According to the Taiwan United Daily News, Taiwan President Tsai Ing -wen's doctoral dissertation has been questioned in the past few months, and it has attracted attention whether she has a doctorate degree.Whether a president has a doctoral degree, the original non -test of the important judgment of whether it appropriately applies, not to mention that Tsai Ing -wen has almost completed a term of presidential term.The problem is that Tsai Ing -wen has taught at the university, and boasted that his papers were deeply appreciated by the test members and decided to give her a little doctoral degree.In this case, the authenticity of doctoral dissertations and degrees, that is, the integrity of her as a president and professor, and there is no vague space.

Recently, two doctors went to the London School of Political Science and Economics to consult Tsai Ing -wen's thesis. One was Lin Huan Wall, a professor of Taiwanese Economics at the University of North Carolina University, and Xu Yongtai, a doctor of economic history living in Oxford.Both of them found that Tsai Ing -wen retained the dissertation of the school in the unusual situation, lacking pages, and many traces of hand -changing traces, and the borrowing regulations were extremely strict, which was very different from the openness and transparency of general papers.Although Tsai Ing -wen has told Professor Lin Huan Wall and He Difen, a professor of Taiwan University, the doubt of the papers is getting bigger and bigger, which has made London School of Political Science and Economics poverty.If Cai Yingwen cannot clarify one by one, it will leave the public to leave a question mark on its integrity.

Including the various questions raised by the outside world, Tsai Ing -wen's doctoral dissertation has at least five doubts to be clarified.First, the schedule of obtaining a doctoral degree is short: According to the student record provided by Tsai Ing -wen, she studied a master's degree in law from 1980 to 1982; then, from 1982 to 1984, she obtained it in just two years.School doctoral degree, which is much shorter than the doctoral training of general grammar, unless she is not a regular course.Taking Ma Ying -jeou as an example, Harvard's doctoral degree took five years, which was more like a normal practice period.

Second, why this papers that were not obtained for a time did not make up until the near future: Dr. Tsai Ing -wen's thesis currently existed on the London School of Political Science and Economics, which was submitted on June 28 this year, so the binding was new; and until 7, 7On the 13th, the paper entered the digital retrieval system of the library.The possible reason is that the disappearance of Dr. Tsai Ing -wen's dissertation was questioned by the unique name in June this year. As a result, she urgently submitted the paper to the school; because it was not the original, there would be obvious fax or photography on each page.The shadow, even the five to ten pages of the first chapter are missing pages.Why did a paper not 35 years ago after 35 years?

Third, the name of the guidance of the professor is taboo: one of Tsai Ing -wen's instructors is Micheal Elliott, and the other two instructors are not allowed to be disclosed for unknown reasons. This is extremely incomprehensible.Micheal Elliott graduated from Oxford University. Whether there is a doctorate degree is unknown, but during his teachings at the London School of Political Science and Economics, he was only a lecturer in his only age.In particular, in the same year when Tsai Ing -wen graduated, he left the teaching position and went to the economist's magazine as a journalist.Unfortunately, he died of illness in 2016 and could no longer testify for Cai Yingwen's doctoral degree.

Fourth, why Tsai Ing -wen's paper is full of traces and lack of pages: Doctoral dissertations usually have strict content and format specifications, and they need to be submitted to the formal version for the school and professor to retain, otherwise they will not be accepted by the school.However, Tsai Ing -wen's papers recently submitted to the London Academy of Political Science and Economics are full of traces of hand -changing traces, wrong spelling and pages defects.Could it be said that the papers that had not been handed in after passing the oral test that year did not complete the formal version of the school reservation after graduating for 25 years?

Fifth, after Cai Yingwen returned to Taiwan, he taught at the University of Zhengda and Soochow. Does the two universities have not left their papers and graduation certificates.Both should be submitted and the graduation certificate should be submitted for school censorship.As long as these two universities read the file library, it is not difficult to find their doctoral dissertations for all circles to explain doubts; but why should all parties go to the UK to find the truth?In addition, according to the information of the United Daily and Lianhe Knowledge Base, Tsai Ing -wen published on October 20, 1983 on the United Daily Edition to enter the United States to talk about anti -dumping tax articles from my colorful vision.She officially obtained a doctorate for nearly half a year.

Based on the standards of the Cai government card management, each of the above five doubts is puzzled.Why did Tsai Ing -wen's thesis return to his alma mater for 35 years?