Author: Qiu Liben

Source: Asia Weekly

The riots in Hong Kong have become a new normal, caught in a long internal consumption, forcing Beijing to change in Shenzhen and the Greater Bay Area, strengthen internationalization and rule of law, replace Hong Kong, and avoid being abducted by the Hong Kong Dream.

The riots in Hong Kong are still burning on the street, and the end of the dark tunnel cannot be seen.The riot no longer says that he is rational (peaceful, rational, and non -violence), but instead of the opposite side of the trend, and loses the support of most citizens.When the subway was constantly smashed, the bank teller machine was burned, the liquid fluid was flying, and the police officer was beaten and the blood flowed to the face, the protests had already moved towards the spiral of violence, and it was difficult to extricate themselves.

When did the riots in Hong Kong stop?The pessimistic forecast believes that at least it will extend to the presidential election of the Taiwan presidential election on January 11 next year to ensure that the riots in Hong Kong will calm down.Because except for internal causes, foreign causes have obtained huge benefits in the riots in Hong Kong, and used demonization Beijing to earn political interests.The more pessimistic forecast believes that it will not be completely over until the November of the US presidential election to ensure that Trump is elected.

This is a long internal consumption, and Hong Kong's economy and quality of life will be greatly affected.However, due to the opposition to the control of the three key areas such as the media, justice, and education, coupled with the shouts of some churches and professionals, the violence on the street is even more afraid. Therefore, Hong Kong will have a long -term unstable state.Long shadow.

But the Chinese dream will not stop.Beijing will definitely not send the PLA into the city now, but will start another stove to vigorously support Shenzhen. The Greater Bay Area with nearly 100 million people is used as an open platform, which is closer to the world. At the same time, it is more open in trade and finance.The role played by the Chinese dream has been avoided by the chaos of the Chinese dream by the Chinese dream.

The advantage of Hong Kong is more than that in mainland China is diversification and rule of law, but all of this is premised on peace and stability.Because of the riots, some multinational companies have begun to move out of Hong Kong and transfer to Shanghai and Singapore.They believe that some of the judges in Hong Kong are becoming more and more politicized, and they are proclaimed to riots, forming police arrests.A rebound, many voting with your feet, staying away from this riots that could not stop.

The chaos in Hong Kong also forced Shenzhen and the Greater Bay Area to be more open and move towards the rule of law to replace Hong Kong's status.From hardware to software, Shenzhen has won many places in Hong Kong, including the equipment of Shenzhen Airport, the management of the management of artificial intelligence, the convenience of the parking lot, the convenience of mobile payment, and the application of the driving license., Show the city's competitiveness.

This also stimulates some Hong Kong people to immigrate to the Greater Bay Area, away from the hustle and turmoil away from Hong Kong, and find another sky in a peaceful and prosperous environment.Especially those who pursue innovation can also find the Xintiandi that are not available in Hong Kong.Wang Tao, the world's largest drone company, was founded in Shenzhen.World -level companies such as Huawei, Tencent, and Huada also absorb Hong Kong talents.

Of course, Shenzhen wants to face the problem of internationalization of RMB and the free flow of capital, and how to align with international norms in the face of the rule of law.This is the latest challenge in Shenzhen and the opportunity to change China.The crisis in Hong Kong unexpectedly stimulated the higher level in the Greater Bay Area, and the blessing of blessings is also the latest trajectory of the dialectical development of China's historical history.