Chinese and American frictions are regarded by some analysts as the Cold War of the 21st century, but in China to learn from the Soviet Union's front car, it will be difficult for the United States to use the way to treat the Soviet Union in China in China.

Prime Minister Li Xianlong, who is working on New York, USA, accepted an exclusive interview with the Washington Post of the US media on Wednesday (September 25) on the morning of the East Coast of the United States.In the interview, he shared his views on friction between China and the United States and paid attention to the tougher attitude between China and the United States. He believes that this will exacerbate the existing international tensions.

Some analysts have seen Sino -US friction as the cold war of the 21st century, but Premier Li pointed out that the United States is unlikely to treat China in the way of Soviet Union.In the example of the Soviet Union, from 1946, George Middot; Kenan was collapsed until the Berlin wall in 1989, and their system also collapsed Hellip; Hellip; China has studied the case of the Soviet Union.They studied carefully and made up their minds not to repeat the same mistakes.

Premier Li reiterated that the friction between China and the United States has surpassed the category of trade. It is a conflict between the two systems and is also regarded by some people as a dispute between two civilizations.

This phenomenon makes the world worry, because this is not a struggle to divide a winner and a loser.

He believes that China and the United States should re -examine their position.

Premier Li said: China must share responsibility to maintain and support the international system.China needs to re -set their status and thinking. They must know that although China is not entirely a developed country, they have to take responsibility and make adjustments.These adjustments are politically difficult, but if they want to live with the world peacefully and be regarded as members of the international community, these are all necessary.

The United States must find a balance between pressure and negotiations, and between action and words to achieve constructive results.

Premier Li said: You can't just pressure it all, and hope that the other side will fall completely.This will not happen.

Premier Li warned that the American allies have been closely in line with China. If the United States requires them to derail with China, this will be a difficult strategic goal.

The United States must ask yourself, which is better?China is as powerful as it is now. It is still not so prosperous and powerful as before the Mao Zedong era and Deng Xiaoping before, but it is more unhappy. More problems?

However, the Chinese and American government faces domestic pressure, and there are not many room for virginity on China and the United States.

Premier Li pointed out that US President Trump intends to fundamentally balance Sino -US relations. As he recently announced the re -election in the 2020 presidential election, he believes it is unlikely to make too much compromise with China.In the face of economic slowdown in China, the Chinese government has to face a very difficult structural problem in the economy.The situation in Xinjiang, Taiwan, Tibet and Hong Kong also challenges domestic cohesion.