Ming Pao News Agency

Recently, the Solomon Islands of the South Pacific Island State became the new focus of diplomatic force on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. In this wrestling, the United States once again did not conceal Taiwan to assist Taiwan. Not only that, but also mobilized allies in the area Australia and New Zealand to assist in the area.Although Solomon's foreign minister visited Taiwan last week, showing that the two parties were still communicating, but the prime minister of the country had publicly stated that in terms of economic and politics, Taiwan was useless to the country (TAIWAN is Completely usedless to us), but who is still unknown who is dead is still unknownnumber.Even if the diplomatic relations between the Taiwan Institute have been fully hoop (repair) this time in the United States, Taiwan will completely trust the number of diplomatic relations to the United States, and the United States is completely out of its own goal of curbing China.The Chinese side confronts it, only relying on the irritation to ignite, provoking separation, selfish purpose, hypocritical performance, and difficult to continue in the long run.

The Solomon Islands' diplomatic shift to the United States to put pressure on the table hoop.

Since Tsai Ing -wen came to power, five diplomatic relations in Taiwan have switched to the mainland. Among the remaining 17 diplomatic relations, six are Pacific Island countries, of which only 600,000 people have the largest area and the largest population. Once the diplomatic relations are broken.It may cause the bone effect in the area.The Pacific Island controls a large number of rich oceans and strategic locations, forming a maritime boundary between America and Asia.The Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga and other island countries constitute the first island chain in Northeast Australia. The geographical location is very important.

Since the election of the parliament in April this year, the Solomon Islands have been brewing to transfer diplomatic relations from Taipei to Beijing, and announced that it has carried out a half -year study for this, and it is close to the final decision.Judging from earlier news reports, the country's diplomatic steering is likely to occur.Although Taipei is very anxious, the United States has also gone to go. The US ambassador has spoke many times, urging Solomon to be cautious about the gold aid commitment of China (mainland), and do not rush to cut off relations with Taiwan.It is reported that the White House has called Solomon's dignitaries almost every week in recent months, and even reported that Vice President Pence will meet the UN meeting in Solomon, the Prime Minister of Soloma. Allied Australian Prime Minister also called Prime Minister Rowon to lobbyOf.Solomon Foreign Minister visited Taiwan last week. At the welcome dinner of the Taiwan Foreign Affairs Department, the U.S. Association's Office of the Taiwan Association in Taiwan, William Brent Christensen, attended the high -profile attendance, which was very meaningful.David Helvey, Chief Deputy Assistant Minister of India -Pacific Safety Affairs of the US Department of Defense, also publicly expressed concerns about changes in Taiwan's diplomatic relations.Taiwan is not isolated, and it can also ensure peace and stability in Taiwan with regions.Because Taiwan is the front line against China (Mainland), playing an indispensable role in curbing China's (mainland) aggression and maintenance regions.

Hai David's remarks made the best explanation of the United States to maintain the diplomatic relations of the United States. This is not the first time that the United States has extended a helping hand to Taiwan on maintaining the issue of diplomatic relations.In September last year, the U.S. State Department recalled discussions on the country's envoys in the Three Kingdoms due to Dominica, Salvador, Panama, and Taiwan.After a year, the United States has not abandoned the local pressure. Earlier this month, when the U.S. Ambassador to Dominica had a meal with the local media, it urged the country to maintain the country (mainland).The control of strategic assets such as industry and government information, and criticized the values and trade transparency of China (mainland).

Sino -US wrestling to play Taiwan cards and unwilling to force others

Since last year, with the vibosity of the comprehensive wrestling of China and the United States, the United States has also been strengthened. In addition to Congress through the Taiwan Travel Law and National Defense Authorization Law, it has also sold weapons to Taiwan on a large scale and diplomatic assistance in Taiwan.It is also an important step.In addition to assisting Taiwan and diplomatic relations, the official diplomacy between the United States and Taiwan has gradually escalated.The second -time cultivation media knowledge is run to defend the opening ceremony of the Democratic Governance Consultation Consultation of the Indo -Pacific Regional Democratic Governance in the United States and Taiwan.International activities symbolize significant significance.It is particularly noteworthy that during the period in Taiwan, Basby warned that the mainland was investing a lot of funds and tried to interfere with Taiwan's presidential election next year in various ways.This is a rare US officials to directly comment on election affairs in Taiwan, and almost naked to help Tsai Ing -wen for the election.

However, in the process of diplomatic assistance in the United States, the biggest doubt faced is its own motivation and practice. Some foreign dignitaries have pointed out that the United States has obstructed other countries to break off diplomatic relations with Taiwan and Taiwan. HoweverIn addition, the United States does not dare to break off diplomatic relations with Beijing now and transfer to Taipei.Washington pointed out that the Chinese (Mainland) government used loans to establish diplomatic relations, but on the one hand, it was not true to assist the backward countries.Even if it was assisted in Taiwan, the United States did not take out a immortal to maintain Taiwan's diplomatic relations, but only let Taiwan's diplomatic countries bargain with Taipei, so that the people of Taiwan also paid banknotes for some state -to -state diplomatic relations.This is not only doubting that the real motivation for the United States to assist Taiwan's diplomacy is to contain Beijing, and its slogan of maintaining regional peace and democratic freedom is just a hypocritical cover.This time, even if it can barely protect Taiwan's Habosa Islands, whether the number of Taiwan diplomatic relations can not be allowed in the future, it is quite doubtful.