China Times News Agency

In the past 40 years of discontinuing diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States, the highest medium -level and most firmly supporting Taiwan ’s White House national security advisory Bolton (Bolton) has stepped down, and the foreign policy of the Trump (Trump) government must be adjusted; Taiwan and the South Pacific Institute RomanUnder the full blessing of the United States and Australia, the islands are still publicly blessed, and they are still disclosed, and their lives and deaths are unknown. In addition, cross -strait relations have deteriorated, and the series of incidents exposed Taiwan's foreign relations.

The Solomon Islands with a population of 660,000 are the largest countries in the six AIAs of the South Pacific. They are also a part of the Asia -Pacific strategic layout and the second island chain.To prevent the country's diplomacy from admitting to the transfer of the mainland, it is mainly on the surrounding mainland. Once failed, Taiwan ’s diplomatic form in South Pacific has disintegrated, and the United States' Indo -Pacific strategic defense will also have a gap.In terms of local fate, in the competition of power, the United States can no longer completely suppress mainland China and maintain traditional advantages in the Indo -Pacific region.

For more than three years of the DPP's ruling, setting a record of losing five diplomatic relations, blaming everything on the mainland's suppression or digging walls, and even the non -use of diplomatic relations, but the diplomatic relationship with Solomon, in the United States and Australia, in the United States and AustraliaFor the first time, Taiwan ’s public cooperation and rescue are still unsatisfactory, and the impact on Taiwan is not small.However, President Cai (English) is still talking about sharing universal values with international international politics, completely separate from the reality of international politics, and highlights the ability of the country ’s diplomatic team to be disabled, lost, and no self -examination.

From Polton's official, we can see the same behavior mode. Polton openly and strongly support Taiwan's position in Lumei for 40 years. He advocated that Taiwan has a complete state status and is eligible to participate in the United Nations and become a member state.In the early days of President Trump, Polton said that the United States should re -consider a Chinese policy, then open the Shanghai Communist Party negotiations, and the U.S. military should be stationed in Taiwan.

After serving as a national security consultant, Bolton did not reduce the volume of supporting Taiwan. When March this year, the mainland military aircraft flew across the Taiwan Strait, and he issued a text in Twitter that the mainland military provocation would not win the hearts of the people of Taiwan. The Taiwan Relations Law and our commitments became clearer.EssenceIn May, he met with Li Dawei, Secretary -General of the National Security Council, and was regarded as a major breakthrough and improvement of Taiwan -US relations.The DPP emphasizes that the current Taiwan -US relations are unprecedentedly friendly, and Polton is a key figure.

In the DPP government's diplomatic strategy design, the most important pillars are the relationship between Taiwan and the United States. The positions of pro -American and anti -China stands seem to be in line with the Trump government's strategy of positioning the mainland as amendments to amendments and strategic competitors. Trump and Polton areThe perfect two -person group in Taiwan's decision makers, but in fact, from Venezuela, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea to China, Polton's radical attitude is incompatible with Sichuan's popular high -level officials.Drinking and retreating.

Trump does not have a firm diplomatic belief or concept. He prefers personal heroism, hoping to create major diplomatic breakthroughs, play the role of Deal Maker, and reach the international agreement that can win the Nobel Peace Prize.Target.Therefore, Trump pays great attention to his personal relationship with his opponents, such as his tolerance for North Korean (North Korea) leader Kim Jong -un, hoping to promote the reconciliation of the Korean Peninsula, but Polton Baiomu provokes Kim Jong -un, causing the Kanagawa Society of Hanoi to) Breaking the game, on Iran, Afghanistan and other issues, Polton committed the same mistake.

The current relationship between the United States and mainland China covers the long -term competition of military, economy, technology, and ideology, and is also the most important part of US defense and diplomacy., Constantly raising the tension between the United States and the land, but Trump has no intention of having any military conflict with the mainland.On the contrary,#8203;#8203;, he attaches great importance to his personal relationship with the President of the Mainland, and is more expected to create a brilliant diplomatic achievement that the President of the President of Nixon (Nixon) that year.Personality Traits.

It is generally believed that after the violent Bolton leaves the White House, the United States will take stock of foreign relations in the short term. The US -Lu relations will be the focus.It will be Trump's priority.And China (Mainland) has also mastered Trump’s personal personality and decision -making model. Recently, it has made concessions on trade issues.It has evolved into a comprehensive confrontation and shows the flexible and pragmatic side of mainland diplomacy.