Source: China Times

The DPP celebrated the 33rd anniversary of the party on the 28th.Strangely, only 3 months left before the voting date of the 2020 election. The election news is full of power and fighting for power, but no political party and candidate talk about policies.The presidential president is in the future of the country. Voters cannot decide the whereabouts of the votes based on political water. President Tsai Ing -wen, as the current national leader, cannot just steal off the descendants' resource policies to buy tickets.Where to bring the country?

Since the failure of the nine -in -one local elections last year, the Democratic Progressive Party has begun to take the mainland. In addition to the Sino -US confrontation factors, cross -strait relations have deteriorated rapidly.However, since President Tsai has led South Korea ’s Yu, he has observed that President Tsai’ s recent words and deeds have decreased to the mainland ’s spicyness.According to reports, Huang Zhifeng, the leader of the Hong Kong Democratic Games, when he visited Taiwan not long ago, the original arrangement of meeting with President Tsai, but in the end, President Tsai did not meet, so he avoided the red line on the mainland, making the Hong Kong issue more complicated, and the addition of cross -strait relations added more.New hatred.

In addition, the DPP government has been relieved to promote the "CCP's agent" clauses, and the DPP group has reported the sound of not dealing with this period.Guoruo's decision -making steering is worthy of recognition, because this amendment of the law is seriously hurting thoughts and freedom of speech, hindering cross -strait exchanges and cooperation, and there will be many operational difficulties when implementing.With no hope of reconciliation, the Tsai government will inevitably be backfrained.

However, these attitudes are not enough to soften. The most basic requirement for voters to lead national leaders is to see how to lead the country to break through the predicament to a better state.President Tsai proposed many policies blueprints on cross -strait, diplomacy and national policies during the 2016 campaign, but after more than 3 years of president, the domestic and foreign situation and cross -strait relations are very different. Facing the term of the next 4 years, President Cai should be careful about caution.Think about the plan and put forward new policy.Don't always stare at the popularity of news and online topics. Instead, with the height and responsibility of the head of state, he proposes a set of pragmatic and feasible policies for the country to create a future vibrant policy program.

Among them, cross -strait relations can be said to be the most important key.The Taiwan market is limited, and highly rely on foreign opportunities. A benign interactive cross -strait relations can not only allow Taiwan to obtain economic and trade investment and tourism profit, and grow in a peaceful and stable environment.Promote peaceful coexistence and respecting each other to become the consensus between the two sides, and create more opportunities and space for the future of the next generation.As long as people have the willingness and opportunities, they can have great creativity, but if we use too much hostility and conflict to blow up the road, even if we win the election for a while, where can this country go in the future?If we leave to the next generation is a difficult home, we can only hold our heads and beaten, then we are really sorry for the next generation.

After taking office for 3 and a half years, 7 diplomatic relations were lost, indicating that the malicious cross -strait environment is harmful to Taiwan, let alone the miserable situation of Luke Rui reduced stores to close the hotel.These fully show that Taiwan does not have a hard chip with the mainland, and it will not hurt the enemy if you hit the impact.A responsible national leader must pragmly evaluate Taiwan's internal and external environment and chips on the hands, facing the importance of cross -strait relations to the survival and development of Taiwan, and trying to make cross -strait relations a help of Taiwan, not resistance.

President Tsai is proud of being a hot table girl, but the madness continent is not the best way to defend Taiwan's democracy. Because it triggered the opposite side of the opposite side, it will endanger Taiwan's safe environment. Without the safety and no development opportunities, can the democratic system be stable for a long time?The real democratic defenders are to build a peaceful and stable living environment, minimize foreign threats, and find more business opportunities in various industries in Taiwan, so as to allow the people to live and work in peace, and the country grows strong.

Recent polls show that there is a gap between President Cai and the DPP, and supporters of Green Camp may split voting.If the Democratic Progressive Party loses the majority of the Legislative Yuan, President Tsai is bound to cooperate with other political parties to reconcile. Then, the practice of disbeling the red hat to intensify the interior and cross -strait opposition must be abandoned.President Tsai can't just look at the elections in front of you, but also think about how to go on cross -strait relations after the election, and bring out a complete and feasible cross -strait policy beef.