Li Jiangsheng

The world today is in a long -term change, and the geographical environment facing China is becoming increasingly complicated, and these many complex problems are intertwined with each other, which is difficult to resolve.China must judge on its own national interests, think carefully about China's geographical strategy, and clarify issues that China's geopolitical strategy is urgent.

First, shape and rebuild a new model of China's geographical economy.With the continuous growth of China's economy, the relative importance of China's relative importance to other countries, especially neighboring countries, and the potential capabilities of China ’s potential ability to impact on other countries have continued to increase.China should actively consider the way of simply binding, impacting, and enhancing China's influence by using economic means. Instead, they should try to use their own economic means or tools to shape a new Chinese geopolitical model.

It is necessary to turn the dependence of neighboring countries to the economic means of China and the dependence on the success path of China's development.That's the way.China provides funds and technology for neighboring countries to help them build a manufacturing power, and China has gradually stripped from the low -end manufacturing industry chain, focusing on the development of the industrial chain.

The new model of geographical economic modeling and rebuilding in China is different from the previous model of the United States.China is still a part of the complete industrial chain, but it occupies the upper reaches of the industrial chain. It is an upgraded version of the policy of good neighbors, the neighbors, and the neighborhood.Destiny community.

Second, front military forces.The geopolitics serve the interests of national politics, economy, and military, and in turn to ensure the implementation of geopolitics, especially the projection of military forces, will directly affect China's territorial security and economic benefits.It affects the safety of trade and energy transportation.

From the perspective of the subject, the US strategy has obvious direction to China. Whether it is the Obama administration's Asia -Pacific rebalancing strategy or the Indo -Pacific strategy of the Trump administration, its Asia Pacific point is very clear, that is, geopolitical curb China.

The pre -military force can make it difficult for the U.S. military to play a role within the coverage of Chinese military forces within the coverage of Chinese military forces. China has the opportunity to quickly use limited force. Before the U.S. military responds, it has achieved established victory in the Taiwan Strait, the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

From the traditional geopolitical perspective, China has undoubtedly the geopolitics of land and sea areas. With the development of technology and the changes in the international situation, the concept of geopolitics has gradually weakened. Especially after the US withdrawal of medium -range missile treatiesDeployment of medium -range missiles, it must be said that this will make China's security environment be under tremendous pressure.

Although China has set up a air defense identification zone in the East China Sea, it has a military guarantee base in Djibouti, but it is not enough to ensure the security of China's trade and energy transportation in the international market, let alone resist external security threats.Not long ago, the Wall Street Journal of the United States reported that China and Cambodia signed a secret agreement to rent southern Cambodia Harbor as the Chinese military base.The Cambodian government later denied it.

In fact, with the expansion of China's further opening up and overseas interests, objectively China must have more surrounding and overseas military bases to protect national interests.The front military forces can not only improve China's offensive and defensive capabilities, but also a powerful guarantee for strategic implementation, and can better safeguard national interests.

Third, properly handle hot issues around the surrounding area.There are many hotspots in the Asia -Pacific region, and most of them occur around China.There are many hot issues, and there have been many contradictions. China is facing severe geopolitical pressure, and it is easy to form geopolitical linkages. It should properly handle hot issues around the surrounding area and avoid chain reactions.

Evaluate the safe environment around China in a timely manner, facilitates the strategic dynamics of neighboring countries, and will help China to adjust its own geographical strategy in a timely manner.For example, after the conflict between northern Myanmar, if the situation cannot be controlled, China must prevent terrorist attacks after the expansion of the conflict, otherwise it will affect the security and stability of the southwestern border of China and affect the strategic pattern of southwestern China.Another example: India has caused India Pakistan to cross -fire after adjusting the autonomy of Kashmir's disputed region, which involves territories involving sovereignty disputes in China and India.

While proposed a foreign protest, it is necessary to evaluate the current security situation, and the corresponding measures must be considered.Knowing and knowing each other, never fighting.Evaluating the safety environment in a timely manner is conducive to China choosing an optimal strategy on the basis of accurately analyzing the strategic dynamics of the opponent.

Timely card positions to avoid the internal and external effects to form a linkage effect.The results of the timely assessment of the safety environment around China will provide a reliable basis for its strategic decisions.China should get stuck in time, so as not to allow the surrounding hotspots to become a hot spot in China. Avoid the surrounding hotspot problems with the internal affairs of China to form an external affairs, form a linkage, cause a chain response, and make the situation out of control.

It is necessary to control the geographical boundary of the surrounding hot issues as much as possible. Otherwise, when the surrounding situation is abnormal or changing, it may affect China, and China's national interests will be affected.While China is concerned, it is necessary to actively exert its impact and intervene in advance, and respond to the situation that the situation may be unfavorable to China.

Fourth, prevent the color revolution from spreading to China.The color revolution in Hong Kong seems a bit nonsense. It is different from the color revolution that occurred in other regions in the past. They are all based on overthrowing the existing regime. Hong Kong is not a country. The Hong Kong government is just a SAR government authorized by the central government.

Therefore, the current Chief Executive's steps down and double universal elections are not the purpose. In the end, it is necessary to push Hong Kong to independence, or even lead the war of the color revolution to the mainland, and chaos the stable social development environment that has formed in the mainland industry.

Once the color revolution spreads from Hong Kong to the mainland, the four independence (Xinjiang Independence, Tibetan independence, Taiwan independence, Hong Kong independence), and the US forces such as the United States have helped to help. It is unknown whether the Chinese government can effectively control the complicated and complicated situation.Therefore, the Chinese central government has difficulty in changing and relying on the SAR government to resolve the current color revolution.

The author is a researcher at the Hong Kong Tianda Research Institute