Current affairs perspective

Hong Kong's social turmoil has been turbulent for three months, and it has not completely subsided.The cause of the turbulence is that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has proposed two legal amendments to the regulations including fugitives.Explosion, causeing difficult social turmoil or even riots.

How to solve the biggest, most difficult, and most dangerous challenge in the 22 years of the current autonomy of Hong Kong in 22 years has not only reached an urgent situation, but it is indeed an eyebrow problem in front of everyone.

Although resolving social contradictions is much more complicated than solving the differences between people, there are similarities between the two, and it is important to understand this.We may wish to look at the three common methods of solving differences between people:

The first, the two sat down calmly and solved the problem through rational dialogue.It is obviously the most ideal and the most effective way to solve the problem by dialogue.However, this method must have an essential premise, that is, both sides are willing to solve the problem through dialogue. Both should be rational, and in principle, they have a strong desire to solve the problem;

The second way is that the two sides are not prepared for dialogue, but the two sides are reluctant to see the differences gradually upgraded, because both parties realize that once the difference is upgraded or even a conflict broke out, the result may be defeated.Therefore, the two sides are willing to temporarily cut the difference and leave time and space to prepare for future communication.In this way, there must be a prerequisite, that is, at least one of the two parties is rational, or at least both parties are not so violent;

The third way is to solve violence and uniform each other with greater violence.This method is to curb problems in a fierce and extreme way.The prerequisite is that the contradictions have intensified to the extreme, and the two sides have no intention of solving the problem in other ways.At this time, the two sides are either unreasonable or caused by the out of control of the situation.The disadvantage of this method is to overwhelm each other with a greater strong and stronger. As a result, it seems to solve the problem, but in fact, it has even more intensified each other's contradictions.contradiction.

The current problem faced by Hong Kong is that despite the continuous upgrading of street violence and unprecedented pressure on the SAR Government, in order to reduce conflicts and relax contradictions, the government still strives to promote the problem through dialogue.To this end, Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e proposed to build a dialogue platform, and is willing to discover the reason for the cause and solution with representatives from all walks of life in Hong Kong regardless of the background, regardless of standpoint, and age.

However, the opposition forces have clearly stated that the government must accept the five requirements in the delay time. It is indispensable to strive to fight to the end and force the government to make concessions.In this case, the first way to solve the problem is almost difficult to achieve, and even if the dialogue is expanded, it is difficult to predict.This is very frustrating and worrying.

As for the second solution, the author believes that it is unrealistic to temporarily shelve contradictions.To this day, although the SAR government has intended to temporarily shelve the problem and restore social calm, the opposition may not be happy, and still try to intensify contradictions and force the government to concession.So how easy is it to retreat San She?What's more, taking a step back, the two teachers, one division, the association, church, and lawyers in Hong Kong have been using ideological instruments or legal privileges for a long time, toxic and misleading young people and sheltering criminal acts.The bacteria deeply embedded in the social structure of Hong Kong will also cause disease and spread sooner or later. Now it is not completely solved by the problem. I am afraid that it is not the willingness of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and even the Beijing Central Government.

In the mainland or Hong Kong, mainstream public opinion emphasized that since Hong Kong is facing a defense war of life and death, it has been retired, so there is no need to retreat.The Beijing Central Committee has clearly stated that the urgent task currently facing the overwhelming of the SAR government is to stop violence, restore social order, and protect the lives and property of citizens.That's all, how can we talk about the contradiction of putting on hold?

The point is, will the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government take strong and powerful measures and take decisive measures to stop riots when the situation is out of control?The author believes that this depends entirely on the judgment and the actions taken by the opposition party in the future. It depends on the degree of violence and the size of the destruction of street resistance.The principle of high autonomy and resolutely defending China's national sovereignty and security to make decisive choices.

Recently, the Hong Kong riots have been significantly upgraded, and three unprecedented things have occurred: thugs used iron rods, bamboo sticks, burning bullets, bricks and slingshots to actively launch a fatal close -up, attacking the police and causing police personnel to be injured.It has never been seen before strategic and violent attacks; the degree of mobs smashed shops, deliberately destroyed public property, and observed traffic at will before seeing the degree of randomness; thugs beating, besieging ordinary citizens, and caused many citizens to be injured.

Such a rampant riots, provocations, and destructive actions have clearly stated that extreme opposition is using violence to upgrade to force the SAR Government to issue an emergency order, forcing the PLA to leave the army in Hong Kong, and to destroy the two systems and two systems in the struggle of the SAR government's fishing net.In principle, Hong Kong and Mainland China have fallen into another bleeding trap, thereby achieving the purpose of destroying China's international reputation and attracting collective sanctions in Western countries.

In this point, Beijing was very clear and prepared for this.For example, in many public occasions, even if the current and former heavyweights of Hong Kong and the former dynasty, even if they send troops, do not mean legal explanations such as the failure of one country, two systems (Article 18 of the Hong Kong Basic Law);The power of the Chief Executive, temporarily setting up legislative laws to stop criminal acts when the situation is out of control; while the official mainstream media in Mainland China has commented on the comments in the past day, revealing that the central government will never sit on Hong Kong to continue to mess up, etc. It can be understood as the worst of the government for the worst.Active preparation.The Chinese Armed Police Army, which was settled, had already come to the city and entered a state of alertness.

The author believes that although the three ways to resolve contradictions are facing great difficulties, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government still has to do a good job of talking and preparing for both hands.In addition to actively building a dialogue platform, it is also worth thinking whether it is necessary to consider establishing a small cabinet that can directly participate in government governance.

The so -called small cabinet is to convene public opinion representatives from all walks of life and directly participate in the entire process of government decision -making, including policy draft, public consultation, implementation of accountability, social supervision, etc.All aspects of all aspects of comprehensive, transparent, considering, and implementation are involved in social public opinion representatives, and the problems and contradictions are resolved before policy decisions and implementation.

The small cabinet should have a beyond position that guarantees the law, and is higher than the level or committee level of special consulting agencies or committees advocated by the government.Of course, the small cabinet is not the central government, nor to share power with the government.The legal status of the SAR Government and the Administrative and Legislative Council cannot be shaken.The maximum benefit of the pre -decision -making mechanism is to allow all sectors of society to have a sense of participation and responsibility.

Hong Kong is already at the intersection of large, non -African, life and death.The SAR government needs a flexible dialogue and must also be enforced by the iron fist. The two are indispensable.

The author is a senior current affairs commentator of Phoenix Satellite TV

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Comments from the official mainstream media in Mainland China have revealed that the central government will never sit at Hong Kong to continue to mess up, etc. It can be understood that the government is preparing for the worst situation.The mainland armed police army, which was settled, had already been in the city and entered a state of alertness.