The suppression of China's policy on Taiwan has stimulated the independence of radicals to challenge Cai Yingwen to maintain the status quo, which has led to the increasingly opposite and tension of the DPP authorities and emerging independence.If the Tsai Ing -wen authorities tried to use the independent alliance to seek votes to be used to be maximized, they must compromise and adopt a more radical route.The split.

Liu Jincai

On September 16th, the government of the Solomon Islands of the South Pacific Island State held a cabinet meeting, announcing the decision to recognize the principles of the first Central China and establish diplomatic relations with mainland China, and at the same time terminated formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan.Previously, mainland China also announced on September 15th that it resumed the free freedom policy of Luke's free behavior in the three outlying islands of Golden Gate, Matsu, and Penghu under the jurisdiction under the jurisdiction of the Taiwan authorities.The Taiwan policy shows a hard, harder, softer and softer trends. It is suppressed in diplomacy and is economical. The cross -elastic use of carrots and sticks and sticks is freely used.

The Chinese authorities claim that the 1992 consensus reflects the spirit of the principles of the first China and use it as a differentiated principle of communication with various political parties and political forces in Taiwan to combat the DPP which refuses to accept the 1992 consensus;The third forces of the second consensus, Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe and the Taiwan people's party; to attract the Pan -Blue Political Alliance, which advocates the consensus of 1992, especially supporting the political parties to accept the one country, two systems.In this regard, the principle of the segmentation of the 1992 consensus has a differentiation effect, resulting in national identity among the nationals between the party and the cross -strait routes.

The awareness and acceptance of the 1992 consensus of political parties or political groups within Taiwan are different, and they are derived from different national identity and definition of national interests.The 1992 Consensus, as a criterion for the effective distinction of political parties within Taiwan, adopted a diplomatic truce of the Kuomintang who acknowledged the 1992 consensus. Ma Ying -jeou was not suppressed by diplomacy in mainland China during his administration.Interpol Organization and International Civil Aviation Organization Annual Meeting.

However, during the period of Governance, Tsai Ing -wen disclosed the consensus of 1992 as the common political foundation for cross -strait coast. The 15 county governments governed by the Kuomintang acknowledged the 1992 consensus and tried to use local strategies to use local strategies on cross -strait exchanges to strive for cross -strait discussion.At the same time, using the 1992 consensus, conditional selection, separation of pan -blue, and pan -green governing county and cities as the target of its city.

First of all, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China claims to highly appreciate the Solomon Islands government to acknowledge the principle of the first China and reiterate that there is only one China in the world. The government of the People's Republic of China is the only legal government representing the whole China.Establish formal diplomatic relations with 178 countries.Such a political diplomacy claims that it is the same as that of the political report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the President of China ... Published a five -point Xi, all showing that a China is the People's Republic of China.At the same time, the connotation of one middle.

Mainland China cannot accept the various tables in the first China. The so -called 192 consensus is the principle of the first China.In the past, a Chinese expression was different from inside and outside, but now the internal and external consistency is consistent.This statement will compress the ninety -two consensus of Panlan and the cross -strait discussion right to discuss the right to speak.

Secondly, since Tsai Ing -wen comes up, this country and Greibas have broken diplomatic relations with Taiwan. They have lost seven diplomatic relations in total and broke Chen Shui -bian's eight -year net losing six diplomatic relations.Taiwan's international activity space has become increasingly reduced, including the World Health Organization, International Interpol and International Civil Aviation Organization Annual Meeting that cannot participate in Ma Ying -jeou's administration. At the same timeEssence

The mainland has repeatedly reduced the space for international activities in Taiwan, and has also produced a conflict between Taiwan's internal radical independence and the Cross -Strait routes of the DPP.The DPP recognizes the existence of the Republic of China.The claim of the new constitution.

The suppression of China's policy on Taiwan has stimulated the independence of radicals to challenge Cai Yingwen to maintain the status quo, which has led to the increasingly opposite and tension of the DPP authorities and emerging independence.If the Tsai Ing -wen authorities tried to use the independent alliance to seek votes to be used to be maximized, they must compromise and adopt a more radical route.The split.Lu Xiulian, the former vice president who represents the President of the Symbolia Alliance Party, is obviously different from Cai Yingwen's cross -strait route on the cross -strait route and Taiwan's future choices.

The Taiwan policy failed to succumb to the Democratic Progressive Party

In the end, mainland China announced on August 1 that the suspension of Luke's free travel has impacted the development of the tourist industry in the county and cities in the Guanlan Governance. In particular, Hualien, New Taipei, Taichung, Nantou, and Kaohsiung are all severely disaster -stricken areas.After the Nine -in -1 election, compared with the same period from January to June 2019 and the same period of 2018, it increased by about 400,000 land customers to come to Taiwan freely.It also achieved spillover effect.The suspension of Luke will freely impact the tourism industry in the Pan -blue ruling county and city. Therefore, the heads of the three counties of the islands to meet the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, hoping to adopt special policies for the islands, and the Chinese authorities should also allow an exception to deal with the exception.

According to statistics from the Jinden County Government of the Outdamor Islands, since the suspension of 47 cities' residents in Taiwan from August 1st, China has significantly impact from September, and from September 1st to 10thOnly 4273 people decreased by 74%compared to the 16202 person -times in the same period in 2018.Because Luke accounts for about 45%of the Santong Source of Golden Gate, about 70%of them are free tourists, and free travel has become the mainstream of Luke.

At present, mainland Chinese authorities have once again loosen the policies of the freedom of the land passenger, which is limited to the three outlying counties governed by the Kuomintang. Its tourism benefits still have a limited impact on Taiwan's island, and it is stated that only returning to the 1992 consensus track can recover Luke again.Come to Taiwan freely; use this strategy to manufacture pressure groups to affect the DPP authorities, and control voters' voting orientation in the Taiwan election.

China's intention to Taiwan policy not only penetrates the DPP and the Kuomintang governed by the central government, but also distinguishes the differentiation of local governance of the Kuomintang on the islands and the island.Previously ... Five points were proposed to propose democratic negotiations between Taiwan ’s plans, and at the same time, they proposed small and four -pass.If China intends to adopt two golden horse plans for the outlying islands ruled by Taiwan to try first, and then create a common living circle, this will strengthen the centrifugal power of outlying islands. The Taiwan authorities should also be the community of destiny in Taiwan to strengthen the construction of the islands and trade construction, society, society, and society.Welfare and improvement of the national happiness and identity of the residents of outlying islands.

After the interruption of Taiwan and the suspension of Luke's free travel from the country, and the restoration of outlying island counties as soon as possible, these two cases are confirming that mainland China has a hard and harder, softer and softer spindle strategy in mainland China.Pressure, in the field of economy, social and cultural, is Huairou fusion.The principle of separation and differentiation of Taiwan's United Fronts continuously uses the combined left, pull -China, and right standards to produce an absorption effect and isolation.

However, it is the use of suppression and Huairou strategy that sticks and carrots have not forced the Democratic Progressive Party authorities to succumb to their will. Instead, they have strengthened the rising hostile and conflict spirals on both sides of the strait, and the effectiveness of Taiwan's policy may also offset each other.However, the DPP is unwilling to return to the 1992 consensus track, and it is bound to face the crisis and risks of diplomatic suppression and the threat of military martial arts threats.

The author is Taiwan Foguang University

Assistant professor of the Department of Public Affairs