With the rapid heating up in the Sino -US trade war, technological warfare, and geopolitical factors, the voices of the United States have become increasingly obvious, and the voices of curbing policies are rising.Now, when it comes to China, we must discuss whether to adhere to the policy of the United States.

Readers familiar with Sino -US relations may be surprised to see this topic. Isn't it the focus of US foreign policy discussions in the 1990s?At the end of the Klinton government's second term, it has determined the general direction of the contact policy in China. Although Sino -US relations have experienced the storm in the past 20 years, the previous American government has basically inherited the tone of contact policy, and Sino -US relations have also developed.

However, as the Sino -US trade war, technological warfare, and geopolitical factors rapidly heat up, the United States has become increasingly obvious that the voice of contact with China has become more and more obvious, and the call for curbing policies is rising.Now, when it comes to China, we must discuss whether to adhere to the policy of the United States.

In the 2017 US National Security Strategy Report, the United States must re -consider the policy of the past 20 years. Based on the following assumptions, contact with competitors, and incorporating them into international mechanisms and global trade, they will make them benign participants andTo a large extent, a trusted partner is proven to be wrong.This may be the most direct statement of the US official on the contact policy.

At the same time, many people in the United States' policy and academic circles also believe that the US contact policy has not only achieved its goal, but also strengthened China, and brought about the fundamental changes of the comparison of power; and China no longer hide the light, and the United States has been in China by China by China.Deceived, so we must give up the original contact shift and curb.

The author believes that it is not the wrong contact policy in the United States, but the logical premise of the US contact policy and the criteria for judging the criteria.The premise of the US contact policy is to change China through non -military means and make China more like the United States.Former US Secretary of State Olblatt said that the fundamental challenges for US policies are to persuade China to define its national interests and conduct a compatible way with the United States.That is why the development of the United States isolation in China as a safe, prosperous and open society, and integrating into the international community to become a complete and responsible member.

In the past, the US contact policy for China mainly corresponds to the result of the political dynamics of the United States, and has not considered how China thinks about international relations, Sino -US relations, and its own factors.The logic of the United States' policy on China is mainly to obtain the construction of the so -called domestic legitimacy. For example, Clinton said that this will become a poison of China's system in order to persuade the United States to agree to join the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Although such words may persuade the containment of the United States, it will undoubtedly trigger the continuous doubts of China's ultimate purpose of the US contact policy.In this sense, the United States' contact policy for China is indeed not successful in establishing mutual trust.

The United States has to realize that the contact policy has not failed, and it has achieved great achievements in many fields.This is not a unilateral profit process in China, but also the same profit process in the United States and the international community.In terms of economic perspective, China has joined the WTO and further opens and integrates into the world economic system in this process, and various legal system construction is further improved.China has also learned to use these international rules to participate in international economic governance.China has now changed from the original behavior to a leader to firmly maintain the multilateral economic governance mechanism.

In the field of security, China has gradually accepted international norms in the field of disarmament and nuclear non -proliferation. From the original considering military control in the nuclear non -diffusion, it is a firm maintenanceer of the superpower to curb China's development tools and transform into this mechanism.Without these changes, there will be no new attitudes that China will participate in the North Korean nuclear and Iran nuclear issues, and even dominate political diplomacy solutions.Although the above transformation cannot be said to be the result of the contact of China and the United States, the contact between China and the United States has played a great role.

In the above process, China recognized that accepting these mechanisms, principles, and specifications conforming to the long -term interests of China. China's self -internalization results have caused Sino -US to have a convergence and consensus formation on these issues.However, in other areas, the differences between China and the United States do not change because of contact, and even because of contact making impossible changes to become more obvious, but it cannot deny the results described earlier because of these differences.

China Implement the quality of the United States' contact policy

The previous round of contact policy is mainly the influence of the United States on China's unilateral aspects. The new round of contact policy of Sino -US relations requires two aspects of qualitative changes.First, the United States must revise the logical premise of contact policies. It is not based on whether the US model is transformed in China as the evaluation standard, but whether it can achieve the results and consensus that both parties can accept through contact.In the past, the US contact policy was more based on the sense of superiority and mission of the United States, not based on equal dialogue, and jointly shaped the common expectations of bilateral relations and the future of international order.

The second is a breakthrough in more important thinking, whether China can change American behavior and cognition through contact policies.This problem seems to have never been considered seriously in the past, because it is impossible for the United States to be changed by China.To this day, China -US relations have developed to this day, China's possibility and effectiveness of China's contact policy will be an inevitable topic.

