, as a special administrative district in China, it has an institutional arrangement different from other economies in the world. It has enjoyed a special systemDesign mdash; one country, two systems.Of course, if China's socialism does not do much, this system design is also meaningless. The reality is that Chinese socialism has changed the use of the Soviet Union's useless period and it can become a new system that can challenge the most successful capitalist system in the past.The rapid development of China in the year has even pose a threat to the United States.In Hong Kong, a capitalist society, which was once known as the most successful capitalist society, has encountered a Chinese socialist system. What chemical role it can play, it should have inspired many people's imagination.It is a pity that few people have planned and utilized them so far. Some people even misunderstand the integration of the two systems of Lu and Hong Kong as danger. They choose to distort the two from the natural trajectory of the two to the opposition, and even develop to a small small small to a small small small to a small small small to a small small small to a small small small to a small small small to a small small small to a small small small to a small small small to a small small small to a small small small to a small small small to a small small.Some people, including young people, pursue division.

People are the spirit of all things. This spirit is what it can think and imagine, including when affected by external ideology, it makes different interpretations and understanding of the same thing.After the return of Hong Kong, even with the guidance of a country, two systems, it is necessary to make corresponding adjustments to the previous system to allow this innovative system to practice positive results.Has ignored.It is a pity that the one -country, two systems are only successful in the negative sense today: the Hong Kong Legislative Council rejected the universal election plan made by the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress; so far, it has not been in accordance with 23 legislations in accordance with the basic law;Even in the recent endless riots, the demonstrators burned the national flag to damage the national emblem, and mainland China did not intervene immediately.

If this result was once unimaginable by Hong Kong people's governance of Hong Kong and highly autonomous autonomy, today's circumstances should prove that the central government has not violated the promise of not interfered with Hong Kong's internal governance.But this is not a comprehensive understanding of the one country, two systems, and the most superficial understanding of whether one country and two systems are successful.

A positive one country, two systems is to promote the internal reform of Hong Kong. During the reform, we recognized the relative advantages of socialism in mainland China and found nutrition to help Hong Kong development.Absorbing a system of mainland China is definitely not full of sleep. This will only create infatuation. Only absorbing and exercise synchronization can we develop muscles, strengthen the body, and use it for me.The premise of absorption is that one country means reform. Only two are parallel, and the positive system, two systems, and two systems can become possible. Active one country, two systems can naturally promote the integration of the two places, and in turn realize the idea of one country and two systems.In order to help Hong Kong solve the economic difficulties after SARS, the central government launched the arrangement of more close economic and trade relations (CEPA) in mainland China and Hong Kong.Economic momentum, but the result is unsatisfactory, the economy does recover, but citizens cannot share results. This is a nutritional supply that lacks exercise and creation.If Hong Kong starts the reform simultaneously when the CEPA policy is implemented, deconstruct the original vested interest structure, and allows economic results to be stained in the rain and dew in all strata, today's conflict may not occur.

Most effective countermeasures to eliminate Hong Kong independence are efficient reforms

The central government promised to unchanged in Hong Kong for 50 years. It did not require Hong Kong's internal development to remain unchanged, but refers to the 50 -year unchanged in the design of the system of one country, two systems.Not only did Hong Kong people understand this wrong, even the central government passively thought that Hong Kong only needed to continue the original development model, and it would be prosperous and stable.Of course, for the vested interest groups, any change challenges their existing status, and it is of course the most ideal.However, the flow of social class is necessary for any dynamic society, especially the capitalist society. If individual groups are restricted in the original weak position for many years, conflicts will only occur.Class high -level is the basis of the stable development of capitalism and the key issue of its legitimacy. But whether it can really do it as the theory, it has always been a topic of political and academic circles. History has long proved that lack of liquidity will only intensify that it will only intensifySocial contradictions, challenge stability.After returning, long or short, large or small political and social conflicts made a footnote for this.This also explains why one country, two systems are negative but practically implemented, but some people have criticized it that it has not achieved expectations.

Hong Kong's social conflict and independence demands today are the result of 50 years.This means that it is an inevitable end of the past 50 years, because it has nothing to do with returning, and it has nothing to do with one country and two systems.It is the lack of capitalismAs a result of lack of social and class flows, western society and political textbooks have long been studied. It is also the consensus after the social collapse of social collapse through welfare policies a hundred years ago.If you do n’t know, the central government officials have a myth of capitalism in Hong Kong.The effective way to deal with this social conflict and Hong Kong independence is changes, that is, to promote reform, as if the last President Obama Obama's first campaign, a change (change), French President MacronAnd the reform and opening up after the Cultural Revolution of Mainland China.Of course, it is necessary to implement it efficiently after the proposal changes, and it cannot be just slogans.Obama's Change is unsuccessful. The results of Macron's attempt to reform need to be verified, and China's reform and opening up achievements are obvious to all. The three are political courage and execution.

In order to solve today's dilemma, there is only one path, which is to make changes from top to bottom. A change in progressive significance. The means of promoting this progress significance is reform, and it is a comprehensive and profound reform. The goal is to Hong Kong for Hong Kong.Gives fairness and justice.Is it easy to reform?It is not easy, because the vested interest groups will not ignore it, let alone be helpless.When society and the people need to reform, but they will conflict if they do not move the wind.For the vested interest groups, if the reform is hindered, the result is reform; similarly, for politicians, the lack of understanding of reform, and even hindering reforms, the result is also crushed and eliminated by reform.Only when the reform is successful can society resume stability.In fact, the vested interest groups should not hinder reform. They should be worried to adapt to reform and help reform. After the reform of the reform, they can re -find their own positioning.Essence

As for Hong Kong independence, it is not only a wrong reform, or even the most serious obstacle to reform.It is ignorance and politics to treat Hong Kong independence as a means to solve the twist structure.As the key to Hong Kong's social stability, the central government will not allow this attempt at all. Its power also determines that this political act cannot be realized, and there is enough power to restrict such absurd adventures within Hong Kong.Of course, young people have political ideas, and accidental derivation of absurd claims is understandable. Social responsibility is to guide them to develop healthy development, including warnings with deafness.The citizens have told the government without reservation that Hong Kong needs reform and change. Even if some young people make radical bruises and even put forward the absurd demands such as Hong Kong independence, the government cannot avoid the responsibility of starting the reform, not to mention reform, not to mention reformIt is the most effective countermeasure to eliminate Hong Kong independence.However, if the politicians can find consensus with citizens and young people and promote reform together, he will change Hong Kong with a deep structure dilemma with a destructive trend.