Zheng Weibin

After the National Government moved to Taipei from the mainland in 1949, with the help of the Korean War and the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, under the military protection of the United States, it gradually stabilized Taiwan's political situation.However, the United States not only has military and economic assistance to Taiwan, but also puts pressure on Chiang Kai -shek and the National Government to reform many reforms.This laid a certain foundation for Taiwan to embark on the road of democratic system in the future.

However, after a lapse of 70 years, in Taiwan, it still seems unable to get rid of this fate that can only be selected by the side station, relying on Taiwan's geographical strategic value to obtain the capital of survival.

During the preparation of the Taiwan leader elections in 2020, the candidates of the two nationalities were clearly labeling the pro -China and the beauty.Naturally, Tsai Ing -wen's pro -American route.Since taking office, he has launched a US warship with a call from President Trump.As the election in 2020 approaches, it is frequently borrowed from related issues with the mainland. For example, in the recent anti -delivery of Hong Kong, it shows the high attitude of the Chinese resistance.

These operations of Tsai Ing -wen have indeed provided a positive role in the support rate of the DPP's party primaries and polls.Regarding the position of Tsai Ing -wen and the DPP, the support of the American politics has gained a lot of support.The U.S. Congress has successively promoted and passed the Taiwan Tourism Law Taiwan Guarantee Law and other friends and Taiwan bills. The originally forced to vague North American Affairs Coordination Committee (CCNAA) officially renamed the Taiwan American Affairs Commission (TCUSA), and at the same time, it implemented high -profile arms sales for Taiwan military sales many times.Essence

As for the Kuomintang's candidate South Korea Yu, as soon as the results of the primary election within the party were announced, the Associated Press directly hit him the label of populist pro -China: Taiwan's largest opposition party launched a populist and pro -China mayor (A Populist, Pro-China Mayor), as a candidate for the 2020 presidential election, competes with the current president who often criticizes Beijing.

Therefore, despite the different election bases of the Kuomintang party, the Kuomintang continued the strategy of fighting the economy last year, while the DPP took democracy to protect democracy and the sovereignty was advertised.Different places.

70 years ago, Chiang Kai -shek obtained the United States' assistance to Taiwan by counterattacking the mainland, maintained the US -Taiwan relations, and even signed a security treaty.Today, Tsai Ing -wen has won the support of the US government with anti -Chinese anti -Chinese issues.

70 years ago, Chiang Kai -shek ignored the public opinion and demands of the people of Taiwan through the high -pressure rule, but the end result was that Taiwan's politics had to slowly move towards the democratic system; today, although most of the polls on the island of Taiwan, they do not agree with the result of most polls in Taiwan.Tsai Ing -wen's cross -strait route, but through the absolute dominant power of the DPP, through continuous amendments, it has gradually reached the point where it can ignore public opinion.

The political system, which was originally separated from the five powers, was gradually unable to be independent of the independent organs, let alone the administrative agencies under Cai Yingwen's main administration, and it was even more difficult to depart from its will.In this context, pro -beauty is undoubtedly the last path to continue the governance of Tsai Ing -wen and the DPP.

Although the Kuomintang is also pro -beauty, the candidates during the primaries all show their beautiful gestures, and even go to the United States to go loyalty.But from the results, the United States' trust in the Kuomintang is far worse than the DPP.Against the background of the Sino -US competition, the past standpoint of the Kuomintang is obviously difficult for the United States to fully trust the degree of pro -United States.

What's more, when will the US politicians always trust the Kuomintang?While the United States supports Chiang Kai -shek 70 years ago, it also actively searches and cultivates other Kuomintang politicians. At the same time, it is also more actively looking for suitable Taiwanese elite figures, trained support for reserve plans.How much is it now?

It is only a change in 70 years. In the background of similarity, will the result still the same, or is it completely different?Because the National Government chose the United States to start its rule in Taiwan, it will eventually cause its power to end because of choosing the United States?Except for the two -choice of choice questions, can't the Taiwan question choose other ways to answer?

The author is Beijing Freelance