First of all, China should strive to reduce the environment and soil that exists in the U.S. -US relations in the United States.Some people in the United States believe that the exposure to China has caused inequality in exchanges between the two sides. For example, the United States believes that the information that opens to China is asymmetric to the open information of China to the United States, and the United States suffers.

This logic further extended that this is because of the inevitable result of China's system. If this view spreads in the United States, then curbing policies will be completely dominated, and Sino -US confrontation will be more likely.

For China, the key is not how to eliminate the above -mentioned contact policies, because this argument will always exist, but how to reduce the soil of this argument.This requires China to actively contact all sectors of the United States to do persuasion. On the other hand, it needs to make adjustments to the times.At the same time, China must also see the reality that currently does not have the ability to directly affect American behavior. At the same time, it is also necessary to avoid past the United States' contact policy pursuit of China to completely change China's logic.

The theory of the so -called Xiu Xidide has always emphasized that the rising country is not satisfied with the existing international order, so as to choose a comprehensive confrontation. However, in fact, the rising power often does not want to do so in order to protect itself.It is easy for a large country to try to adopt a tough policy early and try to slow down the development rate of the other party.

For China, the key is not to directly change the current negative cognition of China in China, but how to change the domestic and foreign environment that may cause comprehensive confrontation between China and the United States to indirectly change US cognition.

First, China must be firm to multilateralism.Globalization is the active expectation of the future historical general trend, and avoid making China the mainstream of the voices that solve the problem through comprehensive confrontation.The Sino -US trade war is a test of adjustment and upgrading in the process of globalization. This will cause difficulty and challenges for China's development, but it will not be the final result.As for the struggle of the struggle, the reform of the reform, the negotiations of the negotiations, China does not accept the cold war, it is difficult to comprehensively confront them.Appear.This is not an appeasement policy, but to maintain strategic determination and patience, but also the embodiment of confidence.

Secondly, China should expand and promote the US world economic cooperation and Asian economic integration to prevent the formation of the international environment of China and the United States comprehensively confrontation.The strengthening of economic and technological cooperation between China, Europe, Japan and other developed economies, on the one hand, it can make the Chinese economy excessively balanced the situation in the United States. On the other hand, it is also to show that cooperation between China and the West to the United States can interact with benign, so as to change the United StatesDomestic ecology discussed in China.

Recently, ... when meeting German Chancellor Merkel, he emphasized that China expands the opening of opening up and says, and is very time -time for firm confidence in firm and non -American world.Although the Asian economic integration has made great progress, there is still huge potential that has not been tapped. For example, China, Japan, and South Korea, the three major economies of East Asia, have not yet had a free trade agreement.

As long as China adheres to the principle of free trade and the various comparative advantages formed after China's rise, even if the United States really wants to build a multilateral framework that is similar to the aimed at the aimed at the Cold War, the multilateral framework of Soviet technology and economic and trade relations, that is, multilateral export control coordinating planningCOORDINATING Commissione for Multilateral Export Controls (COCOM) multilateral decoupling mechanism, both Europe and Asian countries cannot respond.

Thirty years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi. In the past, the United States was discussing whether to contact. It is now the turn of China to discuss, which also reflects the major changes in the international system.China adopts the purpose of active contact with the United States to make the United States recognize China's discussions in China. It is not a comprehensive anti -United States or curbing the United States.In terms of network security, intellectual property rights, artificial intelligence, etc., new specifications are required for new areas, and it must be discussed together to solve it.

Recently, Ren Zhengfei, the president of Huawei, expressed his willingness to sell 5G technology in an interview, which is in contrast to the current decoupling tendency in the United States.At the same time, China needs to start dialogue and cooperation with other countries in the world. This is not to block the United States, but to allow the United States to understand the policy of Chinese, and it is difficult to mobilize international forces to form a cold war -style anti -Soviet economic blockade alliance; and China does not do not.It will establish its own economic circle, and at the same time strengthen the recognition of multilateral mechanisms such as WTO, and rely on these multilateral mechanisms to resolve disputes and disputes.This will enhance soft power while strengthening other countries' confidence in international mechanisms.

(The author is an associate professor at the National Niigata University in Japan, a senior researcher at the regional and global institute of Global Governance of Beijing Foreign Studies University)